I have an odd situation/question...

jenben59 Member Posts: 136 Member
edited March 2014 in Brain Cancer #1
I hope someone has some insight into my situation. I think it's odd. Briefly, about 4 1/2 years ago, I had a seizure (that's it, literally no other symptoms) and was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Part of it was removed and about a year later, the neurosurgeon had to remove the rest of the tumor along with my hippocampus, amygdala and something else.(I can't remember) I turned out to be a low grade astrocytoma, so I did not have to undergo any chemo or radiation. I was relieved to say the least. Needless, to say it has been over three years ago since my last MRI etc. I live in Texas, ob the coast and we got hit with hurrican IKE and I had to do a lot of "filthy" water, mud and garbage cleaning up and so forth. About 8 weeks after the flood, still cleaning up... I got sick to my stomach and pain under my right ribs if I ate anything, but I could drink anything and I was fine. I went to my GP who sent me to another doctor who did a CAT scan and colonoscopy. They thought I had Diverticulitis and I had surgery. I came out of surgery diagnosed with stage 3c colon cancer! I found a medical articial relating brain tumors...astrocytomas and colon cancer, but it was in very medical/scientific terminology and didn't completely understand everything. Has anyone ever heard of anything like this? If so, is it a genetic factor or just a odd thing? Information I read about colon cancer doesn't just "happen" it's usually present quite some time, even years, before it presents any symptoms. If anyone can help me out with any information I would truly appreciate it. Thank you very much.