I have a question about your mental journey
I'm noticing a pattern in my life. When things go wrong (medically), I take on this guilt and sense of failure. I had two preemies - this brought out the worst guilt that I was somehow sub-mother material. I did everything by the book, my body just will not carry a pregnancy past 30 weeks, period. Nature. Now, with this bc…
Another photo of the San Diego reunion is posted in the Expressions Gallery.
It was so wonderful to get together at long last. It felt like one big extended family to me. I think we truly are all Kindred Spirits--more than we know!
Organ Donors??
can we donate any organs? There is a story here about a man who was badly burned and I wondered if the chemo doesnt cross the brain does is cross into the eyes? I would like to specifically donate my eyes to him IF I get to that point before he gets eyes somewhere else. He had a total face transplant nerves and all and he…
Being Deported Tomorrow!
I am doing it at the surgery center using a local. I am a little nervous that local meds burns like crazy. Did anyone have to have two cuts? I was told it depends on how mush scar tissue is in the neck. I feel like I am losing my security. But I know it is a good thing. Think of me at 10:30 tomorrow I will keep you all…
Lingering chemo side effects. depression. blah and pfft....update
I wanted to post an update on here, I haven't been on much lately. I'm depressed, Tim's working non-stop at the shop just so we can stay above water financially, and I'm still having really bad joint pain. Thankfully it's now just in my hands and hips but it seems to be getting worse there. I have a follow up appointment…
Now it's my knee!
It's always something, isn't it? Now my right knee is so messed up I can't even walk on it or straighten it out! Anybody else having knee issues? Dee
And now for your comic relief...
Who is NED? not joking, haha!!! I didn't have rads or chemo, so I'm guessing it's related to them? I've been hoping to figure this out on my own, but I'm clueless.
Three Year Cancaversary
Three years ago today I started my journey as a bc survivor. Surgery was done on this date, and I use it as my survivorship date. It has been a long journey, filled with many ups and downs, but I am still here. We are celebrating this day as a victory, albeit somewhat apprehensive about the next years ahead. Always with a…
no chemo is needed
Hi All. Just got my onco testing results and the score was 15, so oncologist said no to chemo... I'll start rads soon...as soon as they figure out what's going on with the mass on my ovaries...one issue down, still more to go... But I have to celebrate the good news...I have already called my hairdresser for an…
Hope you find this encouraging.
I went to the Komen Race in Ft. Worth this morning and they had a 50-year survivor there.
Yay! I just completed Chemo #6!
I'm so excited. I just finished Chemo #6 today. I was supposed to have it last week but my counts were very low. This week, they were high enough to do Chemo. When I go back on Monday for my Neulasta shot, they will take more blood to see if I need another transfusion. I'm sure I will need one within the next week or so,…
Update on Xeloda
Thought I would let everyone know that this has been my first full week on Xeloda so far the only problem I have had is an upset stomach but it has been managable. I hope this will do the work they say. Will go back on Mon for more lab work that they are checking will ask on Tues what the report is. Hope everyone has had a…
Field cancerization
The following might be a bit too technical; however, it supports the benefits of making lifestyle changes after a diagnosis of breast cancer. Surgery can completely remove the primary tumor. When no changes are made in the environment that grew cancer in the first place, then another cancer can sprout up like a weed. Even…
cancer and feeling isolated
I have come to these boards because I am having trouble handling some of the emotional aspects of having breast cancer. I have a loving, supportive partner and I feel so lucky, but with family and friends, I am having a tough time. Right now I am dealing with post chemo neuropathy, my hair is gone, my toenails are falling…
Recipe for an "anti-constipation" pudding seen on this site--HELP!
I am Stage 3, Grade 3 IDC and I have just finished my 6th and final round of Chemo two days ago--Yippeee!! However, I'm having the worst constipation ever right now. Sorry to be so graphic, but I took the Senokot-S and stool softeners last night and had a pretty miserable time of it this morning. Doesn't help either to…
I was prepared for hiccups with chemo since that was my dad's biggest problem yea number of years ago when he was treated for non-hodgkins lymphomana. (sp?) I had no major problems. Then last night, 4 1/2 months after my last chemo, I hiccuped for over 1/2 hour. Has anyone else had this problem? Could it be the Femara? I…
posted photo from today's Cypress Cynthia lunch
Oh my. I got to meet Cypress Cynthia and her three wonderful sisters plus KathiM. I'm not leaving out VickiSam -- this was our third get-together and now we're friends:) It was a lovely lunch and I've posted the one picture I took on my expressions page. Somehow we got to talking instead of picture taking! xoxo Victoria
What a great group
I've been away visiting the grandchildren and returned to see the great pictures of yet more CNS gatherings. It just does my little heart good to know that this is such a truly warm and caring group of individuals - who care so much for each other. Just had to say that. Love, Suzanne
Wig or hats?
I am not 100% sure I'll need chemo yet but my oncologist already told DH and I that if my oncotype comes back in the intermediate or high range he will be strongly recommending it. The type he will recommend does cause hair loss. I am hoping I won't need it at all, but if I do I am trying to prepare myself for that the…
Remember we are all different!
PLEASE! Remember when you say what your experiences have been that they are just that- your experiences! Not fact for others. Does not mean that will happen with/for other. Nobody has gone through what I have - can some else (or I) offer my experiences you betcha but that doesn't mean that anyone else will live through…
new update
I had another pet scan, and it showed that this chemo drug is not working, so he has put me on Docail, or also called Aridimicin, or something spelled close to that. I had my first treatment, and i swear i feel better! i do not know if that is possible but i still have some pain which they are doing a good job of managing.…
Lymphedema Questions?
I know there are several of you out there who have lymphedema and I have some questions. How long after having your nodes removed did you get it? How many nodes did you have removed? Are women with more nodes removed at a greater risk of lymphedema? I remember a physical therapist saying that she generally sees it appear…
Any serious side effects from Tamoxifen?
I know I am facing some type of anti-hormonal treatment after chemo (if my oncotype determines I need it) and rads. I am pre-menopausal so far as I know, Tam is about the only option, right? My onco did mention it. I will see him again on the 19th and plan to ask about it then, but in the meantime I was hoping those of you…
If You Could Turn Back Time
If you could turn back time to the beginning of your breast cancer journey is there anything you would do differently if given the chance? Would you get a lumpectomy rather than a mastectomy? Forgo a particular treatment? Exercise more? Opt for a different type of reconstruction? Etc. Just wondering how you ladies feel and…
My niece auditioned for "The Big C"
and found out yesterday that she was hired! She is a senior in high school and today she is finding out all the details. The Big C will be airing its second season soon. Char
? on lung mets symptoms
I have noticed over the last couple of weeks after exhertion I get a pain almost like heartburn in the middle of my chest but more on the right side. It only last about 5 minutes. Should I call my oncologist or just wait till I see her in May?
No Colon Cancer,Thank you Jesus
Thanks everyone for your support ,kind words and Prayers.I am so thankful that their was no Cancer.I am still dancing with Ned.I can always count on you wonderful people to help me through these things.God bless you all.
Tips to start eating AGAIN a year+ out!
During Chemo - I lost all appetite - came back and I actully gained back about 10 lbs of what I had lost (45 lbs) about 2 months ago. Well - it's over a year since Chemo but I'm back to no appetite (can't have lost much as same jeans still fit). Thoughts/Ideas! Hubby is getting upset but then he saw my Mother (they were…
Shout out to Aortus - Just want to share this with you all.
I woke up the other morning feeling pretty bad. Let me explain. Thinking I new what I was doing I got on my husbands computer to remove some junk he had on there. Well I screwed up his computer soooo bad it went into the geek squad. $200 later we got it back. I felt terrible. I was on my own computer (like I have not done…
New side effect of chemo?
Thought I was home clear after chemo and just got hit with a curve ball. Echocardiogram showed I have a atrial septial aneurysm. Was told not to get excited and they have me set up to see a cariologist next Thursday. Which is the last day I have insurance. Keep your fingers crossed that he says it is just something we will…