Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of Esophagus
Hi, I just joined this group in the hopes of finding out some statistics that will help me understand what my family is about to endure. On October 10 my 66 yr old mother in law had an endoscopy becuase of a gastro pain...they thought she had reflux. (She has a terrible pain in her chest that she felt starting in the…
What happened to optimism and support from doctors???
My 59 yr old father was diagnosed last week with Stage IV EC with affected lymph nodes in his stomach. His first and 2nd opinion doctors both basically told him they can't do anything for him. Other than having difficulty swallowing, he feels fine. They are doing 6 weeks radiation and 11 weeks chemo but said after that,…
I'm still around
I just wanted to drop a quick note and tell everyone I am still around. I started back at work Monday and it's been a little tough. This was the first full (Actually I even worked over some) week that I've put in since I was diagnosed back in February. I've been battling the physical effects of recover just being tired and…
Worth disagreeing???
Mom's Onc doc Rx'd Xanax and it's working nicely (sometimes). I mentioned that since we are seeing him tomorrow before a chemo pump refill, I will ask him to call in a refill to mom's Rx mail order. Mom said she wants her GP to order the drug (because he knows where to fax the refill order). My opinion (I always have one)…
Hi, I'm new!
My name is Bruce, I hope I'm posting in the right place.Since I was diagnosed with stage 4 Esophageal Cancer, which had metastasized to my liver and lymph glands. I'm 65 years old, my wife and I have two adult sons. Both are married and have children of their own. Both our sons live in Colorado, my wife and I live in the…
Quick question
Hi all Just a quick question regarding my hubbie who is stg iv with mets to the lungs, he has been doing really well but is finding he has pain in his hips and knees, says he feels like an old man, sitting still is tough but too much movement is also causing pain, has anyone else had problems in these areas? he had a scan…
OT: Funny subject lines ???
I see some posts w/o a subject line when the post is opened. I see subject lines on my posts, yet I do not put subject lines when replying to posts. Am I doing something goofy? Well... don't answer that - I always do goofy things... what am I doing wrong that puts subject lines in my reply posts?
Tom went for his CT scan today
They will call us tomorrow or Friday. Please keep him in your prayers. jan
Chemosmoker is GRATEFUL for Hospice and their new steroids and others are doing WONDERS!!!
Hey all. So much good and bad on the board this week. Thought I should just start a new thread and let everyone know I am doing really well after last weeks scare! I have ALL my energy back and Sherri is wonderful, she suggested these meds they got me and they do wonders. I am feeling like the old ERIC and I am living…
Question regarding food, chemo, and radiation after MIE
My father had MIE surgery 4 weeks ago. Is it possible to ever enjoy eating again? He used to live to eat and now only eats to live. He finds dinner really hard to muster any apetite for and will sometimes wake in the middle of the night to the food coming back up. Nothing tastes the same as it did pre-surgery. He never…
Any update on Jeff Thomas?
Since there have been several post looking for updates...I've been wondering about Jeff Thomas. Hope he is still recovering and feeling more himself these days.
Anyone heard how Hopper (Michael) is going?
Just wondering if anyone has heard from Michael (Hopper) lately or speak with his daughters to see how he is travelling?
Where is Callaloo
Hi Lu Are you o.k? I miss seeing you post. Please let us know how you are. Love Barb
Big day tomorrow for Keith and Chad
For those not following the "Surgery Date Change" thread, this is just a reminder that Keith and Chad are having surgery tomorrow. Best of luck to both of you! You, your families and your surgical team will be in my prayers! Mary
Where is Callaloo
Hi Lu Are you o.k? I miss seeing you post. Please let us know how you are. Love Barb
Husband was about to start chemo cycle # 7, EC is stage IV mets to nodes and liver. He started having fevers on Monday. He had a chest xray yesterday that was all clear, WBC was 8.5 within normal range. He has no symptoms, that would cause an infection and has no pain. Still handling chemo really well. He was put on an…
Insomnia Please Help
Hi guys my mom finished chemo and radiation 2 1/2 weeks ago. Next Friday we have a Pet scan. She is no longer on pain meds and for the last 4 days, she is having major insomnia. The doctor even prescribed her the extended release ambien and she is still only sleeping 3-4 hours a night. She said she keeps thinking about the…
Anybody heard from Cheryl?
As far as I can tell, Cheryl's last post was on 11/13 and that's a bit unusual. If you're onboard Cheryl, I know you're very busy but just let us know how Ricky is doing. We are all a bunch of worry warts, you know. Hugs to you Rita
Clinics in Germany
HI folks, My partner has completed his first round of chemo/radio and is Stage 4. we are interested in some of the treatment being offered in Germany, as it seems to combine traditional approaches with some more experimental modes. Of course this is not a cheap option and it seems that success is anecdotal...no published…
feeding tube difficulty
Has anyone that had a feeding tube had difficulty getting the cap off of the j-tube? My husband's seems to have stuck. We have tried everything. Luckily a couple of days ago he opted to stop tube feedings to see how he would do. However, I can't get the frickin cap off to do a flush. Is this something that happens when…
I am new . I need you guys
My hubby was dx with ec late in aug. Have gone 2 chemo cycles and feed tube 2 wls ago. The cancer was stage 4 local advanced. Last wk we went in for 3rd chemo and found that the surgeon that did j tube took a look in lower abdominal area and found fluid to abdominal wall and mets to liver . We were told not candidate for…
Survivors of Risky Surgery - need support/feedback
My uncle is having surgery tomorrow morning and is T3N1MO - Squamous cell. The first few times that he was in the hospital with complications, they told him surgery was not an option because the placement of the tumor was in too tough a spot. They tried a different type of chemo to shrink it some but had no effect. He…
through my tears
my dear friends, it is with a heavy heart that I tell you that Lee passed away early this morning. I can't stop crying, yet at the same time, I am relieved that he is not suffering any more. He had a really bad couple of days leading up to his death, and this time gave me the strength to say goodbye and give him permission…
Any experience with CTCA?
We are in the process of getting a referral for a 2nd opinion and perhaps a more aggressive treatment plan. In the northeast, Sloan-Kettering has a 6 - 8 week wait for appointments and you can't be under treatment yet. We are now looking into the Cancer Treatment Center of America in Philadelphia. Anyone ever dealt with…
I saw mam132's mention of statistics and how he was "given" 12-18 months. I posted this a couple years ago, and, perhaps, it's a good time to post it again. The thing to remember about statistics is that while they may be grim, they have absolutely NO bearing on an individual. We are each either 100% alive or 100% dead.…
For Rita and Chantal
Rita and Chantal, We've been out of the country for several weeks and I'm just catching up. I am SO sorry to hear about your loss of Greg and Lee. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. I am just in awe of you both! You are both still here, answering questions and offering encouragement to others. You are truly…
caregiver ?
Is there a special board like ours, that is specifically for caregivers of oncology patients ? Just wondering and couldn't find it. So, if there is one, could someone post a link. Thanks, Cora
Well after MANY wonderful and caring responses to my thought-to-be horrid condition change with Ascites and the fluid buildup and what I *thought* was the end being so near (maybe had a little to do with Lee's passing and conditions surrounding it), the "NEW" Florida Hospice staff AND doctor (yes the hospice doctors here…
Anybody need a good laugh???
OMG I laughed harder than I've laughed in a long time. There's a discussion thread on the Caregivers board titled, "You might be a caregiver if..." It's a side splitter! Enjoy Rita
Thinking you should stay local and not venture out to a larger Cancer Center?
Today I found the true difference between a smaller local and a large national Cancer Center. My oncologist wanted me to meet with a surgeon and radiation oncologist locally to discuss options in case my node is cancerous. I already knew he had presented my case at the last tumor board and the response was not great.…