Just Had Sonogram and Scheduled to Talk With Surgeon
I just had a diagnostic mammogram and a sonogram yesterday. The radiologist came in and told me that he was sorry but it looks like cancer. I know that they really don't know until they do a biopsy and the results come back, but what I would like to ask is what type of biopsy did anyone have. Also, has anyone decided not…
I hope all went well for you yesterday. I was thinking about you as I was laying waiting to be taken away for surgery. I am doing ok with the exception of the waiting anxiously for the path report expected Tues. I pray for clean margins so I can move on with treatment. Let me know how things went for you. Hugs, Terri
Nail pain
Before i started chemo i had very long healthy nails. I would spend alot of time at the nail salon. 1/2 way through my treatment i had to cut my nails down do to the pain of bumping them. Now they are dark and spmetimes painful. I'm now done with chemo, how long will it take for the pain to go away? any suggestions on nail…
swelling after lumpectomy
Has anyone experienced swelling and some redness in their breast after having a lumpectomy for DCIS? And if so do you know of anything that would help? I have tried everything but tying it up and throwing it over my shoulder. The dr said that it was lymphatic fluid gathering at the bottom of my breast due to the surgery. I…
Stage 4 and recent MRI scan not good.....
I have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer metastisized to my bone Stage 4 in Aug. 2009. My first diagnosis was in 2003 and had a double mastectomy, chem, rads, etc. I just went thru radiation and taxotere, herceptin and zometa. I still will continue with the herceptin and zometa for now. The oncologist stopped my taxotere a…
Second Surgery Scheduled
Good Evening, After much deliberation and a second opinion, I agreed to have a second surgery to remove more lymph nodes for testing. The 2nd onologist said if these are clear, he would not recommend chemo. During my lumpectomy, 3 nodes were removed. 2 of 3 had microscopic metatsis cells. My surgery is scheduled 1/21. I…
rads, is it a normal side effect to
My breat feels like a big, hard, hot ball. It's red, too. I've only had 4 zaps and 28 more to go. Ouch! My headlight looks more like a taillight. Sue
Hair Loss
Hi. I'm new. I just had my 1st chemo on Jan 7th. My oncologist told me in 2 weeks I would start losing my hair. Sure enough on Jan 21st (which also happened to be my birthday), my hair began to fall out. Within the past 4 days, I would say I have loss about 85% of my hair. I noticed yesterday and today that my scalp hurts.…
Facial hair
I've never had this problem before, but now that I'm on Tamoxifen and have no estrogen, hair (peach fuzz) is all over my face! I look like a wooly booly! If anyone has had this issue, how do you take care of it? Thanks!
No more periods?
I haven't had a period since August and I'm not complaining. Will I start again since I'm finished with chemo or is it history? I was very regular and pre-menopausal. I wonder how chemo affects the ovaries to make it stop like that.
Histologic Grade
Last February my wife was diagnosed with a "Poorly differentiated Invasive Ductal Carcinoma measuring 1.5 CM in largest dimension with a Nottingham Grade 3 (3+3+3=) At surgery the lump was removed and actually measured 3.25 at largest and 18 lymph nodes under her arm were removed with 14 positive We have an awesome…
Expander questions
I have a question for all of you ladies who have had expanders. My original mastectomies were in may 2009 and due to surgical complications, I had to have the right expander removed. I finished chemo in october and just had the right expander replaced on the 4th of january. My right breast area is pretty scarred. My left…
What does this mean?
In July I had lumpectomy and 32 lymph nodes removed. The dx is stage IV breast cancer with mets to bone. I and my family are keenly aware of what this means. We don't talk about it much. The oncologist I'm seeing decided to use Femara and Zometa, and save the "big guns" (chemo & rads) for later. So I healed quickly from…
dumping again...
I don't know what's wrong with me this week...but it's been a rough one...I feel so isolated.. tired... frustrated...and alone... I don't know why... nothing has changed... I am just all of a sudden really down... I can usually talk myself out of a funk, but for some reason I just can't seem to shake it. I tell myself that…
First dance with NED
Just got the phone call from my oncologist office. The results from my PET SCAN... woo hoo no evidence of disease. What a great feeling! Think I'll enjoy this dance. It's weird I can remember joining this board all those months ago and reading about other woman's dance and seemed like this day was so far away for me, but…
Life Insurance after dx
Does anyone know of an insurance company that offers life insurance to survivors? I was told by a very well know insurance company last week that they would not sell my life insurance till I was 15 years from dx. That is a crock!
start chemo on Mon
I got my chemo schedule today & I start on Monday. I am so ready to get the "show on the road", so this journey is soon a part of my past. Not this site...ya'll are all so amazing!!! Is anyone else starting chemo next week? I am going to have taxtore/cytoxan every 3 weeks for 4 treatments. I requested No Neulasta...she…
about finished with all treatment
I have about 3 weeks left with RADs then I'm finished with all treatments. I feel a little lost and scared. I'm 39 yrs. old I started chemo beginning in June for breast cancer. I guess I should just get on with my life, yet I think I'm more fearful now than ever.
I've got my arm back!!!!! Dancing!!!!
The cast came off today, I'm a bit sore, but started exercises to get the arm back...wow! in only a 10-day period, I lost strength!!! But, it's VERY cold here again... -3 celcius (26.6F) was the HIGH today!! There was snow on Saturday night. It sent this southern California gal scrambling for the longjohns!!!! I am also on…
8 weeks done with chemo and all my eyelashes are now falling out
Has anyone else had this happen...it's so discouraging, my hair is coming back in now my lashes fall out?
22 LYMPH NODES REMOVED - question about exercising
On October 14th, I opted to have a bilateral mastectomy and 22 lymph nodes were removed. I am glad to say that I am doing well and I am taking it up a notch with my exercise. However I am noticing that when I sweat, I don't sweat from the side that my lymph nodes were removed. Has anyone experience this before?
clueless after first chemo
Hello everyone, I had my first chemo on friday and would you believe it, my doctor didn't tell me anything. It worries me that he didn't think it was necessary. I was out today in a big crowd living it up (no hand sanitizer in sight). I am feeling nauseous and have a buzzing headache but other than that I felt fine. He…
scared and frustrated
I put off egg harvesting because I was told by my oncologist that I should not put off chemo for three weeks. I was in agreement in opting for cancer treatment over fertility treatment. I was told I was HER+ and my treatment was supposed to be Herceptin, Carboplatin, and taxotere. My insurance said my HER+ was borderline.…
Tomorrow Chemo #2 Carbo/Taxotere/Herceptin
Just wanted to say hello to everyone. Tomorrow I go for Chemo treatment # 2. I hope it goes as well as the first one did. They said my periods would stop. I started right on time Saturday. They said my hair would come out, so far it's grown. I guess it's just a matter of time. I have been doing really well so far. I hate…
Happy Birthday to me.
Hi everyone.I turned 53 today.I used to be all down about turning another year older.But not any more since Cancer.I thank God for another birthday.I am also happy getting away from 52 being the hardest year of my life,fighting Cancer.A better year to come I beleive.My mother died at 52 with Cancer.So when I turned 52 I…
Done with RADS
I have officially finished my 33 radiation treatments. I am so very happy. Between working, traveling every day to the treatments, and dealing with the radiation effects (fatigue, pain), there were times when I didn't want to finish. I was tired. RADS are easier than chemo to do by far but my chi-chi is charcoal broiled…
First round of chemo over...only 3 more...9 wks & counting
Ladies, thank you all so much for your support, concern, & wisdom. I made it through my first round without any hitches!!! Thank God!!! So far, the only thing I've experienced is pain in my upper right thigh(like a charley horse.) I came home & took a wonderful nap & have been organizing the house since I woke up(my answer…
So Life goes on
I finished my Chemo December 24th. I never missed a beat of work except while recovering from surgery. I'm working 50+ hours a week and I think of it as just a job. I see life differently but really don't know how to go on this new path post chemo, post cancer, in remission mode. I mean how can I make what happened to me…
Is It Just Me, Or, Has Anyone Else Missed Going To Radiation Treatments?
I just finished rads a few weeks ago and have started missing the routine of going and of seeing everyone there. Don't get me wrong, I didn't like the idea of getting radiation everyday, but, I really loved my techs and my radiation oncologist. I also met some very nice people in the waiting room that I still talk to and…
Last night my husband (who lost his job a week before my mastectomy and his mother 3 weeks before my cancer diagnosis) asked me when I'm going to be healed. I had my mast. & tram flap on 12/11, still not back at work. He is very depressed and told me that he needs me to start taking care of him - huh? He has not done a…