I'm off to the hairdresser
tomorrow to get my head shaved. This morning they called with their friendly reminder about my appt. Up until 10:30 this morning I thought I would just have my hairdresser cut my hair short again but a half hour later I ran my hand through my hair and oh no, it's starting.... Within the next half hour I lost at least 2/3…
Something new??
I had a lumpectomy with 2 nodes removed in Sept 09. I finished chemo in Jan 2010 and 37 rad treatments in March 2010. I felt pretty good and was painfree until early July. I started having pain in my breast and irritation near my scar. I saw my surgeon and she said it was radiation mastitis. She recommended Aleve twice a…
Taking Tamoxifen...uterine lining thickening
I started tamoxifen 9 months ago after 6wks of rads & 3 surgeries for DCIS...my periods stopped immediately..within 3 months needed a pelvic ultrasound/vaginal probe which showed multiple cystic areas so I had an endometrial biopsy which came back normal however my gyn put me on a 10day cycle of progesterone to bring on my…
ouch - scalp looks like crap - now it hurts too??!!!
So, I slept like complete crap last night! The culprit - this stubbly head of mine! Every little move I made, the tiny stubbles on my head would move & hurt. My scalp almost stings! I don't really want to go over it with a razor & shaving cream, don't want to risk nicking it & having cuts on my head, not to mention the…
Only if you want a laugh....
Thought I'd pass this one on- hope you enjoy!xoxo, Jackie She is angry at you Worried because they hadn't heard anything for days from the widow in the neighboring apartment, Mrs. Silver said to her son, "Timmy, would you go next door and see how old Mrs. Kirkland is?" A few minutes later, Timmy returned. "Well," asked…
Whoops, forgot my hair!
I was halfway to an appointment with a pulmanologist when I realized I had forgotten to wear my wig or ball cap. Had to brazen it out, after all it was a doctor's office. Now that I finished my Taxol I have a little curly fuzz on my head. It is coming in white, or maybe grey, but also curly. Before chemo it was brown with…
gifts you received
I was reading some of the ideas of gifts that you have given or received after being dx with cancer. I would love to hear what gifts you gave or received. I am in the process of starting a support group at my church and would like to know. I received several lap blankets that had been made for me and then had been prayer…
5 More Days and Counting!!
Whoo-hoo! It's getting so close I can hardly stand it. Hmmmm....how to celebrate?! Banana split is still in the running. Although so is a massage and the REALLY crazy idea of getting my pink ribbon tattoo embellished! It's so lonely and plain! LOL. I've been thinking for awhile now about maybe putting some flowers around…
It's Thursday - So. California CSN Warriors .. 2 days until we meet -
I can hardly wait .. and I am in awe that Re is coming in from ?, her husband driving her down - what committment and love. Siobhan and Chen on a mini vacation - taking in all the site on 2nd Steet -- creating new memories! Warrior Sisters .. Looking forward to meeting each and every one of you! Vicki Sam
Arimidex therapy
How are you feeling on Arimidex? This stuff is almost as bad as Neulasta. I hurt all over. Sometimes quite severely. Can't live on Motrin.
Another Year Has Passed
Today our family celebrates the life of my daughter. August 23, 2004 she passed from this life into everlasting life, and left behind three beautiful children. Join me in prayiing for her family as we, once again, remember a remarkable young woman who battled illness for most of her adult life. Taken from us at such a…
Back from summer vacation!
Hi everyone! I'm sorry I dropped off for awhile but you have all been in my thoughts and prayers these last few months. I admit, I needed a break from it all. I received the all clear on May 14th and just focused on enjoying the summer with my babies. Anyway, I have checked in from time to time and have noticed that things…
Don't panic - we're still on, but I did receive an e-mail from Heather at the Yard House that said that the party that is coming in after us is arriving 30 minutes earlier than she thought they were (they're coming in at 1:00 instead of 1:30), so we will need to begin clearing out around 12:30 if we want to use that room.…
My last fill.... oh so painful. I didn't even go that big B what I had before. It's like in the comics, stars and tweety birds. I have been taking valium but it's just not working. I cry like a little girl. I didn't sleep a wink last night. Can't wait to get these expanders out of me. I have a high threshold for pain but…
Somebody tell me PLEASE...will my eyebrows ever come back?
I swear I look like a freak, no eyebrows, bald as a baby and I can't stand it, Will my eyebrows come back eventually? Thanks
I posted about anxiety of my recent cancer diagnosis the other day and again after learning my second biopsy was negative. I can't find my second post..not quite sure why the search on this site doesnt work for me. Im pretty sure I will have the lumectomy. Can anyone tell me how long after surgery radiation begins? I…
Shaved my head tonight
I had my husband shave my head today. My hair had been really coming out the last few days, but it was coming out evenly - just thinning, no bald spots..well after my shower today & the top of my head was thin as can be, I called him & said "get here when you can, I gotta get this stuff off my head"...we had a little fun &…
Check splitting for our So Cal sisters on Saturday...just a thought!
So, being the Great Believer in Karma that I am, I was just reading my latest issue of Bon Appetit magazine and in a Q&A section, it actually had someone asking how to divide a check at a restaurant with a large party! Sounded a lot like us! :-) The suggestion? It of course should be put on ONE credit card, and everyone…
Update on Appointment with GYN
Well I made the appointment for my first mamo since dx, for the 2nd of Sep. The day after I retire. Found out I have a yeast infection thanks to all the drugs. Doing the goop for that, for 3 days. I also saw my GP yesterday and got the results of my last bloodwork. My chol was good. I am supposed to be a diabetic but my…
Bilateral Mastectomy
I had a bilateral mastectomy 5 weeks ago. Under both by arms are a lot of folded extra skin. Does that ever go away? I am a little overweight and thought that might be the reason. Has anyone else had a similar problem? Sometimes I think it is more of a mental problem than a physical one. Any information would be helpful. I…
Sage advice needed
So of course, where better to come that the wonderful women and men on this board. One of my coworkers was just diagnosed with BC :( (( I just spoke to her and she hasn't met with her oncologist yet and doesn't know much about the type of BC she has. She was told that it was small (she thought about 1/2 inch, which looks…
Woke up this morning with my face breaking out
I look like a 16 year old instead of 61! I don't know where these pimples came from but I don't like it one bit! A side effect I could definitely do without! Char
Everyone, I just can't get Laura out of my mind. Has anyone heard from her? Laura, if you are out there, I am praying for you and hoping you are finding strength and courage to continue the fight. Thinking of you, Michelle
Interesting findings re alcohol
Alcohol is a known risk, but this research differentiates which type of breast cancer (lobular; hormone +) is especially vulnerable to alcohol. One study but an interesting one. "Compared with never drinkers, women who consumed seven or more alcoholic beverages per week had an almost twofold increased risk of hormone…
Monday will be my first appointment with GYN since Dx
Monday will be my first appointment with GYN since Dx. I guess soon after I will have my first mamo. Hopefully all will go well. I called my onc and told them "Hey it is time for my annual. Do you want me to wait and see you or go ahead and schedule it with my GYN." They told me to go ahead and get it done just make sure…
infection from breast reconstruction
I had breast reconstruction 6/28/10 the back flap on the right side which had been throught removal of 16 lymph nodes and 34 treatments of radiation. Since then I have had 3 fills and now my right side my have an infection. has anyone had an infection and does it get better.
Update BJmom
Hi everyone, Just giving you a little update. I have been in so much pain my doctor decided to take me off of zometa and go to new treatment. I do not know what kind until after I have stereotactic spine radiosurgery to my T6. This is a high radiation that beam directly at my T6 tumor that will not effect any other spot. I…
M-star? How are you?
I haven't seen her post in quite awhile and I thought she was done with her fills for her expansion. Anyone know anything? Hugs, Debby
I wore my new "girls"
today. It actually felt strange to wear a bra after 2 months without one. The silicone breast forms looked great under my shirt. No one would ever know I had a bilateral mastectomy in June. I'm happy. I can do this. Of course, after DH & I got home from shopping I took the bra off and the forms back in their box. lol Char
Chemo Graduate
Good morning Everyone I'm happy to report that I had my last chemo treatment last Wednesday and my last Neulasta shot last Friday (hopefully). This was however the worst round I experienced. I am extremely tired and have muscle aches, dizziness, the big "C" and no taste buds. I'm working today and trying to push through…