Big Mistake - Did I Get An E-mail From One of the Bad People?
Below is the e-mail I received today. "Beloved, I am is Judith Alexander, I am suffering from breast cancer. I have something important to discuss with you. REPLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Regards, Mrs. Judith Alexander." Is she one of "those bad people"? I made a mistake. Before I read the posting WARNING, unfortunately on…
Sedation for diagnosis procedures
I have been diagnosied with breast cancer and had a lumpectomy and will have 6 weeks rad. My question is- Why don't they tell us about the pain related to the diagnostic procedures? The "needle" biopsy was not a needle- It was a drill bit into the breast. It was no needele, it was the diameter of a straw. Pure torture.…
home from hospital
Sorry I haven't posted. I am doing fine! Had my lumpectomy Thursday and only 15 nodes were affected! Just dealing with this drain. Not very much pain just really sore arm, and can't wait till all this tape is gone and I can shower! Sleeping is a hassle, laying flat isn't working. Any suggestions?
ugh.... I am so fustrated. Has anyone else found this to be true????? When your diagnosed, everyone is around wanting to help. as you go through treatment the crowd gets smaller and smaller and once your done!!!!!!!! everyone things your back to normal 100% and expect you to take on all the duties you had before diagnosis.…
Newbies - introduce yourselves
Hi! A few new people have posted responses to topics. Can you all introduce yourselves in this post so that we can all welcome you properly? (Someone did this for me when i first joined and it really helped me to feel included!) Also, the more I post, the more "clear-headed" I feel. It really does help if nothing else than…
Who or What is NED?
At first I thought NED was a man but NED has been referred to more than once by more than one person on this site. So....who or what is NED? I can't figure it out and I am too curious to let it go. Janelle - also known as the "Why Girl" because I ask many questions.
so cal ladies......anyone needing a little extra help?
over dinner i was thanking my son for just "stepping up" & being so helpful the past couple months....and how blessed i am to have him. We were talking about volunteer groups etc. He reminded me that all LA unified students are required to complete a certain number of community service hours & that can be ANYTHING as long…
New Hair
Hi sisters, I read a post a few days ago here and a few here said your hair may turn a different color then intended if you try to color it soon. I finished regular chemo about 7 months ago and just had my last Herceptin treatment.. wondering if it's still to soon?? Also wondering how O'Hilly's hair ever turned Out???…
all you ladies rock! thank you!!
after a long nights sleep cuddled underneath all the pets, i woke up feeling a little better, immediately got my coffee & logged in...... THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!! i feel so much better after reading all your responses to my (whiny)post yesterday! Sandy, you are a true gem! Reaffirmation that im not alone was all i needed…
Need to get out of "my head"
Anyone else experience this? I'm about 4 days out of my 2nd chemo, feeling lousy all over, and all I can think about is my current condition. I try to read, watch funny movies, take a walk, but I can't get out from under. And the lousy dreams...tidal waves, crashing chandeliers, dying animals. I know I don't NEED to…
Thinking about going on short term disability - need input
Hi All - I was diagnosed her 2 new pos on Sept 15th - I started on trial with kaiser in october - did adriamycin and cytoxan for 4 cycles with minimal sickness - started paclitaxel and lapatinib one month ago (have 4 cycles to go) - the first cycle I got sick on the 2nd dose and on my week off I ended up in the hospital…
? 4 Rad Girls
Was wondering... should women who have had radiation not wear underwire bras after treatment? If any of you Ladies in Pink should know the scoop, do tell! Thank you, in advance, for your input. BL
Can't get going
Is it normal to be so fatigued a whole month after the END of radiation treatments? I had a chest wall reexcision (had a recurrence occuring in a reconstructed breast) and had the other breast removed. I needed skin grafts to close the wound. Two months later, I started the round of 37 rad treatments: would do the front,…
Feeling scared again!
Wow! Just when I think I'm getting better at accepting this fight, here I am again crying! Hate these feelings. Just had my second chemo Wednesday. I'm half-way there now. Doing okay, no nausea, etc. But when I look at my breast and feel it (had a lumpectomy in Nov.2009) my entire breast is hard, and the nipple is still…
Boyfriend with Breast Cancer
Hi..I'm Cathy and my boyfriend was diagnosed with breast cancer. He had a mascetomy of the left breast and 13 nodes removed, the sentinel being the only was affected, other 12 clear. He starts his chemo of taxatere, carboplatin and herceptin in two weeks. Any men out there who have breast cancer who want to share or talk I…
All clear! Bone and brain. Could have told them the brain was clear. Nothing up there for cancer to live on! lol
!st shower
Had my surgery on Tuesday of this week. Had mastcetomy with flap reconstruction. I have drains and I am doing very well. I spent two night in the hospital. I am still a little groggy from the meds, but am so blessed to not have to take the pain meds at home. I am taking Advil and one fro pain at night. I took a shower by…
Bone biopsy
I just completed a PET/CT scan and bone scan, each radiologist report said the cancer had spread to my rib bones. Then I went to the oncologist on Friday and he said maybe the scans are not accurate - and told me to schedule a bone biopsy. I'm sort of hopeful but mostly confused. I know I just need to wait for the biopsy…
How to be a gracious ****...
HOW TO BE A GRACIOUS **** Jennifer's wedding day was fast approaching. Nothing could dampen her excitement -- not even her parent's nasty divorce. Her mother had found the PERFECT dress to wear and would be the best-dressed mother-of-the-bride ever! A week later, Jennifer was horrified to learn that her father's new young…
Having problems getting into chat!
Ok....guess I must be addicted to chat or something. I have been trying for the last hour to get in and there is no way its going to let me. So, just want to say hey to all and let ya know I will be gone until next Friday. Heading south....not too far however, we are not talking palm trees, there are still pines there,…
hair growth
I heard a woman talking about a topical cream (or something) she applied to her head before and during hair growth. She said it made her hair come in so full and rather quickly. She could not remember the name of it. Has anyone heard of anything or recommend any type of application to encourage hair growth? How long after…
Bi-lateral Mastectomy 1/12/10 .. Recovering nicely -- Update on VSam
Hello to all my sister in PINK :-))) I finished my aggressive chemo on 12/15 .. several days later, off on a vacation (surprised by my husband). Arrived back home from vacation, and started to work out the details of my bi-lateral surgery -- Plastic surgeon -- 9 months booked out. Surprise .. surprise ... Bi-lateral…
Newbies--things you should not put on a thread and other TIPS
Newbies, Things you should not put on a thread is any personal information like email addresses, home addresses. Tips: 1. you can always PM(private message) someone by going to CSN home and in the middle column there is email--make sure you know the screen name of the person you want to PM. 2. in a thread and there are new…
My doctor said that we will discuss Tamoxifen. I had negative nodes and clear margins with a bilateral mastectomy (very small area (0.5cm) of invasive cells; otherwise, all DCIS). I am concerned about the risks of tamoxifen, particularly that of uterine cancer. I have none of the risk factors for breast cancer but I got…
18 months ago I had a bilateral mastectomy. My underarm on the right side has always retained fluid. But now, it seems to have increased greatly!! Any ideas about why it would flucuate so much? It is also a bit uncomfortable. Thanks, just starting to worry.
Simulation for Rads
lol...how funny was that! My chest looks like a road map. With all the technology we have, this is how they mark u for radiation? Good grief...
I went for my CT scan before starting Rads yesterday. The dr mentioned tatoos to mark me for radiation. Has anyone done this? Does it hurt? How large are the dots?
Stage IV Breast Cancer
HI I am a 3 time cancer survivor.. I am stage IV..My last bout with cancer was in 2007 when it spread to my left lung...In the last few months. Ihave been having pain in my neck.. shoulders.. upper back. Each time I had scan..it was negative...I just had my yearly checkup.. with PET SCAN and it showed two HOT SPOTS on my…
Ear infection??
Hi, had my fist chemo last Friday. Had a big time headache and nausea all through thursday. I thought I was over the hill but my ear hurts like an ear infection, could that be? And not to sound gross.. I also think I have a urinary infection... Are these common side effects? Sure hope I can reach my doc tomorrow. Ayse
Mammo saved my breast & my kidney!
Breast and Kidney cancer at the same time!!! I went in for a routine mammo and they discovered a few small calcifications (cell level- stage 3 cancer) They then recommended a CT of the chest. I told them I was having some colon discomfort, so they ordered a CT of the chest and the abdomen. The colon came out fine- just too…