Demographics & Cancer?
I know there are many contributing factors causing cancers, but it's just so hard to ignore how many people in our subdivision growing up have been diagnosed. The subdivision was built back in the late 50's not far from an air force base. This was of course, your typical neighborhood back in the 60's & 70's where all of us…
Nauseous on Herceptin
Ok why am I so abnormal? I have been feeling nauseous a couple days after just having Herceptin. I asked my oncologist about it and she said it is not a normal side effect of Herceptin, But about three days after the last 3 treatments of only Herceptin I feel warm in my face and nauseous. Last night I felt like I was going…
Pics of my hobbies now posted on my expressions- Enjoy
Just posted some pics of my hobbies. Im hoping one day I will get good enough to be able to sell what I make.
I'm baacckk -
from Retreat! It was probably the best and most intense (for me anyway) that I've been to. For me, the negative 'highlight' was locking myself out of my room this morning at about 2:30 - 3:00 (we have to give up watches for the duration so I'm not sure the time). Tomorrow - I'll tell more - going to sleep. Susan
Has anyone had mets on there liver removed?
I am new to the site and I am wondering if anyone with mets on the liver has had them removed?I am a Stage 4 IBC patient with mets on bone liver,abdominal area and female parts!!I had been in remission for alil over a year when the mets started showing up on the scans again and I was told about having them removed my oc…
Just wanted to pass this along
I don't know how many of you remember me posting about my cousin also having BC. I have been keeping in touch with her and she has finished her treatments. She had a lumpectomy, 4 chemo treatments and 33 rads. She did really well with all of it and had very little side effects. She never joined our group but she did join a…
OT - A very long day
Work has been rough, a new huge difficult computer program started today. We have been training for weeks, a dozen programmers from that company came to help us 'go live'. So many things went wrong, we had to keep 'adjusting'. Everything I learned seems to have to be revamped, so at the end of the day I'm not sure which…
Trying to get up to speed - Need Info
Hi folks, I've been looking all over the last few days and this seems to be the best breast board (BBB) around. A little history. I was diagnosed with kidney cancer ('03) and thyroid cancer ('04). Been NED in both cases since then. The first part of March, my husband and I were both sick with some sort of flu-like deal. As…
Can't wait for chemo!
O.K. everyone....here I go...today is the big day and I am looking forward to it! My chemo of taxotere and Cytoxan starts. My body and mind are prepared and ready with positive thoughts to send me on this journey. My family and friends are my support group....and they are ready too. I had a lumpectomy in Jan. stage 2 with…
Results from Orthopaedic Surgeon
For those of you who have been keeping up with my plight, I am pleased to report that my visit to the ortho surgeon on Tuesday resulted in him finding no deficiencies in my hip bone, and therefore no need to worry about cancer or another bone spur. However, after seeing the xrays, and stating that he found no reason for my…
Monday scheduled to be de-ported!
Well, tomorrow the power port will be removed by surgeon. I am such a chicken on this stuff.......it is to be done in the office as outpatient. I am sure all will be fine, but I am a big chicken and would have just preferred to be not awake during any kind of cutting. But, I am pulling up my big girl pants and girling up.…
Tissue expanders replaced with permanent implants
I am 38 years old and I had a bilateral masectomy in July. The reconstruction process has taken a while due to infections, etc. I just had my tissue expanders replaced with silicone implants. It has only been 3 days but I am very disappointed so far. I was wondering if anyone can tell me how long it takes the swelling to…
Hi, Wondering if anyone has had Zoladex injections to go into menopause to help reproduction come back when finished with chemo? We decided not to freeze embryos and have a baby naturally after I am done with treatments. Too expensive and another big process. If anyone has, can you tell me the results, side effects, etc..…
well it has been 6 days sence my first chemo final started feeling a little better I did a few things around the house light stuff like laundry cleaning out the frig sence I never go in there anymore.lol yks was kinda scary in there. one more week and I go back for treatment # 2 . So I hope I will be feeling well then…
Today is Weazer's Birthday!
Happy Birthday Karie! Wishing you a delighful day filled with wonderful everything! And, a year full of health and happiness! -Jenny P.S. Us Colorado gals should get together!
Risk for BC
Hi All, I have never posted on your board, but do follow you all very often. I spend most of my time on the lymphoma board and a little time on the head/neck and thyroid boards. My concern is risk. My sister had BC at age 41 and I also have an Aunt with BC. Since I have two different cancers, does that increase my risk. I…
Dancing with NED
I keep seeing "dancing with NED," can someone tell me what this is?
tram flap
I talk to doctors about teconstruction he said tram flap is what i needed . who has had this and how do u like it. thank so much for the info
Ovarian Cysts after Breast Cancer
This is my first post to this website support community. Today I found out I have a ovarian cyst. I was diagnosed with BC in 1998 with two tumors and spread to my lymph nodes (biopsy and radical mastectomy all done in one surgery) I chose the most aggressive treatment available: a clinical trial that called for high dose…
your advice on post surgery arm pain
I had surgery in November and physical therapy helped me get most of my rotation, nerve issues back to functional. Since Chemo therapy, I have noticed lack of motion and pain that starts at bicep, through joints, and runs to fingers. I think it is tight nerves. Could it be lymphodemia starting up? I have no swelling, yet.…
I have a question about your mental journey
I'm noticing a pattern in my life. When things go wrong (medically), I take on this guilt and sense of failure. I had two preemies - this brought out the worst guilt that I was somehow sub-mother material. I did everything by the book, my body just will not carry a pregnancy past 30 weeks, period. Nature. Now, with this bc…
Another photo of the San Diego reunion is posted in the Expressions Gallery.
It was so wonderful to get together at long last. It felt like one big extended family to me. I think we truly are all Kindred Spirits--more than we know!
Organ Donors??
can we donate any organs? There is a story here about a man who was badly burned and I wondered if the chemo doesnt cross the brain does is cross into the eyes? I would like to specifically donate my eyes to him IF I get to that point before he gets eyes somewhere else. He had a total face transplant nerves and all and he…
Being Deported Tomorrow!
I am doing it at the surgery center using a local. I am a little nervous that local meds burns like crazy. Did anyone have to have two cuts? I was told it depends on how mush scar tissue is in the neck. I feel like I am losing my security. But I know it is a good thing. Think of me at 10:30 tomorrow I will keep you all…
Lingering chemo side effects. depression. blah and pfft....update
I wanted to post an update on here, I haven't been on much lately. I'm depressed, Tim's working non-stop at the shop just so we can stay above water financially, and I'm still having really bad joint pain. Thankfully it's now just in my hands and hips but it seems to be getting worse there. I have a follow up appointment…
Now it's my knee!
It's always something, isn't it? Now my right knee is so messed up I can't even walk on it or straighten it out! Anybody else having knee issues? Dee
And now for your comic relief...
Who is NED? not joking, haha!!! I didn't have rads or chemo, so I'm guessing it's related to them? I've been hoping to figure this out on my own, but I'm clueless.
Three Year Cancaversary
Three years ago today I started my journey as a bc survivor. Surgery was done on this date, and I use it as my survivorship date. It has been a long journey, filled with many ups and downs, but I am still here. We are celebrating this day as a victory, albeit somewhat apprehensive about the next years ahead. Always with a…
no chemo is needed
Hi All. Just got my onco testing results and the score was 15, so oncologist said no to chemo... I'll start rads soon...as soon as they figure out what's going on with the mass on my ovaries...one issue down, still more to go... But I have to celebrate the good news...I have already called my hairdresser for an…
Hope you find this encouraging.
I went to the Komen Race in Ft. Worth this morning and they had a 50-year survivor there.