Need suggestions on handling
OK sisters how do we handle people like I encountered yesterday? One dropped in to visit after just now hearing that I had mastectomy April 21, caring, compasionate BUT then said you know my daughter is a 7 year cancer survivor and was told that cancer is never gone and will resurface another time another place and you…
I had a great compliment today - tell me about your memorable compliment!
I register patients for appointment with PCP's, and sitting at desk today that was not mine. A few beautiful baby pictures were on the wall of the cubicle and a patient asked me (sincerely) if that was my baby - not my grandbaby. Golly gee! I'm 56, boy did I need that! It's a whole lot better than being asked if you're…
Who was your childhood idol?
Growing up I loved Pippi Longstocking, I wanted to be JUST like her. Strong and adventurous with my own monkey and a horse. I beged my mom to color my hair red and get me long stockings and when she didn't I would sneak my dad's socks they were big enough and would look for treasures in our back yard. Ayse
PET scan question
I had lumpectomy followed by rads. A 'clear' mammo. I've never had a PET scan. Is it warranted? Do only those with more involved cancer/surgeries qualify? I always feel that cancer is like the boogieman I was afraid of as a child, lurking just out of view, but there... So, I want to do everything I can to be assured. Thank…
Vitamin E
I've had pain along my left side since my DMX, during the expansion process and even still some when the silicone implants were put in five weeks ago. I'd read that vitamin E (taken orally) could be helpful to prevent capsular constructure (sp?) and would also help with the scar healing. I went to my local organic vitamin…
So Cal CSN Family (re?)Union - You asked for details - I've got details!!!!
OK - I think (hope) I've found the perfect spot! The Yardhouse Restaurant at Shoreline Village has a private room that we can use without any fee. The only stipulations for using the room are that they will issue 1 check for the group (so we'll need to do our own math to figure each person's portion) and that they will add…
Neuropathy pain
What did you take for relief? I misplaced my notes to my Onc and can't remember what he said. I've tried to "rough it out" thinking it would go away soon. I am now willing to give into my stubborness! Thanks Ladies! ♥ Cat
Balentine - Lorrie, Do you ever come on anymore?
I don't know if some of you have noticed, but, Balentine hasn't been on in weeks. I really miss your postings. Hoping you are ok. Hugs, Angie
My 25 yo niece had biopsy
yesterday. I am the oldest of 4 girls and the 3rd with bc. My youngest sister had a benign tumor when she was 16. Now her daughter is waiting to hear the results of her biopsy. Soooo young! Char
Stage IV with mets, are you in the boat with me??
I know that we are all sailing the rough waves of Breast Cancer but I feel like the majority of people (Stages I - III) are riding in the cruise liner and I am out there in the rowboat. Those waves are a little steeper and I have a much greater fear of going under. I know that everyone on the ship is encouraging me and I…
I start Tamoxifen today. I think I am dreading this more than any of the other stuff. I would appreciate any words of wisdom or advice. Which side effects are generally the first to show up and how soon? Just curious. Thanks. God Bless (((Hugs))) Janice
My special side effects Cycle 2
I'd just declared Cycle 2 a piece of cake. Then starting yestereday, I developed some very special side effects, the most notable being cellulitis in my right hand. I'm not running a fever, but the hand is red and swollen enough that I called the oncologist on call this morning. Her input was that the lack of fever was…
where cancer research is headed
A friend who is a grad of the U of AZ in Tucson sent me this part of their alumni newsletter. This doctor deserves a place in heavan. Watch for opportunities to participate in clinical trials, especially mets warriors! ~~Connie~~ UA Researcher Awarded Patent for Breast Cancer Drug Breakthrough Joyce A. Schroeder The…
Had fitting for prostheses
I went to a shop called Essentials for the Special Woman today for a fitting for post mastectomy bras and prostheses. What a terrific store! They carry everything for the cancer woman. I was so impressed as they send all paper work directly to my insurance company and will bill me later my portion. I walked out with 3…
I will be starting TCH next week and my oncologist gave me a booklet which included diet dos and don'ts. Does this mean I am confined to that diet throughout the 18 weeks that I will be on that chemo? Can I try other foods? There's not much variety on the list and the only meats are chicken and broiled lean beef. Please…
unidentified lump
I swear my body likes playing tricks on me. In the arm that i had my nodes removed, I have this thing that just suddenly popped up in my forarm...I swear it grew to the size of a quarter but in the shape of a ball within minutes. It doesnt hurt or anything and theres no swelling, its just there? Its Friday nite so i have…
Does arimidex cause us to be tired??
I just read the thread on what is a "new normal". I started arimidex in July 2010 after all my treatment. Surgeries in July and august of 09. Fought infection all thru chemo from Oct 09 to end of March 2010. Took month off and started 6 1/2 weeks of rads May 2010. Finished last radiation on June 15, 2010. I had a short…
You rock! I've always found your posts to be very, very supportive....... Peace be with you
Okay guys. Too Much Drama Time For Some Fum
No the Sheriff isn't coming back. This Annabell Ant. What is the best joke someone has every played on you or you played on someone else? We used to have a 135 pound rottie. We bought this dog a huge dog house. One so big that we could even crawl around in it. Cost us $150. The dog hated the house. You could throw a bone…
Am I wrong......
Am I wrong to be upset with my mother. For my first 3 chemo treatments my mother came with me. However for 2 of them she picked me up late. So I was late for 2 appointments. I did not say anything the first time she was late but the second time I told her try to be on time. She got mad at me for asking her to be on time.…
vicki sam and Fiona
Just a few minutes ago i posted a post. Vicki read it. Its called second chance to say goodbye. I wanted to read through a couple more posts and came to Fionas. She is so right on how she feels. How dare you bash her and tell her to just pick up and move on and what pretend there is no sadness and lonliness and just damn…
talk with Onc. - book recommendation
I have two Taxol left to go. One this afternoon and one next week friday on the 27th. I have taken 2 weeks off work until I am done. I feel immnense relief at the prospect of being done with chemo (never mind rads and sugery and herceptin in the works), bewilderment and sadness. I have found myself crying while driving…
DR. appointment went in feeling great left feeling miserable
Finished all treatments chemo,surgery, and rads (10 months) went to onc. for a check-up to see now what. I was in positive excitement mood, ready for the thumbs up. Ready to get movin with my life, and get some weight off. Wanting to join a gym, but wanted to get the ok from dr. I have port flushed, blood test all is…
After 5 years of Tamoxifen.
Does anyone have any information on what to expect after 5 years of tamoxifen - I just finished 5 years of the medication this month. I want to know about physical changes to the body. Do you get headaches, periods, etc. I am 54 years old and looking for next steps after medication. Are there any books you recommend.…
Ok Pink warriors wish me luck on Friday seeing my Doctor on checkup
scared and anixous need some postive thought for Dr appt for checkup. Thanks my pink little ladies!!!!
Had a tiny wart...warning
Ok, I had a small wart next to my eye last year. Derm took it off and all's ok. About 6 months ago another small one developed under my eye. Once in a while I noticed it was in my field of view. O well, then stupid CA came along and I figured I would wait to get it removed. Then, sometime after 2nd chemo, I noticed it…
Goodbye Lefty- Righty gets to stay...nipple news
Hi All! Well, it stands to reason with my personality that one nipple would stand at perfect attention is ready for its tattoo on 9/11 and that the other would fall flat like a pancake. That's right, Lefty absolutely just deflated and flattened out. It took weeks and weeks for her to heal and after all was said and done…
Health Insurance - If you don't have insurance Please Read This!
I just read an article about one of the provisions of the Health Care Affordability Act that is now in place. Until they set up the Government plan, anyone who can't get coverage due to a pre-existing condition and hasn't had coverage for 6 months can now get a policy that will cover them until 2014 when the Government…
Vertebroplasty gone bad
I have stage IV metatastic breast cancer, spread throughout my skeleton. I had a vertebroplasty done on my spine to eleviate pain in December 2008. Following the procedure, a cancer tumor compressed my spinal cord. I ended up with nerve damage. I continue to have numbness in my legs and difficulty walking and incontinence…
My new side effect is.....boredom!
Yep, i am so stinking bored. My disability has been approved until December, maybe longer depending on what happens at that time. I have finally realized that I liked working!!! For those not familar, I have had a reoccurence with mets to my spine and liver, so physical activity is limited. I have been reading great books,…