an emotional mess!!!
Submitted by eworell on November 27, 2009 - 12:14am I got my pathology results and I have metastatic adenoid carcinoma. on the patholgy repot it says my Estrogen receptor, and Progesterone Receptor and HER2 is all negative. My PET scan came back with lemp in left breast and 6 out of 8 lympoh nodes had cancer. does anyone…
Jaavon, Are you feeling ok? It has been awhile since you have posted. I would like to hear from you. Hugs, Margo
We shaved my head the day before Thanksgiving - and I posted the pictures on my expressions page. As you can see from the picture I have up - I had lots of hair - short but a lot of it! It was amazing how it came out so fast! We did a mohawk, a baby louie top knot and then the full shave. My daughter thought it was…
Has anyone heard from Bill? Margo
Herceptin ??
I had my 2nd herceptin treatment last Tuesday and have very itchy skin on my neck and upper chest. It's not hives and not red unless I scratch it without thinking. Has this happened to anyone? I also had my first of 35 radiation treatments last Monday. I asked the rad techs and they said it's not from the radiation because…
Early, Early Roll Call: Thanksgiving day plans!!
Well, ladies, after today, I am on Thanksgiving vacation! We are staying home this year and not even cooking so it should be a nice, quiet Thanksgiving for us. On the big day, we have a table for 2 at this beautiful restaurant out in Virginia with waterfall views and a wonderful marble bar. They have a 3-course pre fixe…
New Femara Question
I have read all your comments about Femara(Femera) in the past, but the side effects are not quite as I expected. I have been on it for about 5 months. No side effects..no weight gain,no hot flashes, no mood changes etc. Then all of a sudden a few days ago my bones and joints started to give problems. They don't just hurt,…
Tumor markers
My tumor marker from 4 months ago was a 16. Last week, it jumped to a 19. My oncologist says it is still in an acceptable range. I am aware of that, but should I be concerned with such a large jump in the number?
Dear, dear chen......
I am most thankful for you in my life. We were both unlucky in the reason we had that made it possible to meet each other (breast cancer), but I always am truly grateful for your friendship. You are a kind person, with an marvelous inner strength and peace. I list you each night in my prayers, as what I am thankful for on…
How was your thanksgiving? It was a day of Gratitude for me!
Thanksgiving was wonderful and very different this year. This is the first time in our 36 years of marriage that my husband and I had Thanksgiving dinner at a restaurant. We were joined by 2 of our neighbors. It was such a relief not to have to prepare dinner. The food was very good, (not as good as home cooked) but good,…
anyone out there who has breast cancer metastized to the femur bones and pelvis
I was diagnosed with metastized breast cancer that was found in my upper thigh bones and into my pelvis area. A fracture to my pelvis is how the new cancer was found. I have not been dealing well with this diagnosis. I was a 6 year cancer survivor when all this erupted. I am still in shock, depressed and wonder daily how…
It was a happy Thanksgiving
I just wanted to share that I had a wonderful Thanksgiving. It was just Den, Denise, Kyle, his mom, his stepdad and the 2 grandchildren, but the dinner was delicious (my son in law can cook), the pies that Denise made were scumptcious and the company was wonderful. We laughed and played and watched Baby Jo dancing for us…
Anyone else have to make a decision based on Oncotype DX?
I just received my Oncotype DX score of 20, which puts me just about smack dab in the middle of the Intermediate range of scores, making my decision pretty difficult. I was hoping for either a high or low score (preferably low, of course!!) to help me make a decision about whether I want to undergo chemo. I know that you…
I posted this under a different heading, but here it goes again: WOW! There are so many new woman to this board, it is hard to reply to everyone. I have been here for awhile and I wanted to share my story. On July 7, 2008, I was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer, stage 4. I was scared just like you are right now. I…
Question regarding RADS and bras
Does anyone know why we are instructed NOT to wear underwire bras while completing radiation?
Thinking of You, Jeanne
Dear Jeanne, your thread is so long that I thought I'd start a new one. See how we all care so much hfor you? Wishing you a restful night and quick confirmation that NED is with you(and tailed cysts are not!). Oh, and plenty of "sometimes" food, as Stef's JJ calls it. Blue, turquoise, whatever color you like. (sorry, Tash)…
Reply from Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
Sent them an email and here is their response. Response (Kathryn Ramage) - 11/21/2009 09:16 AMThank you for your feedback on the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (Task Force) recommendation on screening for breast cancer for women not at increased risk of the disease. We appreciate the time and effort you have invested…
a joke
what do women hate most between their breast.........their belly button
Finished chemo
Just finished with my chemo treatments. How long should I expect to keep my port in? I meet with the the dr next week to find out where I go from here. Suggestions on questions I need to ask him? Thanks.
Monday Funny
SAYING GOODBYE TO MOTHER... We were dressed and ready to go out for the New Years Eve Party. We turned on a night light, turned the answering machine on, covered our pet parakeet, and put the cat in the backyard. We phoned the local cab company and requested a taxi. The taxi arrived and we opened the front door to leave…
post op update
I had my bilateral mastectomy on Friday, with all lymph nodes removed on the rt and a sentinel biopsy on the left.My pain level was awful, but tolerable with the meds. I am still taking pain meds. My awesome husband is emptying my 4 drains and putting my bacitracin on my stitches for me, which is so incredible to me! I…
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
I pray everyone of you have a great Thanksgiving.Lets enjoy our family and all the blessings in our life.And we have lots even though we are fighting the beast of Breast Cancer.Love and Prayers.(Pat)>
Pathology results came back -- clear lymph nodes but margins weren't clear, so have to have more sur
The doc called a few minutes ago. I had lumpectomy, sentinel node biopsy one week ago. Results are in, and the margins weren't clear on the lumpectomy, so I have to have another surgery, probably week after next. I am very frustrated, upset and sad right now. It's been one heck of a year for us. I just want things to start…
Happy Thanksgiving to you all
I want to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving. I know for some of you my words might ring hollow because you are just starting or in the midst of treatment, and perhaps not feeling so happy. But, there is a light at the end of that tunnel and you will get there. In the meantime, enjoy your family, friends and that big…
A friend got a text message and it read:
"If the indians had given the pilgrims a donkey for Thanksgiving we would all be having a piece of **** today".
Happy Thanksgiving
I'm so happy to be watching Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade with my hubby and doggy--who, I think is actually watching it LOL. Have had a few rough weeks, so I'm really celebrating the day since my side effects are in check this morning thanks to a late chemo yesterday: the good drugs are still controlling the yucky tummy…
Nudist colony
A man moves into a nudist colony. He receives a letter from his grandmother asking him to send her a current photo of himself in his new location. Too embarrassed to let her know that he lives in a nudist colony, he cuts a photo in half and mails it. The next day he discovers that he had accidentally sent the bottom half…
chemo fatigue
Hi, I will be starting chemo dec. 1 and i was wondering about the fatigue that I am supposed to get on ACT. How bad do you feel? can you get up out of bed and putter around the house? or do you just sleep all day? I want to be able to do something with my life while it is on hold for chemo. My boss put me on sick leave…
What a year its been!
Aside from being diagnosed with cancer, and going through all we have been through, what are some wonderful things that have happened? I have done things that I have dreamed of doing most of my life. Before being diagnosed, I went to Germany to visit my daughter. On that trip I went to Venice, where I have wanted to go all…