I am having my 6th TURBT for superficial bladder cancer on Monday. I have been smoking for 52 years and had my first TURBT in 2009. My Urologist says that I should quit smoking but I am so afraid that if I do, the cancer cells will go somewhere else in my body. I have an impaired immune system due to the fact that I do not…
Neobladder or colostomy bag?
I am a 47 year old woman who has been diagnosed with third stage bladder cancer.I am totally devastated and am finding it difficult to cope. I have to decide which method to use when they remove my bladder. They advised a catheter but the hole thought of it freaks me out.After I went back to see them they advised the…
Pain with early stage bladder cancer
I was diagnosed a year ago at age 41 with early stage bladder cancer. Its was actually by accident I went to emergency with severe pain on my right side and pain in the groin like someone had kicked me in the crotch, while they were trying to figure it out i passed large amounts of blood and clots. they found a tumor and…
dad & bladder cancer.... bunch of Qs
Hi, My dad diagnosed with bladder cancer ( low grade, T1 on staging) 2 years ago & he is on periodic cystoscopy. he received adriamycin once about 18 month ago ,after a cystoscopy showing 7 very small tumors, & he got a severe bladder hypersensitivity reaction, so doctor stop his chemotherapy.cystoscpoy done 6 months after…
Hello Guys , Will u plzz tell me any kind of suggestion,opinion or treatment of the disease "Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma Of Urinary Bladder With Peritoneal Metastasis". Plz send me on akankshapandya1@gmail.com
Question for women with Indiana Pouch reconstruction ONLY
Hello all, I'm 43 years old with two young children. I'm in the middle of chemo (just three more to go!), and then I'm scheduled for radical cystectomy on August 15th, and I'm choosing to go with the Indiana Pouch (continent cutaneous diversion). So, here's my question for women who have chosen this procedure: how do you…
Urgent Suggestion Requires
Hi,i am very new to this forum, we gone through some of the test for my father who is 55 Year old so finally we recieved the FNAC Reports from AIIMS,NewDelhi. Fnac report says,"ultrasound guided aspirate from liver shows mainly necrosis along with few viable fragments from a carecinoma. The morphological features are more…
My husband,David was dx with bladder cancer 4 1/2 yrs ago,had left kidney removed had chemo and bcg treatments and was doing Ok till 2 weeks ago ..went to er for gall baldder attack and when they did MRI found lesions on liver...The oncologist we were seeing just said.."he has to go on chemo, he has 1-2 years to live" We…
New here with questions
My grandmother is 84 years old and just had radical cystectomy surgery. During the surgery they found the cancer had spread to the lymph nodes. They went through with the surgery. She made it through the surgery and is now in recovery at the hospital. My question is now what? I am very unfamiliar with what kind of…
fear of the future
This is my 1st post. I am 72 yo male. Original papillary tumor excised May 2011 after sudden episode of bleeding with clots. Cytoscopy next am - tumor seen - surgery 1 wk later. 3 cystoscopies since with (+) urine cytology, last one on3/16/12. Had another cystoscopy under anesthesia, during which bladder biopsies were…
Hi, I'm New - Bladder Cancer Mets
Hi I am new here. I am 54 years old, female, live in New Zealand (east of Australia) and am glad that I have found somewhere where I can share and learn. I was diagnosed February 2011 with bladder cancer. The Urologist tried to remove the tumour but was unable to get it all out. He sent me to an Oncologist for radiation…
Fatique - worse prognosis?
I am waiting for a specialist appointment. It has been so hard to wait. About 8 weeks ago, I had what I thought was a bladder infection but after three rounds of antibiotics the problem was still there....feeling I had to pee all the time and a burning discomfort in my bladder. Around that time, I started feeling severe…
Too Young?
Hello, I am 22 years old and was diagnosed with Bladder cancer a month ago. I had suffered from frequent uti's and my phsycian ordered an ultrasound. There they found a mass which my Urologist confirmed with a cystoscopy. Four days later I had the tumor removed and had a round of chemo. It was stage t1 non-invasive…
Hi! I usually visit the anal cancer board as I am a survivor, diagnosed in November 2005. Went through a long hard battle with that cancer and just a year ago the oncologists released me. I wound up with a permanent colostomy and other problems. The reason I'm here is for the past few months I've been very fatigued, losing…
Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy
I was unable to get back to the post about bladder cancer post radiation damage, I am still looking for the post, However I hope that this will be read by the wife whose husband had radiation and now is having trouble... However I might add, trouble is a term that is used to lightly for radiation damage... Although…
High-grade papillary urothelial carcinoma, invasion into muscularis, at least pT2
Just diagnosed end of December 2011. Unable to remove much of tumors during biopsy & 1 kidney not draining. Next day nephrostomy for my left kidney. The Dr's advised chemo before surgery because of tumor growth rate. Just had my 1st chemo treatment 2/23/12 (Cisplatin & Gemzar). Knock on wood, so far I'm the luckiest chemo…
Please help!!! confused about my Ureter cancer
I am hoping someone can help me understand. I am 48 yrs old. In Nov i went to a walk in clinic complaining it hurt when i urinated...they called couple days later said there is no infection just a small trace of blood in urine nothing to worry about..A week before Christmas i went by ambulance to hospital they did cat scan…
I am over from the BC board. My BIL has a large tumor in his bladder. he has been have bleeding when he urinates. he is having surgery next week. he is doing it in a local hospital when we have large teaching hospitals nearby, is there anything I should know about the do and donts and are there certain surgical procedures…
Neobladder woman-help!
Hi, this is my first post. I am a 48-year old woman who had a radical cysectomy (removed bladder, various female organs) last February and was given an ileal neobladder, attached to my urethra, so that I can continue to urinate as before. The tumor was a nasty grade 3 but the pathology after the surgery was fantastic so I…
Questions for the men
I usually post on the BC discussion board but now it is my husband. Last year May he had the Turp procedure for his prostate. At that time they said no cancer. They placed a suprapubic catheter in which he still has. A couple of months ago he started to have severe pain when he completely emptied his bladder with the cath.…
So many questions...
My Mom is 82 and has been diagnosed with bladder cancer... T3a no nodes no mets.....her case is before the "tumor board" to discuss if she is a candidate for a radical cystectomy.....The surgeon does not think she is a good candidate.she has really declined in the last 6 weeks since her diagnosis, weight loss, high white…
Hi - I'm New
Hi! This is my first time posting. Just put up my first blog entry. I was diagnosed with bladder cancer less than a week ago, though I haven't been given much information yet. I won't get to see the doctors for another 2-3 weeks. They found a 2-3cms mass attached to my bladder wall after a painless episode of haematuria.…
What the Cystocopy will show that a CT scan did not
Hello, I am a 31 yr old Female. I have had microscopic hematuria found several times in over 15 months. Just 3wks ago I wound up in the ER after experiencing gross hematuria with blood clots for the first time and with zero pain. Ultrasound on kidney and bladder were done at hospital and all looked normal. I was put on…
Too young to have Bladder Cancer
Hey all, I was diagnosed with T1 bladder cancer this summer, at the age 21. Every doctor I have spoke to has never seen anyone as young as me with such an illness. I had a 1.5mm tumor removed and during the procedure it was noticed that there were malformations in my urethra. A biopsy was taken and returned positive for…
what made the doctor or you suspect bladder cancer?
Breast cancer patient, I was told that my cell doesn't usually go to bladder, but could be a different cell. Waiting for FISH test results. 10 urinary infections in 7 months, kidney stone, and hematuria that is sometimes quite visible in my urine. Just worried. Thanks for any advice.
Tumors in ureter
In 2004 I had my bladder removed and a neo bladder constructed due to transitional cell carcinoma. In June 2006 I had my left kidney and ureter removed due to tumors in my ureter especially close to my kidney. Now the MRI is showing something in the left ureter near the left kidney had a ureroscopy one day surgey and they…
My dad lost the battle
My dad was diagnosed wth bladder cancer in June. He had surgery and it returned within 90 days. He lost his battle September 26. Not fair! Please read my tribute to him below. Keep up the good fight! http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/8999255/saying_goodbye.html
my mom just learned she had bladder cancer today
my mom went into the hospital a couple days ago to deal with side effects from the hep c treatment interferon she has been on the last 6 months as soon as she got to the hospital she found blood in her urine and they did a ultrasound the ultrasound came back with a mass on the bladder they did surgery today and yes it was…
Kidney/Genitourinary Cancer Support Group
A new support group is starting at the Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte, NC.The first meeting will take place Monday, October 24, 2011 at 2:00 - 3:30 pm. It is open to survivors, caregivers and friends. Kidney/Genitourinary Cancer Support Group Monday, October 24, 2011 2:00 - 3:30 pm Carolinas Medical Center 1000…
Chemo not working
Has anyone one else experienced this. My partner has stage 4 bladder cancer and gone thru chemo treatment and it did not work. They are going to try a nother type of chemo. What other options do we have at this point?