Newly diagnosed with Stage 3 Breast Cancer

Kathy M
Kathy M Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
I have just had a mastectomy 2 weeks ago, where the surgeon removed a 7.3 cm tumor from my left breast and found 11 of 22 lymph nodes to be malignant. He has told me that I have stage 3 cancer and although I am generally a positive person, this has left me very scared. Is there anyone out there with a similar diagnosis that I can talk to? The wonderful people I have met so far have all had early detection in their favor, and had Stages 1 and 2 diagnoses. I am grateful for their support but would love to find others whose stories were similar to mine to connect with.

Most grateful for your help.....



  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I was diagnosed in 2003 with
    I was diagnosed in 2003 with stage 3a cancer. I had 4 cycles of A/C before surgery to shrink the tumor. I had a 6cm and 3cm and another smaller one. 2 nodes were involved out of 15 even with the chemo so I had to have 4 more cycles of Taxotere. Then 6 weeks of radiation. I was on Tamoxifen for 9 months and then Aromasin for 2 1/2 years. I was scared too when diagnosed. Hang in there. Hugs.
  • outdoorgirl
    outdoorgirl Member Posts: 1,565
    Can't help
    you,Kathy,but I wanted to welcome you anyways though I'm sorry that you have to be here.
  • shortscake
    shortscake Member Posts: 228
    stage 3
    Hello and how are you? i have stage 3bc no surgery yet on my 2nd set of chemo have to 3sets a total of 18treatments then surgery also rad.right now i am just enjoying life one day at a time sometimes its hard to be positive but you can do it, just don't let what people say get to you, this is a battle but it can be won. girl power
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598

    stage 3
    Hello and how are you? i have stage 3bc no surgery yet on my 2nd set of chemo have to 3sets a total of 18treatments then surgery also rad.right now i am just enjoying life one day at a time sometimes its hard to be positive but you can do it, just don't let what people say get to you, this is a battle but it can be won. girl power

    Wanted to welcome you and to
    Wanted to welcome you and to say hi! You have found a great support group here!

  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member

    Welcome and I am sorry about your diagnosis. I had a similar diagnosis. Before surgery it looked like it might well be a stage 2 diagnosis however after surgery (a mastectomy on 1/5) it turned out the tumour was bigger than originally thought and I had a 1.2cm in one of my lymph nodes ( 4 out of 10 were positive). I admit if my mom were not in the room with me when the doctor explained the path. report I would have cried (for the first time really). I was a little bummed out. I thought that if I were stage 2 then I would be 'safe'.

    I must admit I have found great consolation on this discussion board, there are many women in a similar situation as us and many in much worse situations that seem to be putting one foot in front of the other to keep going. It is amazing.

    I really understand your response to your diagnosis and feeling very scared. I felt very much the same way. And for a while felt that the great job the plastic surgeon did with reconstruction was simply a waste of time. However I didn't wallow in that for too long as I really do want to heal and continue living so I want to give it my best shot.

    take care
  • Christmas Girl
    Christmas Girl Member Posts: 3,682 Member
    Warm welcome, Kathy
    Of course you're scared - it's a frightening disease. But, it's also one that can be treated.

    I had 7 of 15 lymph nodes test positive for cancer - almost half, like you. Am now a 6+ year survivor.

    You've already undergone sugery - a very big step along the way. Whatever additional treatment plans are in your future, we'll be here to support and encourage you.

    Kind regards, Susan
  • Kat11
    Kat11 Member Posts: 1,931 Member

    Warm welcome, Kathy
    Of course you're scared - it's a frightening disease. But, it's also one that can be treated.

    I had 7 of 15 lymph nodes test positive for cancer - almost half, like you. Am now a 6+ year survivor.

    You've already undergone sugery - a very big step along the way. Whatever additional treatment plans are in your future, we'll be here to support and encourage you.

    Kind regards, Susan

    Stage 3
    Surgery in June, 2/22 nodes pos her2pos, Chemo 4 rounds Ac 12 rounds Taxol with Herceptin, currently in Rads and continuing Herceptin. It does not matter so much what stage you are, we are all in the same boat. We are here to help you get through no matter what. Hugs
  • canoegirl
    canoegirl Member Posts: 169
    Hi Kathy
    Hi Kathy,
    I'm not totally sure what I am....I was told Stage II/early III. Only 2/22 nodes positive, but one was encapsulated, so RADs hasn't been totally ruled out yet. Had my surgery on 1/14. Got the drains out today! ER/PR and HER2 positive. Meet with the oncolgist in late Feb. Not looking forward to chemo, but I'm prepared to do whatever they tell me in order to "beat" this. (I'm not always the most cooperative patient when it comes to taking drugs). I think I'm doing better emotionally now that the surgery is over with. My surgery kept getting delayed at my first hospital, so I decided to get a second opinion at a cancer center and since they were willing to do surgery on the 14th I went with them. Had my mamo on 11/3/09 and it was looking like surgery was going to be sometime in Feb at the first hospital. The stress was killing me.

    You'll find lots of wonderful, helpful, supportive women (and some men) on this site.
  • jbug
    jbug Member Posts: 285
    Just want to add my warm
    Just want to add my warm welcome to the site. You will find lots of women (unfortunately and fortunately!) that can share their similar life stories. The site is open 24/7.

    God Bless....
  • Moopy23
    Moopy23 Member Posts: 1,751 Member
    Several Stage 3s Here
    Hi, Kathi, another thread was started not so long ago, and several more people responded. You will find you are not alone at stage 3 or with lymph node involvement. I had a mastectomy, 6 rounds of chemo, and 33 or so radiation treatments. I was staged 3A, 6/15 positive nodes a year ago last November.

    I did write a longer passage in response to the earlier post and hope that thread will also be helpful to you. I agree it is hard not to feel more frightened with a later staged diagnosis. But, as someone wrote, we really are all in the same boat. And that means we're all rowing hard, for ourselves and for each other.

    My best to you.
  • Katz77
    Katz77 Member Posts: 598
    Similar story
    It is scary, no doubt. June of 09, was diagnosised w (here goes)Stage 3c, HER and PR positive, BRCA neg (thank God)18/20 lymph nodes positive. All treatments done. Had a bone scan done yesterday. I think it will be ok. Will let you know. I just try to take one day at a time. Sounds corny, but that's the way I do it. I do wish I wouldn't think of it everyday, the cancer. Sometimes the brain will just go blank. Staying positive is my motto, but sometimes it just wears me out. Stay positive and stay on this site. It does help to throw out qtins and concerns. Lots of good advice. It will be ok, it just sucks. Thinking of you, Gayla
  • susie09
    susie09 Member Posts: 2,930
    canoegirl said:

    Hi Kathy
    Hi Kathy,
    I'm not totally sure what I am....I was told Stage II/early III. Only 2/22 nodes positive, but one was encapsulated, so RADs hasn't been totally ruled out yet. Had my surgery on 1/14. Got the drains out today! ER/PR and HER2 positive. Meet with the oncolgist in late Feb. Not looking forward to chemo, but I'm prepared to do whatever they tell me in order to "beat" this. (I'm not always the most cooperative patient when it comes to taking drugs). I think I'm doing better emotionally now that the surgery is over with. My surgery kept getting delayed at my first hospital, so I decided to get a second opinion at a cancer center and since they were willing to do surgery on the 14th I went with them. Had my mamo on 11/3/09 and it was looking like surgery was going to be sometime in Feb at the first hospital. The stress was killing me.

    You'll find lots of wonderful, helpful, supportive women (and some men) on this site.

    Wanting to say hi and
    Wanting to say hi and welcome to you Kathy! Wishing you the best of luck!

    ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294
    jbug said:

    Just want to add my warm
    Just want to add my warm welcome to the site. You will find lots of women (unfortunately and fortunately!) that can share their similar life stories. The site is open 24/7.

    God Bless....

    I have had similar diagnosis in july 2008, including 10 positive nodes. I am doing ok now. You can write me a private message or e-mail. I also can call you if you like.
    New Flower
  • rjjj
    rjjj Member Posts: 1,822 Member
    Katz77 said:

    Similar story
    It is scary, no doubt. June of 09, was diagnosised w (here goes)Stage 3c, HER and PR positive, BRCA neg (thank God)18/20 lymph nodes positive. All treatments done. Had a bone scan done yesterday. I think it will be ok. Will let you know. I just try to take one day at a time. Sounds corny, but that's the way I do it. I do wish I wouldn't think of it everyday, the cancer. Sometimes the brain will just go blank. Staying positive is my motto, but sometimes it just wears me out. Stay positive and stay on this site. It does help to throw out qtins and concerns. Lots of good advice. It will be ok, it just sucks. Thinking of you, Gayla

    I am glad you found us here but so sorry for the reason. You will find much support from our dear sisters here.
    I was diagnosed stage 3a Her pos. but hormone neg. 6 pos. lymph nodes out of 26 taken. It is very scary and no picnic for sure but it is doable, and you can make it through! It has been a year now and I just finished the Herceptin and got my port taken out. So far so good. Come here when you need to vent, or have questions...all of your amazingsisters in pink will be here to help...I know i recieved so much comfort and support, made many friends /sisters and even had quite a few good laughs!! Keep your chin will get better.
    Hugs, jackie