Great Joke Margo................

tasha_111 Member Posts: 2,072
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Here Goes.....

A lady boards a bus with her newborn daughter, pays the fare and is just about to find her seat when the bus driver says: "Man, What an UGLY Baby!" The lady is mortified and cannot believe what she heard.... She gets a seat opposite a nice grandfatherly elder gentleman... He notices her distress and says: "Ma'am?......You seem upset, is there any way I can help?"

The lady tells the concerned elderly man that the bus driver offended her with a comment ... He's horrified!, He tells her that the bus driver is a public servant and he has no right to be insulting passengers like this.... He suggested that she take his name and number and report him immediately........... She agrees......

He says:'''''''''''"You go get his number, I'll hold your pet monkey"
