My daughter has written a book
I am so proud, my daughter Lorna launched her book at a signing last night at The Ally Theatre in Middleboro. It's about her journey through thyroid cancer and is not only informative but funny! If anyone would like to see her website it's www.dirtybombshell.net Thanks for letting a mother brag. Merry Christmas to all!…
My mother is suffering from Locally advanced Breast cancer
hi guys my mother is suffering from stage 3 breast cancer im very much scared for her as i dont have father and she is the only source for my life i dont have a supporting family as my mother is staying with mybrother and my SIL is illtreating her very badly i am away from my mother as i am working somewhere else,and im…
Candle lighting Christmas Eve?
Just a thought - there are some who are going through hard times now - there are others who are no longer with us and their families are having hard times. We have had candle lightings here before so how about a candle lighting on Christmas Eve. I will be lighting my candle lit tree because that's what I do but will be…
Church fart
An elderly couple are attending church services. About halfway through, she writes a note and Hands it to her husband. It says, " I just let out a silent fart, What do you think I should do?" He scribbles back , " Put a new battery in your hearing aid."
Today marks my 5th year!
Good Morning Everyone! It is has been a very long time since I have chatted with you...I just wanted to share my good news: Today, marks my 5th year of being cancer-free! At times, when I look back to all that has happened, it seems like it was a very long road that I have traveled-and traveld unwillingly. Yet, at other…
How many of you see a Naturopathic doctor in conjunction with your onocologist?
I thought I'd start a thread about Naturopathic medicine. As a supplemental treatment with your conventional cancer treatments. What has been success things that have come out of your meeting with a Naturopath? Here's a short item from my experience. My Naturopath had me tested for Vitamin D levels. I recently moved out of…
Christmas angels & my wish for you all
Good Morning sisters :) I just wanted to share a few thoughts with you while I have a few quiet minutes - with both girls home for Christmas break, last minute shopping, wrapping, baking, etc, I dont know if I'll be back on much before Christmas! I first & foremost want to wish you ALL the Merriest of Christmases ever, and…
I hate the beast, December bad news, and falling on the ice....mad and tears....
I was at a computer client's office yesterday that I have literally not seen in 2 years. It is a family owned business, and, right after my first fight with the beast (rectal), the older sister lost her battle with anal cancer...she was 37. The family held together, and we have been more than just client/consultant…
Question on profile
As I've been adding friends I noticed that all of you have filled out the what type of bc, how you found it, where, what type of treatment, etc. I didn't do that when I first joined but would like to do it now. I just don't know how. Can anyone help with that or should I email Greta? Thanks! Patti
Tamoxifen, side effects and is it working?
I've noticed there are a few ladies who are having terrible se from Tamoxifen and are presuming it is working as this is what they have been told by their care providers. I'd just like to bring up a bit of information about this. I too had a terrible time with Tamoxifen and my se were getting worse all the time. At that…
Celebrating Christmas this afternoon. Chemo #4 Tuesday; know that I won't be up to it after. Accepting prayers from everyone for no side effects. I overdid it with the cleaning. Exhaustion set in yesterday. Rested the whole day, went to bed early last night. Took Xanax and slept well. Will be all right; will enjoy my…
you are NOT going to believe this one!
another drama filled day at the cancer center. arrived for radiation, got changed and went to the waiting area. after a few minutes one of the technicians comes in and apologizes profusely. the machine is down. would i mind coming back after my pet scan. like i have a choice in the matter. go to have pet scan done. go back…
Merry Christmas & Happy Birthday.
This week is pretty busy for me and I wanted to make sure that wished you all a wonderful holiday. I also did not want to forget our Christmas Girl. Wishing you a wonderful day. I am so glad to see all the oldies back. I hope you are all here to stay, you have been missed. Love you all Kathy ~
Finished 4 rds AC Starting 4 rds Taxol Worried about mega dose of Decadron
I just finished 4 rounds of AC and I'm starting 4 rounds of Taxol. I've heard from most that the Taxol rounds are 'easier'. But I'm worried about the megadoses of Decadron I have to take to counteract any allergic reactions to the Taxol. I was taking 1 Decadron per day during the AC and experienced nervousness and insomnia…
Trying not to worry.
But I think I see the roller coaster headed my way again. Yesterday was my first mammogram since my dx last year. I thought it would go quickly since I only have one boob to torture but after seeing everyone else come and go and being the last one remaining, I knew something wasn't good. I had to get a second set of films…
As if there was not already evidence enough...smoking...."thirdhand" danger...
I was at a Christmas party and talking about my mom's smoking with a doctor. She said "have you heard about thirdhand smoke?"..... http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/thirdhand-smoke/MY00591 I'm talking to mom today....smoke outside, etc...no, not quitting...she's 87 and refuses...sigh... Hugs, Kathi
The pathway to crazy
Well...I have donated my share and more to the Pot Blackjack tables....also over the past 18 months I have lost my home in foreclosure, talked my son through yet another suicide attempt and into therapy, regained my hair (almost an even trade), moved closer to metro milw (movies, nightlife, blackjack), helped my daughter…
False eyelashes - they work!
Just had to post this for all of us with no eyelashes. I'm visiting my grandchildren in Las Vegas and my daughter insisted I go into an Ulta makeup shop and try false eyelashes and have someone show me how to put them on. The eyelashes were $3.99. The salon charged $10 to apply them. I feel like a new woman with my…
At night am used to "hot flashes" getting all sweaty. This happened during the day a few times and it surprised me. In the store, at dinner; anyone else have this happen? Hot flashes or sweats during the day and night?
After still struggling with health issues for 3 years post treatment for my stage 3 breast cancer I started to really force the issue because one truly gets tired of being sick and tired. I was left to my GP except for yearly check up where I complained of the same things and little done. Finally it was a matter of having…
I'm ending this year with...
I'm ending this year with a BANG! Dec. 2009 I had a left mastectomy with an expander placed. (Stage II IDC). In Jan. 2010 I had a port placed. At the end of Jan. began 6 rounds of aggressive chemo (TAC). Lost all hair in Feb. 2010. Finished chemo May 2010. Started rads June 2010. Finished 5 1/2 weeks of rads in July.…
Thank You SisC!!
Yesterday a box arrived and in it was the cutest Cat stocking with Cat64 embroidered on it filled with lip gloss, hand lotion, a flashlight, and an angel ornament. Also York Peppermint Patties and some white Mint Truffles! (Oh, and a beautiful card with a special note that made me tear up!) It's amazing how someone you've…
Sausageoll says Thank You!!
When we arrived home today, my husband picked up the mail. He was a little suspicious when he found the box from a secret santa!!! I kept him going for a little while. It was the most beautiful pink ,glittery star or flower with a silver middle. I didn't want ti to get lost on the tree, so I have hung it on the front door…
Merry Christmas to me and to you
Just finished my ONC appt and got the results of my imaging. Everything is clear. My Onc said she has never had a patient respond so well and so quickly to therapy. I still have a few rounds of chemo to go but right now I am cancer free and that is the best Christmas present I could ever receive. Unfortunately,I will have…
Today is KMS (Kari)'s Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR KARI HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you a day filled with love, laughter, & all the things you love most! (I'm sorry, I didn't have your new name.) ♥ Cat
Journals-anyone else write in (during or post treatments)?????
Just curious if anyone uses a journal? a good friend gave me one at the start of my cancer situation..then during treatment a Therapist or social worker gave me another (that one had misc sayings etc) she even gave me A DAMMIT DOLL (made and donated) I JUST LOVED the doll...it's meant to keep at hand to bang at any time…
It's Hell to be Old
OLD people have problems that you haven't even considered yet! An 85-year-old man was requested by his Doctor for a sperm count as part of his physical exam. The doctor gave the man a jar and said, 'Take this jar home and bring back a semen sample tomorrow.' The next day the 85-year-old man reappeared at the doctor's…
Avastin being pulled by FDA
My best friend was given Avastin every week for 4 months. She was diagnosed March 2009 with Stage IV bc metastisized to her bone in 9 different places. (age 39) She was off the study for 9 months before it recurred. This was the headline today on FOX news. With everything she has been through, I feel this information is…
Do You Have A Favorite Memory Or Something Special About Christmas As A Child, That You Would Like T
I think at Christmas time, we all can remember special times or something that happened at Christmas when we were little that can bring a smile to our face. I thought it would be fun to share them on here. Hugs, Megan