Treatment is finished....time for reconstruction, how important is the look of your new foobs?????
I had my 1 month post-op appt on Monday. My PS thinks my new girls look great, I on the other hand think I would like a small tweek or two. He suggested we wait. The way they look is important to me, or do I have unrealistic expectations? On a scale of 1-10 how important is the look of your new foobs??
Hi everyone! My 20th birthday is coming up and I'm throwing a huge party of about 150 of my closest friends. I'm asking that in lieu of gifts, people bring cash or checks to make a donation to a breast cancer research charity of my choice. I am still trying to decide on one to have the donations go to! Does anyone know of…
Caring Bridge - a time saver
SInce I referenced my Caring Bridge website on another topic and some people were unfamiliar with the site I thought I would share the info. If you go to www.caringbridge.org you can create a website to share information with friends and family. It beats trying to call or email lots of people who keep saying "keep me…
Looks like the chemo man cometh!
I had a routine consultation with the rads onco today and wasn't expecting my Oncotype score back until the 19th, when we were to meet with the MO. I got the wind knocked out of me when we learned the pathology was back already, they had conferred and he gave me the news. My score was in the solid intermediate range,…
Frozen Shoulder Experiences Post Mastectomy
I was wondering if anyone has experienced frozen shoulder after their mastectomy with or without node removal. Can you tell my your experiences with it? Is it something you felt all of a sudden, did it come on gradually? What were the feelings and/or sensations accompanying it? Thanks.
How many of us Knew it?
In response to another post...What were you're first words........some of us posted "I knew it". It got me to thinking just how many of us Knew it. For what ever reason, it doesn't matter. No need to even explain if you don't want to. For me I saw a white mass on the monitor of the mammo. It was turned towards me. Then…
Please share your wisdom with me if you had or are having chemo!
I would love to know your best advice in preparation for chemo (specifically I will be starting Taxotere/Cytoxan in about 2 to 4 weeks). I would like to know everything from buzzing hair to meal prep to what to purchase to help with side effects, and everything in between! Thanks! Nancy
Calling all Northeast U.S. girls
Lili and I are looking into going to the Hershey Spa in Hershey, Pennsylvania sometime in October. Just need to get an estimate of who is interested in going. I am waiting to get the lodging prices for October. We were thinking about June, but the prices are more expensive then. I have spoke to the spa manager and told her…
uncaring oncologist
I had a disappointing visit with my oncologist today, my first since chemo ended. First, I realized he has no idea who I am. He asked about my port, I don't have one. I asked how we would find out if the chemo worked, he said we couldn't. I asked if I should get any scans or tests, he shrugged and said, "Well you should…
Need advice on flying after lymph node removal
Hi sisters. I haven't been on here for a short while but now need your advice. I had a bi-lateral mastectomy in November 2010 and 2 levels of lymph nodes removed. I have not had any problems with lymphodema so far. We have had a death in the family and I need to fly tomorrow from FL to OK. I do not have a compression sleve…
What, If Anything, Have You Learned With Your Diagnosis Of Breast Cancer?
This journey with bc is difficult and long. We all started with the initial diagnosis of bc, had surgery's, taken chemo and rads and some are on hormone therapy. Be it good or bad, what have you learned? About yourself, your friends, your family, your job, or just plain about life now? Thanks!
one or two breasts removed?
Hello all: Met with a breast surgeon today and talked about getting one or both breasts removed. The cancer is in the right breast, but I am thinking about removing both and going for a full reconstruction on both. All the doctors/surgeons I;ve talked to seem to lean towards only one breast removed and keep the other. All…
Today is CCinCin's Anniversary!
Best wishes for a wonderful day! CELEBRATE!!! -Jenny
Cleaning for a Reason
Has anybody been able to use this service? Several friends told me about this but there are no partners in our area so I couldn't take advantage of it. It is a not-for-profit clearing house that matches women in treatment with a maid service that will clean for you while you're in treatment, for free. There is an…
LOL....this is too funny! Why I'm Divorced...
Last week was my birthday and I didn't feel very well waking up on that morning. I went downstairs for breakfast hoping my husband would be pleasant and say, 'Happy Birthday!', and possibly have a small present for me. As it turned out, he barely said good morning, let alone ' Happy Birthday.' I thought.... Well, that's…
OT Amreican Idol
So how do we feel about Paul leaving? I liked him a lot, but thought he might go after Stefano did better this week.
After their 11th child, a hillbilly couple decided that was enough, as they could not afford a larger bed. So the husband went to his veterinarian and told him that he and his cousin didn't want to have any more children. The doctor told him that there was a procedure called a vasectomy that could fix the problem but that…
Revlon Walk, Los Angeles
So, I had an idea. Instead of meeting at the designated meet-your-people spot (big letters, so, say, if we were meeting there we could gather under C for CSN), why not meet at the survivor hats booth since that's what we are: survivors. If you've never participated before, what happens is you trot yourself over to the…
I did it!! 33 treatments of radiation, I got to ring a bell:)it was bitter sweet so glad to be thru with that, I got a really good tan.I haven't had a celebration yet but i was very happy today and i really want know how to act or feel next week not having to go. thank you ladies for helping me through this journey. I'm…
Phoenix Divas!!!
The evening in Phoenix was balmy, filled with sisterhood and gratitude! I loved every minute of being with my Kindred Spirits! Look on my Expressions Gallery to see all of us--in our Diva Glory! Hugs, Renee
Sacramento Lunch
I've been waiting for one of the other lunch guests to post, but guess they're still out having fun somewhere. My camera died, so I have only 4 pictures to post on my Expressions Page, but there were a lot of others taken and I'm sure they'll be posted. It was absolutely wonderful to meet 4 other women from this board and…
Childhood dream come true!
I got to meet the A&W Root Bear at my grandson's baseball opening ceremonies. Being the adult that I am I had to have my photo taken with him LOL! For the time being I changed my photo to it just cause it makes me smile, hope it makes you smile too! It was a great Saturday watching all the children in their uniforms all…
Health Tip! Joke
If you can't afford a doctor, go to an airport---you'll get a free x-ray and breast exam; and if you mention Al Qaeda, you'll get a free colonoscopy.
My gyno Dr called last night everything benign! He has been in contact with oncologist-he did once again bisopies (due to bleeding after years). I asked his opinion and truley trust him (been my dr for over 20 yrs) he said to try whatever the Onoclo. suggests next week. HE still thinks PROS outwigh the cons...! Denise
Starting rads tomorrow
The next phase of my cancer journey begins tomorrow! I will go for rads 5 days a week for 6 weeks. That seems like such a long long time. And every day! I hope I have the energy to get through this. Please say a prayer that I will have the strength and courage to get through this. Thank you all in advance. Much Peace,…
Today is Mariam_11_09's Birthday!
Hoping you have a GREAT day doing all the things you love most! Happy Birthday! -Jenny
Worked thru all your chemo?
Just wondering, have any of you worked thru all your chemos? Right now I have about a month and a half off....4 sessions of chemo, cytoxin and traxtere, with some major side effects. Originally was scheduled out till July 1....now saying I have to go back to work. Wondering how all of you worked this out ........ I work in…
lumpectomy cavity filling with fluid 2 year post-op - help!
Hello Ladies. I had a lumpectomy almost 2 years ago, on 7/09 and radiation on 9/09. The large cavity the surgeon left immediately filled with fluid (I heard 'sloshing' sounds when I walked. Weird but not uncommon the doc said.) After about a year, the swelling went down, but not completely away. Then, like Traci, I…
Tues I go back to ONCOLOGIST
I go back on Tues am as follow up of being taken oFF Tamox.(for month now) I just had blood work & I am going to be put on something but not sure what yet? What are some of the other meds/ names I may be prescribed? Any I should avoid from your experiences or any suggestions!!? Denise
Anybody try Jenny Craig while on Tamoxifen?
Hi guys... I am trying to look into ways to loose that chemo weight now that I have completed the hard part of treatment. Have any of you tried nutri system or Jenny Craig while on tamoifen? Can it still be effective? I am tired of all this extra poundage and want to do something about it!!!