Anyone allergic to Emend?

changmi Member Posts: 8
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I just had my 2nd chemo treatment today and had an allergic reaction to the Emend they were giving to me. I took Emend via IV during my 1st chemo treatment with no problems then took the Emend pills on day 2 and 3 as prescribed, again with no problems. My allergic reaction today really frightened me. My 1st treatment went as well as could be expected, I had no real issues with nausea. I did get sick 5 days after my 1st treatment, but I attribute that more to not eating much and taking meds on a relatively empty stomach. I'm concerned that I will experience nausea since I won't be taking Emend, since Emend is to prevent nausea. I also have Zofran and my oncologist told me to take 3 times a day for the next 2 days since I won't be using Emend. I only took Zofran last time as needed, which was very minimal. Has anyone else had this reaction to Emend and how did you do without taking Emend? I'm really scared.


  • mickeymom
    mickeymom Member Posts: 117
    There are other choices
    Keep talking to your oncologist because there are a lot of other choices of anti-nausea medications. I got pretty sick after my first chemo so the doctor prescribed Emend. I don't know if it was the steroids that go with it or that maybe I was allergic (I never thought about that and they didn't mention it) but I was a total wreck after I took it. My oncologist stopped it immediately.

    My third treatment I got an anti-nausea drug called Aloxi by IV before chemo and then and we worked with Zofran and Ativan (it's for anxiety but it does wonders for nausea) and Compazine. She recommended that I take them starting right after I finished chemo whether I was nauseous or not. (I took them before I left the clinic.) Then I took them for 2-3 days as presecribed after each treatment and I never had a another problem. Depending on the type of chemo it can be even easier. I had 4 treatements of A/C and 4 of Taxol and things went much easier with the Taxol. After the first treatment I felt so much better so much faster that I stopped taking the anti-nausea meds completely. The Aloxi they gave me at the time of the treatment seemed to be enough.

    Make sure you stay really hydrated the day before, the day of and for several days after chemo too. It helps! I hope the rest of your treatments go okay. Keep posting. There are probably lots of other suggestions from other people too. Hang in there!