BlownAway~ I got your PM, but you have replies blocked!
I am not sure why the PM you sent to me says "Sender cannot recieve replies" or something like that, so I was not able to send you my home address! If you can't unblock it, write me again, giving me your email address and I will send you my home address via my Yahoo email addy. Hugs, Chen♥
Joke For The Day
Lawyer Joke Billing A doctor and a lawyer were talking at a party. Their conversation was constantly interrupted by people describing their ailments and asking the doctor for free medical advice. After an hour of this, the exasperated doctor asked the lawyer, "What do you do to stop people from asking you for legal advice…
Wife had a bilateral
All went well....for some time. She wanted to put on the $90 mastectomy shirt. She had a bilateral, 2 drains....and she took the hospital gown off She saw herself in the mirror and freaked....I hate to say, I saw her chest and got a "feeling". Doesnt mean I am splitting,,,,,just got a "moment". Make sense? Greggie. scared,…
Phone Call Stress
I don't know how a you women get through the stress of scheduling all of this at the same time as going through it. Today I had to call my insurance company twice to verify once and for all if a wig will be covered (it will, yah!!); and ask them if they had gotten preauthorization requests for the mugascan and chemo (they…
Chenheart, Meena1 and bjmom1….I am heartbroken for all of you
Our deep and sometimes never spoken fear is recurrence or mets, and now we have three in such a short span of time getting this news. Knowing that we are all strong, courageous warriors doesn’t help in the middle of the night, but all I can say is that you are all strong, in mind and in body, and this setback cannot stop…
Tamoxifen can cause ER and PR negative BC
I have been doing some research on tamoxifen because I go back to the doctor on the 21st and know he is about to put me on tamoxifen for 5 years and found that it can actually cause ER and PR negative breast cancers because it only targets the ER and PR positive cells leaving the negative ones to grow somehow. Anyone else…
diagnosed one week ago.....
I was just diagnosed a week ago monday, and what a whirlwind, had first oncology appt yesterday, and was so overwhelmed by all the diagrams,flowcharts, and all the what ifs, etc. I don't know if I am coming or going.....next appt is June 11, I guess there will be a clearer battle plan of treatment at that time....any…
Radiation tattoo conversation starter
This is funny I think. One of my tiny radiation tattoos is several inches above my cleavage in the center of my chest. It is tiny, but I have had so many people say "I have to ask, what is that?" It just surprises me that people would be that curious or even notice something as tiny as a pencil tip. When I explain what it…
why is it that when I reply to someone's comments my reply always has the edit still there?
Flank pain....
Well...Arimedex is out and Femara is in (on July 1st). I have a 30 day break in between. My problem is that I have been having flank pain on my left side in my back that has not gone away. Thought the Arimedex may have been responsible, but I guess not. I'm worried. They did find some blood in my urine. But so far, that's…
hair loss during Taxol chemo
I had my last AC treatment 5/5 and started Taxol 6/5 (had 2 so far). I needed a break in between for my the sake of my own sanity and the Onc agreed. Anyway, my hair thinned out considerably during AC and I had my head shaved. However recently it has started growing back in and I was wondering if it would fall out again…
Word for the Day
Psalms 9:9...the Lord will also be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble. And those who know your name will put their trust in You; For You Lord have not forsaken those who seek You. Lorrie
Any one on this cocktail
Taxotere, Carboplatin, Herceptin. 6 rounds 3 weeks apart Herceptin for a year then after Chemo another one for 5 years ( pill forgot the name )Oncologist said I am progesterone and estrogen neg in breast and progesterone pos in lymph nodes. I have to say this is all confusing. Have to have a test to check my heart. Chemo…
Frustrated with mom.
My mom has smoked for 49 years and is now having problems breathing. She went to on-call dr. He took x-rays found a black spot on lungs. He dx her with copd, sent her to her dr. He ordered another test same dx copd. He wants her to go to sleep center for a c-pak. Dr. then calls says he's not 100% comfortable, wants her to…
Not only do we have to fight Breast Cancer, we also have to fight our insurance company to authorize our treatment. Some may be familiar with my story, i have stage 4 breast cancer which has spread to my liver. My liver is swollen which is causing extreme pain. My doctor is prescribing Abraxane and Avastin and my insurance…
Alcohol and cancer
I have been going to a registered dietician since the beginning of May. She is teaching me which foods to eat (fruits and veggies 8-9 servings per day), how to prepare them and what foods to stay away from. She told me yesterday that a new study is out linking alcohol use with breast, liver, lung, colon, and pancreatic…
Some co-pay advice
Well I've had quite a few procedures and will start chemo next Friday. When I got my biopsy I was told by the medical office finance person that I needed to pay $330 up front. so of Course I did. Insurance came back and my co-pay should hve been about 220. Surgeon's finance person told me to pay $200, my actual co-pay is…
Celebrated my Rad Grad yesterday
Finished my last Radiation treatment with hugs from my Rads team and a big smile on my face. Hubby and I took off for a day at the shore, Atlantic City. Got home at 1 AM this morning. Had a great time. Monday it will feel odd not going for radiation treatments before work. I know I will get used to being able to sleep the…
Storms roll... but hope is undiminished
Some of you know me... most of you who are newer don't ... I'm sorry... I have been in the back ground, reading the support that flows from one member to another... praying each day for all of you... all of us... This place has a special place in my heart, you all do. This is where I found hope, encouragement,…
Hello pink warriors :)
Hey all :) Well I had the port put in my head THENNNNNNNN had some seziures and had to be put in back the hospital been staying with my momma again to get strong back on the darn walker because Im unsteady on my feet have I ever shared how bad I HATE being sick? lol The treatment in the headport is a breeze. TTYL ♥ Libby
Kathi, Meena, Bj and Chen are like the captains of the football team
June 14, 2010 - 11:27am Kathi, Meena and Chen are like the captains of the football team I look up to you guys for guidance and for strength because I am just one month out of chemo and just 6 months past my dx. It is like a see-saw for me right now. Some days I am positive and strong and others I am worried and paranoid.…
questions for 2nd opinion
HI, I was wondering if someone could tell me which facility is better for a 2nd opinion, and who to see there. My friend lives in northern CA so the options are; UCSF, Standford, UC Davis. I'm a colorectal cancer survivor and I know the value and knowledge that so many of you have on this site. Thank you for any…
Skin saving surgery
I had a lumpectomy, but yesterday on the show the doctors that I watch they showed a surgery for BC where they save the skin and nipple of the breast, scoop out all the breast tissue, then put inplant in and the is very little scaring. They said as long as the cancer is not to close to your skin, that the surgery can be…
Want your advice
I know we are all different, but with that in mind, I'd like to know what you'd do in my shoes. Saw my oncologist for the second visit post-surgery (lumpectomy 7/09, radiation 9/09) yesterday. He seems mostly concerned about keeping me on Tamoxifen. In January I had an MRI that showed a suspicious mass, rounded with clear…
A lil more humor!!
Two blondes were going to Disneyland. They were driving on the interstate when they saw the sign that said...Disney left. They started crying and turned around and went home. 3 ladies in a sauna 3 women, 2 younger and one senior citizen were sitting naked in a sauna. Suddenly there was a beeping sound. The young woman…
Half way through rads
Today I passed the half way point of my rads! It's all down hill from here! I am still working and starting to feel "worn out". I know that it takes a while after the treatments are done to get back to normal. I am just wondering if anyone has any advise about taking time off from work. I guess what I am asking is should I…
Chemo or radiation?
I will be having bilateral mastectomies on the 22nd. Which treatment will come first, chemo or radiation???
ACT infusion #4 today, 4 more then Rads
Surgery (mastectomy) was 3 weeks ago...Chemo #4 completed today....with 4 more chemo cycles to go. Today I was told I would also need radiation treatments since the cancer was in at least 4 lymph nodes (they removed 11). Actually, I wasn't told....until I asked if that was to happen so I could plan my life.........and I…
Gods Word for Today
Deuteronomy 33:26-29....There is no one like the God of Jeshurun, who rides the heavens to help you, and in His excellency on the clouds, the eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everylasting arms; He will thrust out the enemy from before you and will say, 'Destroy!'.......who is like you, a people saved by…