Tired of waiting
I am doing the pre-op on 6/29 and surgery scheduled for 7/8. Everything is ready to go. I am mentally prepared and the doctors have given me nothing to do but think. I think about the bad and I think about the good and then the bad creeps back in and I try to remember to good. Could we please get this going, I am mentally…
Is my Dr. crazy to not order follow up PET/CT scans?
I am 33, and was diagnosed with IDC last October. Surgery (mastectomy) in November revealed it had spread to 6 of 16 lymph nodes, so between that info and size of tumor I was categorized as Stage III. Had 4 months of chemo, followed by 8 weeks radiation, and now am on tamoxifen for at least 5 years. My question is: My…
Breast Cancer Specialist
can anyone recommend a breast cancer specialist in the Merrillville, Indiana area?
Need to vent another recurrence
I need to vent my cancer have come back in my left hip. I was just diagnosis in April that I have bone met in my back and spot in my strenum. Today I had a bone scan to see if it went any where else. I am starting to get more depress because as soon as I think I am able to deal with one thing something else happen. Right…
Surgical tape glue
Anyone have suggestions on how to get rid of the glue left behind from the bandaging? It was on for 3 days after surgery, and its everywhere....armpits are the worst for her. We have tried rubbing alcohol in some areas, soap, lotions, scrubbing best we can without hurting her....duct tape wouldnt leave this kind of mess…
Cancer or not, post-lumpectomy?
My son, 24, tells me that I DO NOT HAVE cancer because I had a lumpectomy. The chemo, starting tomorrow, is preventative in the the event a tiny tidbit of a cell escaped. Now, his dad, who is fighting Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, has cancer. Me, no cancer. I yelled at him yesterday for minimalizing me, like IDC is no big…
I am proud to call you sisters!
I've been reading posts and responses, and I will probably never feel such pride again in my life! Back 4 years ago, during my battle, it was practically unheard of to go out 'naked'. You strong ladies have changed that, and seek to educate the 'other people' about tollerance and kindness for a pink warrior! And, the…
So after all your surgery......
Did you have a difficult time with things like brushing your own teeth, taking care of business in the bathroom? Stuff like this? I ask becasue I want to be ready for everything, the good and the bad. Thanks again, Love Ronda
the best medicine :)
My youngest daughter spontaneously booked a flight home for this morning!! There is no better medicine than laughing, talking, planning and just relaxing with her! I am so thankful that she is here, because BC gets put on the back burner, and life happens. I appreciate our time together more than ever. Just wanted to share…
Another Update and Another Setback, Kinda!
My hands are clearing up slowly from the skin infection as a side effect of the Taxotere. After seeing the onc this past Tues. it was decided to keep me on Taxotere/Cytoxan but my dose has been reduced again and I'll have 2 chemo treatments on a weekly schedule and then off one week, in hopes that the skin infection…
Infection during surgery and severe allergic reaction to Taxotere
This is my first post. I had a mastectomy of my right breast and axillary dissection in April. A week later I was back in the hospital with an Aeromonas Species water born infection. This has been cleared up with antibiotics. My first chemo was June 1. I was given Cytoxan and then started on Taxotere. About 10 mins into…
Just My Thoughts
Tears On My Pillow We come here as newbies, seekers Seeking knowledge and wisdom Seeking compassion and understanding We are greeted at Hogwarts and encouraged to begin our climb up the Survivor's Tree When our minds and bodies are to week to make it even one more step We are carried by the warriors that have fought the…
Live-in Boyfriend breaking up with me and leaving me a week before my double mastectomy!!
Has anyone out there gone through anything similar, with a boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse leaving them during their cancer diagnosis or treatment? I am very depressed and do not know how i am going to make it to the end of the day let alone my surgery next week and chemo thereafter. I am young (31) and just need to talk to…
"Troll" invasion?
Troll or not? There have recently been some very negative posts directed at individuals in different threads . I go to several horse forums and we often get trolls there - would hope tht it doesn't happen here but after - all this is the internet.
the spinal tap a/k/a lumbar puncture is PAINFUL dont let anyone tell you different!!!
Last Chemo was yesterday!
I had my last chemo yesterday! WhooHoo! Was told to wait 4 more weeks before having a drink....is that really necessary? Actually had a couple of drinks last Sat for DH's 50th birthday. Makes me feel like a teen, sneaking a drink! Expect to be in pain this weekend, and then hoping to start feeling better. Still have to…
hey JoJo
what part of iowa are you in?
What to eat
I've heard that eating light is the key to avoiding nausea. any suggestions on what to eat before, during and after chemo? My first round is on Friday (TAC). The nurse suggested I eat a light breakfast, and bring something to snack on. Maybe this is a stupid question, but what is a good snack for chemo?
Have any of you ladies heard about this form of treatment?
I have heard about this and read about this when I had my breast cancer last Summer. My Oncology surgeon has been working on a breast cancer vaccine, and I will look for his article, but here is one from the Mayo Clinic http://www.mayoclinic.org/radiofrequency-ablation Basically it goes in and kills the tumor.
Cancer and money
Finally scheduled for first chemo next Monday afternoon. Nurse is calling in an RX for Emend. I need 3 pills! Cost? Somewhere over $400, she says. She said I had chemo once a week for 4 weeks with two meds: Adria and Cytoxin. Plus, more RXs for other symptoms post chemo. Then, 4 more weeks with something else, another…
When I logged on today, 4 or 5 of my Kindred Ones requested me as a Friend...which of course I want to be! I didn't know that if I went to my PMs first ( which I did), it would erase the friends requests (which it did). So, if you asked me to be your friend, and I didn't respond, please ask me again! Hugs, Chen♥
I'm 63 years old and was diagnosed 10 years ago (Nov 1999). During treatments I seemed to have no thoughts one way or another about what was happening to me. In an effort to have things be "normal" I went back to work (reduced hours) 1 month after my first Chemo session. 6 1/2 months later when chemo and rad was complete I…
need help with eyebrows & eyelashes
One eye has no long eye lashes just very short kinda painful new ones and one eye still has a patch of long ones.... and my eyebrows are so uneven just patches of hair like i was drunk or something while tryin to pluck them!! Is this a normal thing and do they hurt loosing them and getting them back? What other surprises…
Finally - let's get to the filling - how many cc's?
Well it's been 8 weeks. Had bilateral with tissue expanders. One week later had dead skin and had to have another surgery. 6 weeks later still had one spot on the bc breast that just would not heal so had yet another surgery. On Monday I finally go for my first fill. I have read that some people take muscle relaxers -- do…
Taking a break
I have been feeling really stuck and sort of depressed. December through April I had multiple surgeries for treatment and prevention of bc and prevention of ovarian cancer. I am soooo fortunate that I need no further treatment, just every 6 month monitoring. Physically I have been feeling stronger every day. Mentally, I…
Happy Saturday Everyone, Okay What Is This?
OncotypeDX test, Who has it done, and when? And What does it tell you? Still gathering up all my knowledge, Thanks for your help! Love Ronda
woo hoo! 25% DONE!
So I had my port installed yesterday morning and had my first AC chemo in the afternoon! There were some delays in the morning (not due to me) that pushed my procedure out a couple of hours, then that roller-coasted with onc and chemo appointments. All told I was in the hospital for 13 hrs,and 37 min. All went well for me…
Dancing with NED.Thank you Jesus.
Hey girls move over please and shaRE THAT DANCE WITH ME PLEASE.Got my Mamo results back and it was clear.I am so happy happy happy.You ladys that aren,t their yet hang in their.Thank you for every thought and Prayers.Love and prayers. Pat. I don,t know if I could have done it without you.
I wanted to share this with all of you
My daughter showed me this website. This is a friend of hers and I thought these were so beautiful and the message of love so heartfelt. I hope all of you have a chance to go see what she has created for someone she loved and lost to cancer. When you go to the site go to Hearts. If you want to have each new one sent each…
2 AC down and 2 more to go then 12 weekly rounds of Taxol-how will it go?
I have 2 AC rounds/followed by Neualsta shots the next day down and 2 more to go. I will then have 12 rounds of Taxol weekly/ What can I expect with the Taxol weekly as for as how I will feel, how are the symptoms others have had with the Taxol? Will I continue to get the Neulasta shot? I work full time and have 2 kids…