How Do You Keep Track of Who You Responded To on This Site
I am new to this site. I am an extremely detailed person but I am having difficulty in remembering whose discussion board I read and responded to and I have been a member for only one week. So....how do you keep track of where you have been on the discussion boards and who you have responded to?
low white blood cell count 3mos after chemo finished
I'm a little concern I finished my chemo November 2 I'm half way through my RAD therapy and instead of my wbc coming back up it keeps dropping my red blood cells have recovered and are in a normal range now. Should I be concern that my bone marrow won't recover? Should I really be concern about infection.
anyone know about cervical cancer?My neice found out today she has it.
I didn,t find a thread on here on this subject.being I am familar on this sight I thought I would try here.The Dr. called today and said her pap showed 2 cancer cells with Cancer.She is only 29yrs. old and of course very scared.I thought maybe some of you know someone that has gone through this.I imagine they will want to…
Got treatment plan----arm feels like an open wound
Surgeon removed stitches and drain yesterday. My arm feels raw after node removal and dissection 1/21/10. Oncologist recommends 6 doses of chemo every 21 days. I was hoping that I could by pass chemo since 10 out of 12 nodes were cancer free. Oh well...I know that it has only been a week since surgery, but the 1st surgery…
Shouldn't I be able to do this my way?
Okay, I am still having trouble committing to chemo. I'm not usually this indecisive but then these aren't normal circumstances. Knowing that getting a port would most likely cost me my $1,000 deductible immediately and knowing that I'm afraid I won't be able to tolerate chemo, I asked my oncologist if I could get the…
How do you work?
Okay, just came from the surgeon and that makes two that said if it isn't cancer it would be a miracle. I go for my biopsy tomorrow and will find out on Tuesday the news. (Also I'll be praying hard for that miracle for me and all you on this forum.) (Let me interject here that I don't want to call this cancer anymore…
I'm new
I'm not even sure what to post, but I know I need some support from people who know what I'm going through. I am 42, and was diagnosed Dec 3rd, 2009. Stage 1, and had a double mastectomy (prophylactic on the right) on Dec 11. Chemo starts Feb 3rd. I am a high anxiety person, and have been doing ok, but this week I have a…
Of course, as we all move through this journey with breast cancer, we do our best to keep a positive attitude and stay upbeat. That's the way it should be and we get so much support on this site, it makes the hard days a lot easier!! But, I'm writing because 3 weeks after my 1st chemo, when I was feeling good...like I…
Need input, arm alittle swollen
So, I had my 5th rads today and told the techs that my hand was a little 'puffy', my arm, too, but really only slightly. No one available to help me until tomorrow. So, of course, I turn to you. My surgery, lumpectomy & 2 nodes (only 1 pos), was 12/7. Had a very tight tendon - like a cord - underarm, which is better now.…
Anyone allergic to Emend?
I just had my 2nd chemo treatment today and had an allergic reaction to the Emend they were giving to me. I took Emend via IV during my 1st chemo treatment with no problems then took the Emend pills on day 2 and 3 as prescribed, again with no problems. My allergic reaction today really frightened me. My 1st treatment went…
Chemo! OMG!!!
Hi. I started my chemo cocktail 'TAC' this past Monday and OMG! I am feeling every side effect except for the Big "C" and Big "D". I was okay during the infusion, but with the last infusion which I believe was Zofran, I got a bad headache before I even left the center. Then, once I got home the nausea kicked in and I am…
Husband and Myself Have Cancer
This past summer my husband and myself were diagnosed with cancer. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in July. I had a mastectomy and 10 lymph nodes removed. The tumor was almost 7 cm and 7 nodes were cancerous. I am stage 3a. Two months after my surgery, my husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He has GBM4. For a few…
Newly diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer
I have just had a mastectomy 2 weeks ago, where the surgeon removed a 7.3 cm tumor from my left breast and found 11 of 22 lymph nodes to be malignant. He has told me that I have stage 3 cancer and although I am generally a positive person, this has left me very scared. Is there anyone out there with a similar diagnosis…
I start chemo tomorrow.
I want to thank you all for bearing with me while I decided what to do. I will receive my first dose through a central line which my oncologist promised will be removed the same day and if I survive the first dose, I will get a port before the second dose is due. I'm not nearly as brave as the rest of you, but you have…
Bone Mets
I have bone mets, no other metasteses sites.. I've already had chemo once (and radiation). Does anyone know whether I can/should have chemo again, perhaps a different mix of chems? I will be going to the oncologist Friday, but am anxious and want answers NOW. Thanks for letting me vent a little anxiety.
vertigo after rads today
Ugh! 7th rads, it was a little longer today and I've had vertigo since I got off the table. I am so nauseous. After I had my gallbaldder removed 2 yrs ago, I was hospitalized 2 days later with a vertigo and I have it occaisionally. I guess it's positional. Does anyone else have this? Any suggestions? I was wondering if I…
how does Dr. find out what your tumor markers number are? I know so little.....
I know so little about my cancer even though I am at Stage 4. Maybe a bad oncologist? I don't know. I read here many times about tumor markers, ER/PR negative or positive. Do they get these numbers through blood work? Thanks, Peggy
I tryed coloring my whole two inches of hair.Help.
I seen on these boards and knew to be careful what I used on my hair.no harsh chemicals and such.I went to a beauty supply store and bought some.I got the one that did not have peroxide or amonia in it.I dyed it the first time and it did not do anything.Still had gray very gray hair.So I tryed again and to my surprise it…
Calling for am MRI
They want me to have a MRI because of my leg pains that won't go away. I hate that machine, I would rather have surgery. I am already having an attack over this. I have only had one once for my shoulder and I said I would Never do that again. Help, how do I get through this.
34-year old newly diagnosed - don't know how to go on
I am 34-years old and newly diagnosed with stage IIa breast cancer (no nodes involved). As is the case for many young breast cancer patients, I am not ER positive. I am falling apart and keep thinking that the being ER negative is going to kill me. I had a lumpectomy with clean margins, and I start chemo on Friday -- I'm…
I finished 31 days of radiation on January 18. Reconstruction completed summer 2008. Right breast had recurrence - cancer on scar October 2009. Some where after the 3rd week of radiation both reconstructed breasts feel exactly the same. They feel "heavy". Maybe "heavy" from water retention: however, I am taking a water…
Can Someone Please Explain PREVIEW
I am new - one week. Last week I read the discussion board of a new person to cancer who was so fearful and lost. My heart went out to her. I spent at least 30 minutes formatting my response to her. Instead of hitting the SUBMIT button, I hit the PREVIEW button because I thought I could preview what I wrote before I posted…
new to all this
i'm not really sure what to post...in the last 2 weeks i have had a mammogram, ultrasound, ultrasound core guided biopsy (results were positive)and yesterday an MRI and met with the radiation/oncologist. I have an appointment this afternoon with my surgeon to discuss MRI results and the surgery. The worst thing is I found…
Braca 2 test/family genes
I just got my gene test back yesterday and I have the gene, I will complete my chemo in 10 weeks and had not decided if I was doing a lumpectomy or a mastectomy, I have been doing chemo to shrink three tumors, I am now thinking that I will have a mastectomy because I don't want to take a chance of getting breast cancer…
Newly diagnosed - have some questions
Hi, I was diagnosed with a biopsy 2 weeks ago. The tumor is 2.4 cm, grade 3, ER+ PR+ and Her 2 negative. I have met with my surgeon and decided to have a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction. There have been many family members with breast cancer so genetic testing will be happening. I don't know for sure yet but I was…
Second chemo down and gained 6 pounds since yesterday?
Yesterday I had my second Chemo treatment. Carbo, Taxotere and Herc. Weighed 154. Went in today for my neulasta shot and had gained 6 lbs? Is that normal? Everything else went great. I am at work today, drinking a ton of water. Hoping I can finish the week out and rest on the weekend. Trying not to miss much work. 2 down…
Good pathology report
I just got a call from the surgeon's office with the results of my re excision pathology report. What a relief! The new margins taken are clear also. I can now move on to the next step. I see the onc dr and the radiologist next Tues to set up my treatment plan of radiation and Arimidex. I just want to get on with…
waiting for call today
I had my excisional biopsy last Friday..and at home waiting for results call today. That's what my BS said..probably today. I have taken this week off to recover and I was hoping to get caught up on my school work. But I am having such a hard time concentrating especially today. I sit down to do my work and I end up on…
Bone scan tomorrow
Well here we go. Bone scan to be done at 2:00pm. Inject at 11:00am. Not scared! Not worried! Little concerned of course. lol Been having some bone pain here and there, so being the good Drs and nurses they are,recommending the scan. Was suppose to get it around March. I will be really pissed (sorry) if something shows.…
Army of Women
I replied to a post regarding being finished with treatments but didn't want this information to get lost, or not get out to the majority of you, so I'm cutting some of my reply from that post and pasting it here. Several months ago I joined an organization called Army of Women. It is a partnership between the Dr. Susan…