
Punkindo Member Posts: 113
Ok, so I go to my radiation oncolgist check up appointment and she does a breast exam and says that she feels cysts on one of my breasts. She said that she isn't overly concerned, but to ask them about it on my next mamogram......To my knowledge I have never had cysts before. I am presuming that, because she didn't send me immediately to have a mamogram, that it must not be anything to worry about, but I sure wish she hadn't found anything at all.....

Has anyone been told that they had cysts and found out that it was actually a recurrence??? I am guessing cysts are not solid so if that is what it is, it means it isn't cancerous. I guess I need to do a little reasearch about cysts before I get all worried... Of course sometimes ignorance is blyss.....


  • Angie2U
    Angie2U Member Posts: 2,991
    I never had cysts,
    I never had cysts, microcalcifications showed up when I had a mammo, which turned out to be bc. Should you maybe have a mammo or ultrasound now to relieve your mind?

    Good luck,

  • cabbott
    cabbott Member Posts: 1,039 Member
    Many many women have cysts in their breasts. You will know if you feel one. It feels like a roundish marble with smooth sides. If cysts suddenly appear, they may consider an ultrasound to make sure it is just a fluid filled cyst, but that's what the smooth feeling lumps usually are. Ones that appear suddenly are worth watching even if they are not cancer. A radiologist told me that when they suddenly appear, sometimes they are filled because a tiny spot of cancer has blocked the duct. The cyst is not cancer, but the blockage can be. Watchful waiting (like another scan in 6 months) is usually done just to make sure that everything is normal. Because cancer does not double overnight, this is considered a safe wait. If it is too small to show up on a normal mammogram, even if it doubled every 28 days (a very aggresive sort of breast cancer) it would barely be visable in 6 months. That may not make you sleep easier, but that is what I've learned over the years.

    Cancer feels more like a small piece of gravel with rough uneven sides.
  • Punkindo
    Punkindo Member Posts: 113
    cabbott said:

    Many many women have cysts in their breasts. You will know if you feel one. It feels like a roundish marble with smooth sides. If cysts suddenly appear, they may consider an ultrasound to make sure it is just a fluid filled cyst, but that's what the smooth feeling lumps usually are. Ones that appear suddenly are worth watching even if they are not cancer. A radiologist told me that when they suddenly appear, sometimes they are filled because a tiny spot of cancer has blocked the duct. The cyst is not cancer, but the blockage can be. Watchful waiting (like another scan in 6 months) is usually done just to make sure that everything is normal. Because cancer does not double overnight, this is considered a safe wait. If it is too small to show up on a normal mammogram, even if it doubled every 28 days (a very aggresive sort of breast cancer) it would barely be visable in 6 months. That may not make you sleep easier, but that is what I've learned over the years.

    Cancer feels more like a small piece of gravel with rough uneven sides.

    I had the microcalcifications and I never even felt them... After my dr appointment I went home and felt my breast, but I can't figure out what she is talking about. I did have lumpectomies (bi-lateral) though and I can feel scar tissue. I guess it is worrying me because I never felt the cancer and I can't feel this either....At least I know that they have radiologists at the mamogram center, so I will not leave till they promise me I am Ok!! Then I will be able to breathe again... at least untill the next one :)
  • Punkindo
    Punkindo Member Posts: 113
    Angie2U said:

    I never had cysts,
    I never had cysts, microcalcifications showed up when I had a mammo, which turned out to be bc. Should you maybe have a mammo or ultrasound now to relieve your mind?

    Good luck,


    I have a mamogram already lined up... I just have 1 week to go.... I guess I am extra stressed this time because my doctors had told me that I would get a mamogram every 6 months for a while because of the bilateral breast cancer. When I went to my 6 month mamogram, the center told me that it wasn't indicated on my chart to have one every 6 months so I would have to wait a year from my last one (even thought they had an appointment set up for me).... I told my chemo oncologist, but she said that maybee they didn't see anything worrysome and that I should take it as good news. When I had my appointment with my radiation oncologist (check up) 2 weeks ago and I mentioned it to her, she got really uspet. She said that I should have told her and she would have gotten things fixed. Too late I guess though. Its hard to figure out which doctor to tell what to when you have so many... It is just worrying me because its been a year since my last mamogram and a lot can happen in a year. I will be able to breath again I think when they tell me that I am all clear on the 15th!! I know they have a radiologist there so I will refuse to leave till they tell me the results....
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    Punkindo said:

    I had the microcalcifications and I never even felt them... After my dr appointment I went home and felt my breast, but I can't figure out what she is talking about. I did have lumpectomies (bi-lateral) though and I can feel scar tissue. I guess it is worrying me because I never felt the cancer and I can't feel this either....At least I know that they have radiologists at the mamogram center, so I will not leave till they promise me I am Ok!! Then I will be able to breathe again... at least untill the next one :)

    I had a cyst show up on
    I had a cyst show up on mammogram, I am not prone toward them at all. But they said it often happens with hormonal shifts around menopause.I suppose one would be more likely to get them around all the havoc of treatment. this was before my current diagnosis, but I had my first cancer in 1994 so I guess my answer can qualify as a yes to your question.
  • Kylez
    Kylez Member Posts: 3,761 Member
    cabbott said:

    Many many women have cysts in their breasts. You will know if you feel one. It feels like a roundish marble with smooth sides. If cysts suddenly appear, they may consider an ultrasound to make sure it is just a fluid filled cyst, but that's what the smooth feeling lumps usually are. Ones that appear suddenly are worth watching even if they are not cancer. A radiologist told me that when they suddenly appear, sometimes they are filled because a tiny spot of cancer has blocked the duct. The cyst is not cancer, but the blockage can be. Watchful waiting (like another scan in 6 months) is usually done just to make sure that everything is normal. Because cancer does not double overnight, this is considered a safe wait. If it is too small to show up on a normal mammogram, even if it doubled every 28 days (a very aggresive sort of breast cancer) it would barely be visable in 6 months. That may not make you sleep easier, but that is what I've learned over the years.

    Cancer feels more like a small piece of gravel with rough uneven sides.

    Maybe you should call your
    Maybe you should call your doctor and tell them how worried and anxious you are. See what he or she says to do next.

    Good luck!
  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Kylez said:

    Maybe you should call your
    Maybe you should call your doctor and tell them how worried and anxious you are. See what he or she says to do next.

    Good luck!

    I disagree..
    With the statement cancer feels like a "piece of gravel"....I found my lump less then3 months after a mammo and was hard and flat! Felt almost like an cancer is back and this lump is right above my cancer is not just a round lump, etc... And any lump in the breast that appears...don't wait have a mammo!
  • Cat64
    Cat64 Member Posts: 1,192 Member
    I just came across an interesting article yesterday about cysts.
    Search Cysts. The article I read was by Melissa Stoppler & William Shiel Jr.
    Hope you find this helpful!
    ♥ Cat
  • Punkindo
    Punkindo Member Posts: 113
    Cat64 said:

    I just came across an interesting article yesterday about cysts.
    Search Cysts. The article I read was by Melissa Stoppler & William Shiel Jr.
    Hope you find this helpful!
    ♥ Cat

    I will look it up. THANKS!!
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    cabbott said:

    Many many women have cysts in their breasts. You will know if you feel one. It feels like a roundish marble with smooth sides. If cysts suddenly appear, they may consider an ultrasound to make sure it is just a fluid filled cyst, but that's what the smooth feeling lumps usually are. Ones that appear suddenly are worth watching even if they are not cancer. A radiologist told me that when they suddenly appear, sometimes they are filled because a tiny spot of cancer has blocked the duct. The cyst is not cancer, but the blockage can be. Watchful waiting (like another scan in 6 months) is usually done just to make sure that everything is normal. Because cancer does not double overnight, this is considered a safe wait. If it is too small to show up on a normal mammogram, even if it doubled every 28 days (a very aggresive sort of breast cancer) it would barely be visable in 6 months. That may not make you sleep easier, but that is what I've learned over the years.

    Cancer feels more like a small piece of gravel with rough uneven sides.

    Call your doctor and let him
    Call your doctor and let him know.

    Good luck!
  • Lynn Smith
    Lynn Smith Member Posts: 1,264 Member
    Punkindo said:

    I will look it up. THANKS!!

    I had a cyst many years ago.Before the cyst was benign breast tumors.All in the left breast.
    I had the cyst checked every year but missed one time. Then went in and my doctor said the cyst had grown.The only time I had missed appt is just when the thing grew.The doctor aspirated it.Alot of fluid and ugly looking.As the doctor was getting it ready to be sent to the lab he put his hands together as if to pray. From that day on I never missed appts.

    Then in 2009 a tumor and cyst were found.The Radiology doctor and nurse came out and told me I had a tumor and a cyst(the radiology doctor wasn't worried about the cyst). Almost 6 weeks later the biopsy was done( my new doctor delayed it). Cancer for the tumor.The tumor plus a benign tumor(found when I was getting prepped) were removed.The cyst was never mentioned BUT every mammo now I get a letter saying there is a place that APPEARS to be benign.So I have to trust in this and say it is a cyst and cysts are benign UNLESS they get bigger in size.Then they should be tested.

    With the 2 cancer surgeries(the 2nd surgery checked margins) the cyst was left. Not mentioned till I get my letter from the Breast Center with my mammo report.

    Lynn Smith
  • Punkindo
    Punkindo Member Posts: 113
    mamogram done
    I had my mamogram on Wednesday and everything was clear!!! I mentioned something about the cysts, but apparenty they didn't see anything. WHEW!!! I was so stressed out.Now I am so relieved. Thanks everyone for helping me and being with me in spirit!!!
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    Punkindo said:

    mamogram done
    I had my mamogram on Wednesday and everything was clear!!! I mentioned something about the cysts, but apparenty they didn't see anything. WHEW!!! I was so stressed out.Now I am so relieved. Thanks everyone for helping me and being with me in spirit!!!

    Congrats Punkindo! So happy
    Congrats Punkindo! So happy for your good news!

    Celebrate now!
