Lee or Chantal, Where do we stand? How are you?? About to be on the road without internet for three days and want to know. HE can CALL ME ANYTIME ---but---- I won't be on here of face book for the next three days until like NEXT WEDNESDAY just so everyone knows here as well. WE are okay. Eric and Michelle FLORIDA BOUND!!!!
Thinking about you, yes YOU & have a quesiton.
Hi, you are in my thoughts... I haven't been able to post, but please know that you are in my thoughts and my prayers. I am always apprensive when I open this thread...my heart is always in my throat. I have a question, I realize my husbands issues at this point are not as daunting as other situations. I just recieved a…
Prayers and Thoughts to Jan101 in the loss of her husband
A dear friend and former coworker, Jan101, has lost her husband to a Stage IV battle with EC. Jan brought me to CSN when she heard of my husband's EC diagnosis. She has been a silent reader here during her husband's Stage IV journey. I know Jan followed many posting the Stage IV path here. Jan's husband was recently able…
Roller Coaster ride this past week
Well, we have ridden the roller coaster this week and I knew there was a reason why I never cared for that ride. Rickie came home from the hospital on Thursday afternoon and we had an appointment with the radiation doctor Friday morning to discuss the options. Our son came along and that was a great help. The doctor again…
Sherri, I just wanted you to know that I am so thankful that you are here, posting honestly, factually and freely about your experience. It is so very helpful to those of us that are knocking on that door. Your posts are presented in the perfect way that I need to read them - I need and like to know what could be down the…
I am dying
To all my special csn friends and especially my csn brother Eric; I've been basically told today that my treatment options have come down to pain relief and waiting, and that I've come to the end of my life. I intend to write more when I can about the medical details, but currently I can't really walk as my legs and…
Something Chemosmoker said prompted me to think about crying. Yesterday at the hospital with my mom she said she had not had a good cry over learning if my brother's wife's brain mets. She blamed that on her high BP. I told her this is no reason in the world for not crying and if that's what she felt like doing then go…
How long does the coughing continue? Chest clear, stays up at 45 degrees but coughs off/on all night. I read that this is quite common post surgery. Just wondering if anyone has any tips and is it a "forever cough". Thanks.
Off the Reglan - trouble swallowing :(
My dad stopped the Reglan this week. Monday or Tuesday because it was causing major dizzy spells. He was doing okay at swallowing, but I think it is getting progressively worse. He just said he seems to be having difficulty swallowing saliva. I am not sure what questions to ask, if it is time to call the doc? Should we…
When does it get better?
Hello Board! I'm writing this for my dad who is in bed at the moment. He wanted me to inquire about when does this get better? He has had three weeks of radiation and chemo. He missed last week of radiation, and does not see how he can get back on Monday. He had a feeding tube inserted last Wednesday and has been only…
A little more good news (Returning to work)
My friends. We have had more than our fair share of bad news here lately, myself included. As you know, I just returned from Pittsburgh with good news but it was a little short of the completely clean bill of health I had hoped for. With that caveat, I am happy to share a little good news. I have been cleared to return to…
Mom out of Hospital
I brought mom to our house tonight. I was lucky to meet and talk with the staff doc. He's a Kidney/Liver specialist and wants to track her so this doesn't happen again. He wants to track her for a short term. Onc docs don't track what he tracks in bloodwork, so we will see him in 2 weeks. Mom's BP down from 189 to 137.…
Day two...dad's not eating...:(
We stopped the Reglan last week, dad seemed to be doing okay for a couple of days, but after physical therapy he was drained. I thought it was just PT and all the exercise. Thursday he was still tired. Didn't manage to eat much. Slept a lot. We finally figured he was dehydrated. Went in Friday morning, got two bags of…
Chemosmoker - how are you feeling?
How are you feeling? Any resolution on your back problems? I'm hoping it's weather-related.
update on Lee
Hi friends, I just wanted to give a short update on Lee. He is still at the hospital, and will likely be there at least another week. They have been giving him lasiks to help rid the body of fluids, but he still seems pretty swollen. He is having such a hard time walking, the nurses have forbidden him to try getting up…
I miss everyone
Hi to all: I have not had a computer for over a week and have sure missed any updates on all of you. Michele I read the article on Denial and certainly recognize many of the signs. I think up until the end Vince and I both were in denial. I just could not face the fact the he was AS SICK as he was. I am glad hospice raised…
Finished my EGD
I finished my procedure and was there a good bit of the day. The doc said he didn't see any signs of cancer but they took some biopsies to be tested. He did see a good bit of inflammation. All in all, a good procedure. UPMC, as always, treated me so incredibly. This really is one of the best places to be treated.
I read this in an article I posted a while back. Just thought I would share it again for anyone new that may be dealing with denial or knows of someone dealing with denial. Denial is our emotional buffer. It's an unconscious mechanism that cushions us against the painful events in our life. It's a way we can feel safe from…
Mom to ER - admitted
Loss of bladder and bowel control. Onc nurse said take to ER. She was admitted. By the time I left her in the Telemetry Unit she was not making sense. She would scratch at her IV and say, "Take out the lard." She was making up words - gibberish. She would have coherent times and tell me to go home or sit down. (She knew I…
Going to another Board...
While at the hospital with my mom last night, my brother called and informed me that his wife has brain cancer. She is currently battling her 6th round of chemo for breast cancer. She will be starting whole brain radiation soon. I didn't know a thing about EC and I know zip about brain cancer. These boards have really…
Time for some good news around here!
Today when I asked John how are you doing he said "GOOD"! He is 7 weeks post surgery and starting to feel good. He started back to gym and I can see all ready how just a little bit of exercise is helping his general well being. He is learning how to eat with his new esophagus and stomach. He is able to eat everything even…
It's Been Awhile
It's been awhile since I was last here, and here's a little history. Had my MIE in Dec. of 2010, went well but I had complications, a hole in the part that was sewn togehther. So, I spent 2 monthw in the hospital and another month in a nursing home (rehab). All during that time no eating or drinking anything, lived on TPN.…
Doctors in the MD/DC/PA area
My friend was recently diagnosed with esophageal cancer with mets to the liver and lymph nodes in the neck. According to his doctor, the only treatment he can undergo is chemotherapy. I was wondering if anyone had or knew of doctors in the area (or anywhere on the east coast for that matter) that were willing to try some…
A little Good News
Of course on our site good news can be relative and this falls in that group. The taxotere is doing it's job. My CT scan yesterday showed that the spot in my liver was decreased from 21mm to 20mm, not a big deal but it is something. The mass in my esophagus is also unchanged from 3 months ago. There is no spread to my…
Wanted you to share a little good news!
Hello everyone, Rob had his Pet/CT last week and although there are a couple of nodes close to the tumour that are enlarged, he doesn't have any evidence of anything, anywhere else. Apparently his tumour is T3. His treatment will start next week and an op in the new year. Thanks to all of you for your support and caring.…
Tom's little buddy Darcee was put to sleep this morning.
Our oldest dog, 14 and half was put to sleep this morning. I know she had a small stroke yesterday afternoon affecting a front leg. This morning her back legs weren't working. She always followed Tom around the family room. She was very independent but loved when he scratched her ears. Darcee was born in our home. My hands…
A Little Levity
I went today to have my CT scan done so we have results tomorrow when I see the Oncologist, have my lab work and then my infusion. I get there to discover that there are 2 CT scanners out of commission and at 10:30am, they are already 2 hours behind. Ok, no big deal I have nothing else to do and after 18 months of this I…
A week ago today...
One week ago today, my husband passed away from EC after just a 15 week illness. This past Saturday, we held a Celebration of Greg's Life. We held it at a VFW Club where Greg had been the Commander 20 years ago. Our two adult children read a beautiful and humorous eulogy and we invited friends from the various aspects of…
An Update on Michael Daniels / Hopper 52
I wanted to bring this to the top so everyone would be sure to see it. An update from Michael's daughters: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Hi all...another update on Mike So as always, we are pulling through day by day. I am actually unsure where we left off, as…
Hi All, I have been following your posts since early summer. This is my second post to your family group. I posted to Lee and Chantal yesterday. I mostly post to the lymphoma and thyroid boards, as I have both cancers at this time. I feel a bit lost and unsure where to fit in. I have not come across any one with my unique…