Geez oh Pete!

Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
edited February 2018 in Breast Cancer #1

Last Saturday I missed a step and down the stairs I went.  I stuck the landing like a ballerina hippo.  Twist to the ankle and break to the fibula.   The ambulance arrives, they could not get my big butt up off the floor that easily.  OH MY GOD I did not know I even knew that many bad words!  Lots of tissue damage, ice it, wear the air cast, keep it in the air.  Doc said it would take a long time to heal.  I am not accepting that, this pain is awful.  Looking for silver linings.

Asking for prayers for healing and good vibes. 




  • Barb A
    Barb A Member Posts: 123
    Sorry to hear this

    Annie, I'm so sorry to hear about your fall and injuries. It's funny how those bad words sometimes help us get through those bad moments and frustrations. You've been through a lot, but will also make it through this. One day at a time with lots of prayers and good vibes from me and our pink sisters and brothers. Make sure others wait on you often!

    Take care,

    Barb A

  • 1surfermom
    1surfermom Member Posts: 396 Member
    edited March 2018 #3
    Good vibes coming your way

    Hi Anne,

    How's the ankle today? Oh it must have been awful with the EMT people. I would have been cussing like a truck driver too between the pain and the embarassment. I hope you are feeling better today. Love Surf

  • lintx
    lintx Member Posts: 697
    edited March 2018 #4
    Oh no, Annie!

    Truly sorry to hear your news.  I can just imagine your state of mind at the time it happened.  I hope with each passing day, you are in less and less pain. You are now the official queen of the remote!! Hugs, Linda

  • Apaugh
    Apaugh Member Posts: 850 Member
    edited March 2018 #5
    thank you for the kind words and understanding

    I went back to Doc on Monday for new xrays, no surgery needed.  Praise God!  As the swelling goes down he rechecks it.  I am black and blue clear up to my knee.  It is fading.  He made some med changes because the others were making me too sick and causing breathing problems (scary)  So they are not as good but I will deal with it.  I am not much of a TV watcher so it gets pretty old laying around with my leg in the air but I got to do it if I want to decrease the pain and heal.  This is going to take some time,good thing I like to read and surf the net.  My dogs are loving all the snuggle time they are getting with me. 

    Onc took me off my Tomoxifen for a month due to the high change of blood clots. 

    Thank you for the empathy and well wishes.  This too shall pass.

    Hugs to all,




  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    And the silver lining is what?

    So sorry to hear about your fall, Annie.  That is one of my biggest fears - falling.  I just hate the idea of not being able to be up and about.  If being on the sofa is my choice that's different!  I hope you heal quickly.  I recently had a gout flare and hated every minute of not being able to walk and just had to sit.  Good idea being off Tamoxifen for a while.  Get healed soon.
