Shout out to MyTurnNow: Are you home safe and sound?
I remember our Betty Boop Lady had to fly to Oklahoma for a family funeral last week -- I hope flying without a compression sleeve worked out all right for you, that you and your family were able to find a little joy among the sadness, and that you were able to make it home safe and sound around all the treacherous weather…
Asexual - Not a Woman or a Man
I read a post by another poster who was having problems buying a bra, but what grabbed me most was her comment about sexuality. I had a mastectomy of the left breast in January. We talk about all kinds of things on this board, but I did not know how to approach the subject of sexuality. As a woman, it was hard losing my…
MRI on Monday
Saw my onco doc Wed. She ordered an MRI for me because of this ongoing pain and numbness in my upper back and neck! She says not to "worry" But we all know about the waiting "worry" game! Blessings my pink friends!
'Stage 5' cancer
Anyone know what that is? There are 5 Stages (0, I, II, III, and IV) but as far as I know there is not a "Stage 5". Educate me. Susan
New here/introduction
Hi, I found this forum while searching for information on exercising with a chest port for chemotherapy. I was diagnosed in Feb. with invasive ductal breast cancer. I had a lumpectomy and just last week had a re-excision and also a port inserted. I will be starting chemo in a couple/few weeks once I'm recovered from the…
Something to share
I thought I would share these with you guys. A friend sent them to me and I thought they were good. My fav is the fourth one. Accept that some days you're the pigeon, And some days you're the statue. * Always keep your words soft and sweet, Just in case you have to eat them. * Drive carefully. It's not only cars that can…
Need prayers for my son.
We were told today that because my son is type 0 blood type he will be waiting another 3 years for a kidney donor. It has been 2 years already and we never realized that the wait was so long. I was a match but then they discovered I had bc. He just turned 37 so he will be at least 40before he's off dialysis. I've been…
Xeloda side effects how to handle
I have been on Xeloda for about 2 weeks I am able to control the diarrhea. But what I want to know if there are any out here how they handle the side effects. I do not know what question to ask the Dr on Mon. My biggesto problem is the upset stomach like you have a good case of gas. Any suggestion.
Hair Loss
Having been diagnosed with breast cancer 6 weeks ago, the losing of my hair was a hard thing to swallow! We as females think that our hair defines us. I decided that I would take matters into my own hands and shave it off. Having some kind of control really empowers you and not having to go through the emotional…
Do you have a port? Please tell me about it!
I am not sure what to ask, but mostly I guess, if you do, are you glad you got it? Has it caused you any problems? Does it make the chemo sessions painless? Anything else I should know? I really appreciate the wisdom of you experienced ladies (and men) on this board! Thanks! Nancy
Wheeling and dealing with the hospital???
Got a call from the hospital billing department a few minutes ago regarding a bill for xrays in January. At first they billed the old insurance (mine chgd Jan 2011) I had given the new insurance card when I went for the xrays. Last week I received a bill for $315., the total was only $330. I asked the nice lady on the…
AND NOW I have to have cataract surgery GEEZ
I'm only 44, no fair :(
Did you have a chemo class? What exactly is it?
Just curious as I was told one of things I would be doing is going to a chemo class. I am wondering if there is a test, and if so and I don't pass, does that mean they'll withhold chemo? Just kidding there - wishful thinking! What did you do at your chemo class besides sign consents? Were others there or was it just you?…
Jo Jo, you still out there?
Has anyone talked to or heard of Jo Jo? Lupe
Today is Mrs Gadget's Birthday!
Sending wishes your way for a GREAT day - and many more happy, healthy years to come! love, Jenny
Bad Day in the Bra Dept--I need some help
I decided I wanted to try again to get a bra to give a little lift and shape to my reconstructed breasts. I had bilateral mastectomy a year ago; reconstruction in December. The girls are misshapen with the typical horizontal scars, but also with some lumpy, bumpy areas. My original surgeon left lots of skin and tissue to…
Mike and Martha
Mike is my hubby and Martha is our 6 year old Chihuahua. This evening I could hear Mike in the living room arguing with Martha over the couch.I have told him that is really dumb to argue with a dog, mostly because he is not going to win the argument. He thinks he won the argument cuz he kicked her off the couch. Little…
2 year Cancerversary
I share this day with my 3 year old grandson Aiden. It was his 1st birthday that I was told those three letter words. Here's to more birthday's to share !!!! Kathy ~
Today I am a RAD GRAD
Woo-hoo!!! I am done with rads.
Fractured Dictionary - I think you will laugh!
Arbitrator ar-bi-tray-ter A cook that leaves Arby's for McDonalds. Avoidable uh-voy-duh-buhl What a bullfighter tries to do. Baloney buh-lo-nee Where some hemlines fall. Paradox par-uh-doks Two physicians. Parasites par-uh-sites- What you see from the top of the Eiffel Tower. Polarize po-lur-ize What penguins see with.…
Re-Excision Surgery Coming Up...
I have already had a lumpectomy and axillary node dissection back in October and I've just finished 8 rounds of chemo, 4 AC and 4 Taxol. I am having re-excision surgery on April 27th to further clear the margins. I was originally diagnosed with Stage 2, Grade 3 IDC and I'm TNBC. My surgeon revisited my original pathology…
This board, 2 tech questions
I have noticed 2 things I cannot figure out about this board. 1. When new posts to a thread appear they are not always in date order. It will be like 4/10, 4/10, 4/9, 4/8, 4/11..... When I realized this I went back to some of my older threads and realized I had missed some responses. Why are they not in order? And 2.…
my feet...
My feet have been killing me lately.... any suggestions....Dee
Finally taking that long-awaited cruise
that had to be cancelled 15 months ago when I was first diagnosed. Wow--what a long journey this has been. Some issues still linger (probably always will), but my husband and I are so looking forward to really, really relaxing, reconnecting and having some joyous days at sea. I will be thinking of all of you and you'll all…
I finally finished my last rad treatment.
For the last 7 months I have been through a lumpectomy, chemo and rads and I can finally say I had my last treatment for triple negative bc. I hope things start going back to normal but now I'm wondering if I will always carry this black cloud over me living in fear of it returning and always thinking about the what if's.…
Just dx with Bell's Palsy this afternoon!
I woke up today and my life once again took a turn for the worse. At first I thought I had a mini stroke but after speaking with the oncall dr he told me it sounded like Bell's Palsy and I should go to a clinic to see a PA. My right eye won't blink or close, my mouth is droopy and I can't smile. My ear hurts as well as a…
Surgery on monday
I am having a metal rod placed in my femur on monday, radataion and chemo got rid of the tumors that had met. but the damage was done to the bone now with out the rod I have a 50%/50% chance of stepping wrong and breaking my leg so surgery here I come. wish me luck.
Ringing in my ears :(
Ok warriors, I'm going to go absolutely crazy!! I went to my Onc. last week for blood work and the usual....I asked her if ringing in my ears (it's more like a vibration and I'm not sure if it's my ears or the back of my head) is a side effect of Xeloda (the chemo I'm on). She looked it up and it's not a known side effect…
How do you feel about your oncologist?
After reading some of the posts on this board over the past few days I feel so blessed. The day my surgeon gave me the news that I had BC he told me it was okay to cry and be angry, and that if I needed anything at all not to hesitate to call the office and he or a member of his staff would do whatever they could to help…
I would like to know if anyone has had stage2 b/c with lymph node involvement with 4 rounds of (fec)4 rounds of taxotere and 33 rads has had any mets to any other parts of the body? and if so how long was it? and if not how long has it been since you had your treatments?