After each treatment how long does the BCG remain in the bladder
I just received my first of 6 weekly BCG treatments today. After two scope surgeries I was declared cancer free of the superficial cancer. The doctor went to the last layer on the second scope surgery and found no cancer. I am doing as instructed with cleaning my toilet, the good thing is my wife and daughter are back in…
Bladder/melanoma combo platter
Hi Y'all, I was dx with a TCC grade 1 back in 2002 and with miserably botched outpatient surgery, that left me in ICU for a week and in the hospital for a month I was released. I followed up with bcg. In 2004 I had a minor blip on the radar, rather the cysto, that showed a suspicious lesion in 2004. It was surgically…
Bladder Cancer
Hi I just became diagnosed with Bladder Cancer, stage 2. WIth the cytoscope, I was able to view the golf ball sized tunor, hanging from my bladder wall. According to the doctor, it was attached to a stalk like substance, so it was easily removed, since it was not in the wall. Had the surgery two weeks ago. I begin my 8…
where else could it have spread
i was found to have prostate cancer and have been fighting it for over ayear. when they finally decided to use laser surgery on it they found i had bladder cancer. six months earlier my bladder was clean. i have had the three different cancers scrapedand was to start my treatment.then on the urine test they found infection…
Want recommendation -Urologist - Victoria, B.C.
Would like a recommendation for a good urologist in the Victoria, B.C. area. - need a 2nd opinion.
After effects radiation of bladder - frequent and painful urination - constant discomfort
Hi, my mother completed radiation treatment Dec/10, but is still having to get up every hour in the night to urinate - and is constantly exhausted from lack of sleep. She also has discomfort/pain when urinating, and all the time has some degree of discomfort. Does anyone have any suggestions/remedies that she could try?…
Help need advice for specialists in area Ft Laud
Recently diagnosed with bladder cancer after exploratory surgery was told they would have to remove bladder and prostrate. Went to referred urologist in Boston for second opinion and he was told they couldn't find any cancer. I need a reputable specialist in the area of bladder cancer here in S Florida to get the truth…
bladder cancer
my husband will undergo bladder surgery and will have his bladder removed. how is someone doing who had this type of surgery?
Artificial sphincter
15 months post op with artificial bladder and constantly reoccurring bladder infections which cause me to lose the ability to void naturally. Wanting to know about sphincter cost of operation. Thanks, Rick
Too young and pregnant
I am 30 and just got diagnosed with bladder cancer. The dr beleive it will be a low grade TCC. I have a TURBT scheduled for next week. A few days after I found out I had this and had a CT done, I found out I was pregnant. I am bout 6 weeks. After a lot of thought we have decided to terminate the pregnancy. I cannot find…
Not sure I should even think this way...but it's in the back of my mind
I've had on and off issues with UTI's, infections over the past several years...I just put up with it and ignored it pretty much. Now I'm experiencing constant voiding, blood in my urine, pressure (especially when I lay down at night) to urinate. I'm very bloated, not sure that's why. He's diagnosing me with PBS or…
Side effects from radiation in 2004 - bladder - kidney
I would like to talk to someone who has side effects from radiation. I don't know which choices to make regarding stents or bag.
How to find an experienced surgeon?
I live in a small town 5 hours from a metropolitan area. My local urologist says he can do a cystectomy with urostomy and isn't eager to refer me to a larger center. How do I find a surgeon with experience doing female cystectomies? Hospital websites usually focus on male surgeries.
any gallbladder cancer survivors PLEASE respond
my aunt was diagnosed with gallbladder cancer last year and when she found out she immediately went in to treatment she started off at Karmanos Cancer Center, the doctors advised her that there is nothing they can do because her platelets kept going down so she went to the Cancer Center of America and now they're sayng the…
Please help with info!
My mother just found out she has Bladder Cancer. We are in different states. I think she is not telling me alot, She does not want to scare me. I am strong and need to know somethings about whats going on so I can Plan for this. I want to be with her as much as i can, But with 3 kids and not living close. I need to know if…
Tumor and the Inability to Pee
I'm trying my best to gather what information the doctors have told me, but my mom has been wearing a foley for like... 3 months now. She is so SICK of this thing and she keeps telling me, "Ashley, I could deal with all of this... chemo... radiation... if I could only pee on my own!" Her results from the urodynamics test…
Gallbladder cancer
Hi, My name is Tiffany. I am seeking any kinds of help from anyone. My mother was diagnosed with cancer in April of this year 2011. She is 71years old and she is all that my siblings and I have left. We lost our Dad to a tragic accident in 2008. Because of her age, her oncologist decided that a biopsy was not necessary,…
House cleaning
In case there are people out there that do not know what kind of services are available to chemo patients. There is free cleaning service for patient going through chemo, it's called Cleaning for a Reason. It is available for any type of cancer and is available in almost every state. Just look them up online and fill out…
Weight loss
I lost a lot of weight before find out I had the tumor. I am still having trouble gaining weight. I don't like what my family doctor wants me today. I was 30 when I found out bout the cancer so I am worried that it will come back since I have not been able to gain weight back.
situ squamous cell carcinoma/vulva intraepithelial neoplasia 3 with focal superficial invasion. Can anyone explain this? What does it all mean?
Bladder removal (female)
I'm facing a decision about bladder removal and would like to hear from any other women who hve gon through this. I'm wondering if there is an alternative and if not, what is life like after removal? Any experiences would be helpful.
Who are the top doctors/surgeons
My husband was just diagnosed with bladder cancer. Urologist is recommending bladder removal and neo bladder, however he has only done 2 this year. I have been searching with no success for information on who does these procedures with regularity, where to go and who to see. Any suggestions out there?
Post bladder cancer 2yrs remission-chronic pain Dr. clueless
I have lived with daily chronic pain for over 2yrs. Did an I.C. diet/ took Elemorn/ had I. C. coctails 1yr. ago yo no avail. Dr. didn't think it was I.C. to begin with. Saw him 2 days ago & admits he's clueless. I feel like my bladder is a blow tourch! & I feel like I was kicked in the left side of my bladder. The tumor…
Just had my first yearly cytoscope today NO TUMORS. Still have microscopic blood in pee test but dr said some people hv that w/ no underlining problem. Thank goodness I hate cytoscopes they hurt.
phantom urges to pee
hi..my mom just went through bladder cancer surgery and just came out of hospital for second time with MRSA i am her care giver...she has just started a new thing yesterday where she feels she still has to go pee and sits on toilet even though she has a stuma and bag....now.....has anyone ever heard of this??? i do not…
cystoscopy and FISH test questions
Hi all, My dad shows blood in his urine. Aside from some other medical issues (mass in thyroid and enlarged groin lymphnode) we now have to address this issue too. The docs are saying a FISH test and cystoscopy. He gave a urine sample 3 wks ago and they never told us that there wasn't sufficient cells and now he has to do…
Looking for alternatives...
I am looking for resources concerning finding alternatives to chemo. I keep hearing (doctors, nurses, etc.) that I need to do chemo again. I did chemo in the past with a terrifying result and I don't want to do it again. Any help on this topic (resources) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hi, I have bladder cancer since nov 2010 and have had 3 tumors removed and completed 6 treatments of BCG but my diet has gone. I have been using liquid supplements and toast ever since. I am in the process of giving up smoking by weening off because of being a long term user(47 yrs). Since my last treatment dec 30 2010 i…
Focally Myxoid spindle cell tumor of the prostate
Anyone know anything about this cancer. Husband just diagnosised. Dr. says remove bladder and prostate.
Cost of Bladder removal (radical cystectomy) in US - or has anyone had the op in Australia?
Hi, My husband has been diagnosed with bladder cancer at the age of 47 and may have to have his bladder and prostate removed. We are currently living in the UK, although we also have Australian citizenship. We don't have much faith in the medical profession in the UK, especially with surgeons that carry out the bladder…