MsGebby Member Posts: 659
"you are N E D"! How sweet it is .... I saw my new oncologist and he had encouraging words to say. He said "you are a healthy young woman". He did a thorough exam and could not find anything wrong with me.

I am set for a CT scan .... he says there is no need for a PET Scan because the lung nodules will not be seen on that scan. That was good to hear because the first PET scan came back as indeterminate. The nodules were below the spatial resolution. Makes sense to me. He told me to stick with the Arimidex because it sure beats having to go through chemo. I am really having a hard a time with Arimidex. My body aches so badly. I was actually crying last night because the pain was so bad!

Right now, I am breathing so much easier. I will get the CT scan and most likely be told that the nodules are stable. :) Then I have to find out what the endo doc is going to do about the complex nodule and isthmus in my thyroid. At least if this is cancer I know it is curable. It's just knowing it may be lingering in my body elsewhere.

So, I am pretty happy and feel that a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. NED NED NED !! yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy



  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member

    Good news. Now you just have to deal with the endo. Best of luck I hope it all goes well for you. I'm sorry you are having to go through all this. I have six different doctors myself so I know how that goes. Getting one off your back is great :-)

  • MsGebby
    MsGebby Member Posts: 659
    mom62 said:


    Good news. Now you just have to deal with the endo. Best of luck I hope it all goes well for you. I'm sorry you are having to go through all this. I have six different doctors myself so I know how that goes. Getting one off your back is great :-)


    HI Terry
    Thank you for your kind words. I did read your post in response to my other post (Just so tired).

    You really do understand me. I don't mean to sound down but I am feeling depressed. This all started last February. I fell on ice and broke my forearm, tore a labrum in my right shoulder, messed up my left knee and hip. I am still suffering as a result of these injuries. 2 months after that, I was fired from my job. The reason was because of absences from the job due to my fall. Then I find out that I have cancer (august). I had the lumpectomy in September. The a re incision for clear margins in November. CT scan came back after that with the news that there were lung nodules. PET scan in December that declared the nodules "indeterminate and cannot rule out malignancy". Radiation starts in January and ends in March. Arimidex starts in mid March and still no news about the nodules. Then the news about my thyroid...complex nodules and isthmus. In just over a year, I've been hitting brick wall after brick wall. So far, I have been receiving good news, but it's that the news keeps on coming.

    Is it wrong for me to feel "picked on"? I know my sisters out there are having a much more difficult times than me and that makes me feel even more guilty for feeling down.

    I just don't know how to handle this. I've been labeled "strong" my entire life. I have to ask when is it OK to be a little weak. I am sorry. I did it again. Complaining is so not my style.

    I just need a break. A break from doctors...a break from turning every corner and finding a new mystery waiting for me.

    I don't work but wish I could. At my age, no one seems to want me. I am 57 this year (silver lining) and can't give a company many years. I am trying to find my niche with the interior design world. That seems out of my reach though.

    Thank you for being here. I appreciate it and only hope and pray that you find happiness and good health as the year winds on.

    Peace and love,
  • mom62
    mom62 Member Posts: 604 Member
    MsGebby said:

    HI Terry
    Thank you for your kind words. I did read your post in response to my other post (Just so tired).

    You really do understand me. I don't mean to sound down but I am feeling depressed. This all started last February. I fell on ice and broke my forearm, tore a labrum in my right shoulder, messed up my left knee and hip. I am still suffering as a result of these injuries. 2 months after that, I was fired from my job. The reason was because of absences from the job due to my fall. Then I find out that I have cancer (august). I had the lumpectomy in September. The a re incision for clear margins in November. CT scan came back after that with the news that there were lung nodules. PET scan in December that declared the nodules "indeterminate and cannot rule out malignancy". Radiation starts in January and ends in March. Arimidex starts in mid March and still no news about the nodules. Then the news about my thyroid...complex nodules and isthmus. In just over a year, I've been hitting brick wall after brick wall. So far, I have been receiving good news, but it's that the news keeps on coming.

    Is it wrong for me to feel "picked on"? I know my sisters out there are having a much more difficult times than me and that makes me feel even more guilty for feeling down.

    I just don't know how to handle this. I've been labeled "strong" my entire life. I have to ask when is it OK to be a little weak. I am sorry. I did it again. Complaining is so not my style.

    I just need a break. A break from doctors...a break from turning every corner and finding a new mystery waiting for me.

    I don't work but wish I could. At my age, no one seems to want me. I am 57 this year (silver lining) and can't give a company many years. I am trying to find my niche with the interior design world. That seems out of my reach though.

    Thank you for being here. I appreciate it and only hope and pray that you find happiness and good health as the year winds on.

    Peace and love,

    You Have
    a right to be depressed. Think of all you have been through in the past year! Most people can't handle that never mind what some of our other sisters go through. You have a right to be down sometimes it doesn't mean you are less strong, it means your human. I sometimes it feels like the bad news just keeps coming and the waiting is endless. I too broke my humerous last year falling on ice. It was just another thing to add to the list. I had to finally admit my depression and get help for it. I was a working woman myself and have had to give that up which was hard. I was always the bread winner. I'm about to hit 50 this year myself. With all your problems you may qualify for SSDI. I hope you have insurance, even with it I pay almost $300 a month for perscriptions. My oldest went off to college this year and I had a real hard time with that. I cried all the time till he left. I just knew our relationship would change as he is an adult now and I was missing my little man. I really do find therapy works and I had to go on meds to function. I didn't want to do anything but sleep. I'm better now, but not perfect. I miss having a normal life, whatever that is. I'm here for you if you need to vent. I know how it feels to have your life booked with doctors appointments every week. If you ever need to vent you can always pm me too. I wish you well and am glad you like your new MO. Take care and give yourself a break, you are human too.

    ((hugs)) Terry
  • laughs_a_lot
    laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
    Glad you got NED
    Now dance with him. Have a good time with Ned but make sure he has some energy for the next person to dance with. We have been trying to figure out how to clone Ned for years.

    Regarding feeling depressed. I lost my job about 9 months before my diagnosis. I lost it because I was frank about the type of treatment employees were enduring. There was excessive stress there. 9 months later I had bc. I swear the stress caused my cancer as stress shortens telomeres on the genes. Telomeres protect the body from cancer.

    Luckily for me I had two jobs and the one I lost was not the one I got my health insurance through. So I lost my proffesional job and am working as a non proffessional in the same type of industry. A kick in the butt to say the least but I still have health insurance.

    One of the reasons they don't want people our age is that we know too much. We will not be hornswaggled. I was a recent college graduate as well, so the loan pay off is a thorn in the side as well. I had always been a hard worker putting in 55=60 hrs a week. The economy in Michigan is not conducive to finding jobs so I try not to take it personally.

    With all we have been through with BC and some of the related conditions and side effects it is not uncommon to be depressed. Only you know how long you have felt this way. If it has been more than 6 weeks to a month you may want to seek help for it. There are short term solutions as well as long term solutions. The short term solutions are of course not permanant.
  • Texasgirl10
    Texasgirl10 Member Posts: 668

    Glad you got NED
    Now dance with him. Have a good time with Ned but make sure he has some energy for the next person to dance with. We have been trying to figure out how to clone Ned for years.

    Regarding feeling depressed. I lost my job about 9 months before my diagnosis. I lost it because I was frank about the type of treatment employees were enduring. There was excessive stress there. 9 months later I had bc. I swear the stress caused my cancer as stress shortens telomeres on the genes. Telomeres protect the body from cancer.

    Luckily for me I had two jobs and the one I lost was not the one I got my health insurance through. So I lost my proffesional job and am working as a non proffessional in the same type of industry. A kick in the butt to say the least but I still have health insurance.

    One of the reasons they don't want people our age is that we know too much. We will not be hornswaggled. I was a recent college graduate as well, so the loan pay off is a thorn in the side as well. I had always been a hard worker putting in 55=60 hrs a week. The economy in Michigan is not conducive to finding jobs so I try not to take it personally.

    With all we have been through with BC and some of the related conditions and side effects it is not uncommon to be depressed. Only you know how long you have felt this way. If it has been more than 6 weeks to a month you may want to seek help for it. There are short term solutions as well as long term solutions. The short term solutions are of course not permanant.

    Whoot Whoot
    I'm doing the happy dance. What awesome news to read. I wish for you. An eternity filled with ned.
    I hope that pain gets better soon.

    Hugs and God Bless,

  • sdukowitz
    sdukowitz Member Posts: 250
    That is great news and

    That is great news and what a big relief hang in there am praying things will
    Continue more positive for you hoping the aridimix side effects will lessen I am having
    Stuff from tamixifin but am gonna try to make it thru ..... congrats on NED!
  • warrrior3
    warrrior3 Member Posts: 92
    Quote from these threads
    Depression is not a sign of weakness, but a sign that you have been strong too long!
  • warrrior3
    warrrior3 Member Posts: 92
    Quote from these threads
    Depression is not a sign of weakness, but a sign that you have been strong too long!
    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Hi Mary,

    What a lovely term to hear NED. Very nice.

    I would stick to Arimidex in order to keep you NED. Someone had told me to try this over the counter product for bone & joint pain that I had while on Femara. It is called: Glucosamine & Chondroitin. Due to the fact that I use so many prescription drugs, I had to clear it with my primary. Unfortunately, Femara failed me before I saw my doctor to inquire about it.

    I believe many people do use that product to help them with pain along with Vitamin D which I do use.

    Best wishes,

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    SIROD said:

    Hi Mary,

    What a lovely term to hear NED. Very nice.

    I would stick to Arimidex in order to keep you NED. Someone had told me to try this over the counter product for bone & joint pain that I had while on Femara. It is called: Glucosamine & Chondroitin. Due to the fact that I use so many prescription drugs, I had to clear it with my primary. Unfortunately, Femara failed me before I saw my doctor to inquire about it.

    I believe many people do use that product to help them with pain along with Vitamin D which I do use.

    Best wishes,


    Ain't NED just the best?
    So happy to hear you received such good news, Mary. Hope the thyroid thing is ok, too. Enough already!

  • Frankie Shannon
    Frankie Shannon Member Posts: 457
    Such good news.Every one
    Such good news.Every one gets done once in awhile even people that are healthy so don't feel bad about being down now and then you've had a lot on your plate.Live,Laugh and Love.
    Hugs Frankie
  • jnl
    jnl Member Posts: 3,869 Member
    mom62 said:


    Good news. Now you just have to deal with the endo. Best of luck I hope it all goes well for you. I'm sorry you are having to go through all this. I have six different doctors myself so I know how that goes. Getting one off your back is great :-)


    Very good news Mary!Hugs,
    Very good news Mary!

    Hugs, Leeza
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Such good news.Every one
    Such good news.Every one gets done once in awhile even people that are healthy so don't feel bad about being down now and then you've had a lot on your plate.Live,Laugh and Love.
    Hugs Frankie

    Ms. Gebby - Congratulations!!!
    Funny how those 4 words "No Evidence of Disease', can ease our worries, and
    stress away@!

    I am so happy for you.

    Strength, Courage and HOPE for a Cure.

    Vicki Sam
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    VickiSam said:

    Ms. Gebby - Congratulations!!!
    Funny how those 4 words "No Evidence of Disease', can ease our worries, and
    stress away@!

    I am so happy for you.

    Strength, Courage and HOPE for a Cure.

    Vicki Sam

    Hip, Hip, Hooray for Mary!
    So glad to hear your good news--what a relief. Time to relax a little and enjoy.

    Hugs, Renee
  • Jobi
    Jobi Member Posts: 211
    Good news!
    I am glad to hear your news, and will keep you in my prayers!

  • Kristin N
    Kristin N Member Posts: 1,968 Member

    Whoot Whoot
    I'm doing the happy dance. What awesome news to read. I wish for you. An eternity filled with ned.
    I hope that pain gets better soon.

    Hugs and God Bless,


    Congrats on NED!

    Congrats on NED!