Laying flat for radiation
Aug 7th I had my esophagus removed with Ivor Lewis. I had pre-surgery radiation for 5 days a week for 6 weeks and then the 5 day chemo pack for 6 sessions. I had been diagnosed with stage 3, but 2 months after the surgery, a node started growing larger in the clavical area by the throat. It has grown huge and some of the…
Hey everyone, Have you any idea how beautiful this site is, it gives me hope, really helpful advice and makes me feel like I'm doing something useful, with all the research suggestions. Here comes the but, my husband is 45 years old with stage 4 cancer he had finished his Chemo in December and everything has been going…
NEED HELP FROM ALL OF YOU! :-) Pretty please...............
So...I have visited with many of you on this site...a few of you via private messages...however, I'm trying to keep everyone straight... because as hard as it may be to believe... Besides.... Taking care of Brendon Taking care of 3 daughters (softball practices, band concerts, school dances, temper tantrums, feeding them -…
articles about family members fighting for EC Awareness
Esophageal Cancer Awareness spreads across the USA! I just received official proclamation from KY Governor Beshear- APRIL IS ESOPHAGEAL AWARENESS MONTH IN Kentucky! That brings the USA tally to at least 20 states. (AL CA CT DE GA IL KY LA MD MN MO NC NE NJ OH OR PA TN VA WI) Here are a few stories about family members that…
Shoulder Problems
I was dx with EC in October 2009 and had surgery in February 2010--stage III. I am 55 years old and female. I've been having shoulder pain and limited range of motion since December. Tried cortisone, both the pack and the injection. Also tried physical therapy. Nothing worked. Having had EC, I was of course worried about…
After difficulty swallowing symptoms appeared in March 2010, I was diagnosed with gastroesophageal (GE) junction cancer in May 2010. The tumor was located just inside my stomach to the left of where my esophagus connects. The inflammation from the tumor caused my lower esophagus to constrict to the size of a straw and I…
Mechanism for esophageal cancer uncovered
Interesting research. I came across it while doing my lunch surfing at work. I check the news about every day for any new EC news. Mechanism for esophageal cancer uncovered A gene thought to be associated with cancer development can be a tumor suppressor gene in mice, researchers have discovered. Understanding which genes…
Article in the WSJ that mega doses of freeze dried strawberries may help fight this beast.
EC Month media info
HI all, If you have not been emailed by me before and need/want a sample press release & PSA (about EC Prevention & Awareness)---email me at kim@ecan.org & tell me 1-what state you are in 2-what you are interested in I will try to update you all today the states that are declaring April as EC Awareness month. I believe we…
MISSOURI - Issued the Proclamation!!
Yesterday in the mail, I received the signed proclamation from Gov Nixon of Missouri declaring April as Cancer Awareness Month! I wished I could have went to the signing but with work, kids, and traveling between two states, I did not have the time. I'm still working on Kansas. Thanks! Susie
Petscan results on my brother!!
Just talked with my brother who is so excited and also so exhausted. The test results shows the tumor is just about completely gone except for two pieces of it. One mass on the top where the tumor was and one mass on the bottom, very small. I don't know specific details on size as I am getting news second hand and my…
New to this family...
Hi everyone, My mom was diagnosed in December of 2009 with EC (adenocarcinoma - T1 N0 M0). She underwent chemotherapy and radation treatment, finishing her treatment in February. She's had clear PET Scans up until 2 weeks ago, where they discovered a hot spot. She had another endoscopy done, and while they were in there,…
Charlie is in heaven
Hello All, Haven't been very good at posting lately.....most of my energy was caring for Charlie and keeping up with his CaringBridge site. With a very heavy heart, I need to tell you Charlie went home to be with the Lord last night. He had been under hospice care in the hospital since last Thurday. I am already lost…
No Cost Esophageal Cancer Screenings in Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Chapel Hill
********************************************************************************************** Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. I am not offering medical advice. However, I wanted to let you know about a study going on to help develop new screening protocols to detect Esophageal Cancer and Barrett’s Esophagus in its early…
Georgia is proclaiming April Esophageal Awareness Month. YEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I spoke with Ben Smith at the Govoners office today and they are setting up a photo shoot for myself , family and friends to go to Atlanta for the signing of the proclamationdeclaring April Esophageal Awareness Monthin Georgia. I am so happy. My Vince is gone but this may help some other people get early detection. for the…
Nebraska Govener Heineman will be signing the proclamation for April EC Awareness month this Wednesday, April 13, in Lincln. Anyone is welcome to attend. If you would like to be there, along with our family, please just let me know and I will get you the information for exact time, place, etc. Linda
I want to say thank you for all the information I have received from going to this site, Everyone is so friendly and upbeat. My surgery is Monday. I am really dreading the recovery process, sounds like that is the worst of it. Thanks again, I will be checking on this site when I can.
MISSOURI - Issued the Proclamation!!
Yesterday in the mail, I received the signed proclamation from Gov Nixon of Missouri declaring April as Cancer Awareness Month! I wished I could have went to the signing but with work, kids, and traveling between two states, I did not have the time. I'm still working on Kansas. Thanks! Susie
side pain after surgery
My husband had an esophagogastrectomy four years ago. Since the surgery, he has pain in his left side in the evenings. Does anyone know of this or have any treatment that has worked?
Low Potassium
Has anyone had low Potassium results? Any ideas on what could cause it. GI Dr. said it could be from PPI med, but would typically see low Magnesium also, if that were the cause. I've done the typical web searches but thought I'd ask here too.
Interesting reading - Freeze Dried Strawberries and EC
I found this interesting reading. This article discusses consumption of freeze dried strawberries and their link to prevention of esophageal cancer. http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/health/2011-04/07/c_13816094.htm The text of the article from http://news.xinhuanet.com follows:…
hip dislocation?
I had a total right hip replacement 7 years ago. I am very active and never had any problems. However, last Monday my hip dislocated while I was just standing and talking to a friend. I also had a couple of recent near dislocations and had my hip checked out just last month and was told that everything was normal. The…
Back from Dad's post-treatment appointment with the surgeon. Not the news we were hoping to hear.
Seems as though all the treament that my dad went through did not work. The one large regional lymph node they were originally very concerned with got even larger. They also discovered a 2nd regional lymph node involved that they did not originally detect. The surgeon ordered a full body PET scan to determine if the cancer…
Not much time - need help
Hi My name is Linda - my husband was diagnosed with EC back in October 2010. He has had all the treatments - chemo and radiation. He is up for surgery on April 14th. He is having the surgery done at Mass General/Boston. Esophogus Removed. Over the past few weeks we are hearing about "the scope" surgery "camera" etc. Even…
To anyone who has Pittsburgh Penn/Dr. Luketich as an option, but is afraid to step out of the box...
(This post tells my story and makes reference to the Lord, God Almighty-if you are offended by the mention of Him or His sovereignty-please make a choice now regarding whether or not you want to continue reading. I cannot say what I have to say without including Him) My name is Dana. My husband, Billy, had a terrible pain…
L-Glutamine: use and dosage
I've read about people taking L-Glutamine during chemo, radiation, pre- and post-surgery period, and was trying to discuss it with Tom's medical team at MSKCC. I was surprised that none of the doctors seem to be very enthusiastic about it even though the supplement clearly showed benefits and had no adverse reactions and…
HELP. I need energy.
MY PROBLEM IN A NUTSHELL: Three weeks ago I completed a 6-week treatment program of daily radiation and weekly chemo for adenocarcinomal esophageal cancer. As a result I have spent the past three weeks exhausted. My oncologist will not give me anything to boost my energy. He gave me a 4-day Decadron prescription but said…
Malignant Ascites (abdomen fluid overload)
My brother is in the throws of esophogeal/stomach cancer, has had chemo and radiation but was not allowed to receive surgery due to low albumin levels. He began experiencing abdominal bloating, and during evaluation they did a CT scan indicating spots around the abdomen lining and a potential spot in the liver and…
dont know what to do
I have been told I have GERD and peptic ulcers. I have been dealing with reflux for the past two years on a regular basis. The past three months have been misruble. I have been having diarrhea &constipation, regurgitated at least once a day & blood in stools and vomit a few times. I have been to three er's in the past few…
Just an update on Tom and the end of his treatment
Hi everyone, I still read the board fanatically but do not have any energy to reply to any posts. Trust me, you are all in my thoughts and I am very happy to read about any and all positive developments. So, we have passed another mile stone recently: Tom has completed his treatment with the last radiation past Wednesday.…