Great news
I found out today that I am still cancer free per test results!!! See the oncologist again in 6 months. Have the port removed in two weeks. Life is good!
All clear except inflammation
I got the results of the PET and had the sigmoidoscopy and learned I am cancer free. Inflammation showed up on the scan. Still having a lot of trouble with my legs. I have fibromyalgia, so perhaps treatment just exacerbated an autoimmune condition that is inflammatory in nature. The prednisone prescribed for an asthma…
So much to be thankful for
Even being through this treatment, and with possible recurrence being investigated, I am damned blessed. Blessed to have a bottom that works. Blessed to have a healthy heart. Blessed to have a beautiful home with four walls and a ceiling that doesn't leak. Blessed to have and enjoy good music and good food. Blessed to have…
One Year PET scan clear!!!!
Best news ever this Thanksgiving! Clear PET scan!!!!!! One year ago the nightmare started and after treatment good news only. No side effects (or barely any) for me. I did just develop a sligh rash on my tailbone which could be shingles. And sciatica. Anybody had this? Could be completely unrelated but, of course, I worry.…
How should I be screened?
I am a female in her early sixties. I had my first colonoscopy about a year ago. Only one 1 cm polyp found, in my anus near the verge. The doctor biopsied the polyp but didn’t remove it because it was located near hemriodial tissue. The biosopy showed it was a condyloma (genital wart). The doctor told me to come in ten…
What a difference a year makes! I was in treatment this time last year. Last thanksgiving I was in the emergency room, getting fluids and morphine, That certainly is a strange feeling when that morphine hits your bloodstream. A year ago I could barely walk the few feet to the bathroom. Today I am going on a 3 mile fast…
Giving thanks...
I joined the forum today and already am thankful for the information and advice gleaned from the many posts I have read. Pick line goes in 12/2. I hope in the coming weeks to give back as much as I have gotten from those who are sharing. Happy Thanksgiving...
Monday I see the oncologist and hopefully will find out results of PET scan and lab work. Friday I see the colon/rectal doctor. So I will probably get to bare my bottom twice in one week - wow! Guess I should be used to it by now...
For the Newbies: 95% of Anal cancer patients free from SERIOUS side effects during and after treatm
I remember these figures being presented to me at dx. I was really hoping that I would be in the 95% and I was for the first three weeks. I always had hope that things would not get too bad for me, but they did. I got thru it and I am left with some unusual side effects. I don't think that reading this board gave me any…
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Turkey Day! God bless you and yours.
Port in tomorrow
I get my port in tomorrow, then Tuesday start with radiation and chemo for 4 days with pump. I live in Canada, was wondering if there is anyone else in the group from Canada who had a port for chemo? its just under the collar bone, how long before I can use that arm normally. Cali.
Livestrong at YMCA
Has anyone taken the Livestrong classes at the YMCA? I'm starting in January. Just wondering... ~Carol
Hello to all my new Friends!
So one week down and four to go. I gotta tell ya that carrying around that chemo bag and being hooked up to it absolutely sucked! I was so glad to have that thing unhooked on Friday. I took the longest shower and didn't want to get out! I has a little nausea the first night and took a pill. I had a little more the fifth…
Finally some good news!!
I know its been awhile since I've been 'here'....I've missed 'talking' with you all & hope this finds you doing ok, getting ready for the holidays. I've kept to myself so to speak anticipating surgery & brachytherapy. My emotions were all over the place the past couple weeks. Tried to keep busy cleaning house, making…
Come back in a year!!!!!!!!
i just went to doctor for post colonoscopy visit.He said I don't have to come back for a year!!!!!For the first 2 years i had a sigmoidoscopy every 3 months.When i reached the 2 year anniversary..the testing was every 6 months.alternating with colonoscopy.So today i reached a new milestone...once a year a colonoscopy.Feels…
Just Had Colonoscopy, Concerned..
I am 29 yo male in basically good health. I had rectal bleeding for about 3 days when I went number 2 over a year ago, and it was suggested I have a colonoscopy. The doctor gave me a cream to use externally, and some supposotories, and the the bleeding has never come back, and I finally got around to having my colonoscopy…
How are you doing? I have been thinking of you.
People and the things they say . . .
Have any of you experienced someone telling you about a friend who died of cancer right after asking about how you feel? I just had my hairdresser tell me (and this is not the first time) about this lady who was feeling good too and then she died. How outrageous! He gives great hair cuts but this time it just made me mad…
Fear, anxiety,depression
Hi everybody, I found a small pea shaped lump on my breast about one month ago. I have cystic breasts, sensitive breasts. So i have been keeping an eye (hand) on it to see if it would go away. This lump feels like a lymph node. It's very hard, pea size. I am skipping doctor and going straight for ultrasound next Friday…
DPD enzyme test for 5FU toxicity
http://mayoresearch.mayo.edu/mayo/research/diasio_lab/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2563423/ http://www.healthanddna.com/healthcare-professional/dpd-enzyme-deficiency.html ... "Who Should Be Tested The DPD test for 5-FU is considered appropriate for any person who is taking or considering 5-FU based…
what to expect
My hubby has been fighting chirrois for five years. Just found two tumors on liver in july and this week dx with rectal cancer. What should we expect next?
I go tomorrow for lab work and Monday is P.E.T. scan (second one post treatment). I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
Questions, Worries, Venting??
Hi, all. I've been reading through this forum for a couple days after finding it researching information. I apologize in advance for the length of my post. I'll state from the get go that I KNOW I should be check by a medical professional, but we've not had health insurance for a few years, and while we are enrolled now,…
more side effects
Hey y'all, Has anyone ever had a parentisis (sp)? Where they drain your stomach of fluids? I have had to have them now for about 7 months. It used to be every 6 weeks or so, now it's about every 6 days or so, and that's cuz I put it off till the drain site heals a little. The first time, they got 2 liters and sent it to…
Test Results after Treatment
I just went for my first PET Scan after treatment. It has been 4 months since treatment. I had a biopsy 2 weeks ago which came out clean. The news from my PET Scan are not 100% good. There is some low level activity in the iliac chain lymph node as well as some new activity - very low level. All my three doctors say it is…
It's my 1 year Anniversary
Woke up this morning and realized today is my 1 year post treatment. I am fighting off a severe case of cellulitus. Going to hospital for outpatient iv tx. I had planned to ride my horse this weekend as summer is almost gone, very few warm days left. Dr. says no you can't. So I am going to spark up the grill and have a…
ChrisPTown .... Wishing you well!
Hello ChrisPTown ... I think you are starting your treatment today?? Sending well wishes ... try to be strong right here, right now ... a warm and supportive hug from my corner of the world to you!! You're on your way now!! I hope you have your dog with you at your sister's house ... I found such support from my pets ...…
Need some emotional support as I heal
I have been on a few cancer support sites, and this is by far the best. You are all truly angels and you have no idea how helpful it is just to read the posts (though I suspect you DO know!!) I have only posted once or twice, and then "got busy living." I was diagnosed with Stage 3B AC in February, went through chemo and…
Finished first week of chemo/radiation
Just completed first week of chemo (5 FU and Mytomycin via fanny pack pump) and radiation. I had constant nausea the first day, but was greatly helped by the anti-nausea meds. This has truly been a struggle. Being unable to do so many things I'd taken for granted (like showering) has been very trying. I've occasionally…
3 years and going strong
So I had my three year DRE and anoscope - all clear! Yay!!! (quiet yay, don't want to jinx it!)