Mom out of Hospital

Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
I brought mom to our house tonight. I was lucky to meet and talk with the staff doc. He's a Kidney/Liver specialist and wants to track her so this doesn't happen again. He wants to track her for a short term. Onc docs don't track what he tracks in bloodwork, so we will see him in 2 weeks.

Mom's BP down from 189 to 137. Still a tad high, but so much better. She was argumentative and bossy so... she's back!

Took her to her house to clean up, I washed her hair, I lathered her with lovely sweet body lotion and we put on fresh clean clothes. She was quite pleased. I loaded up a bag and brought her home with us. She's now in bed resting. I feel so much better having her here, but she will be complaining about being too much trouble.

Monday I will take her to Onc and Rad appts. Chemo will probably start up on Monday.


  • TRK411
    TRK411 Member Posts: 18 Member
    Glad to hear mom is home!
  • cher76
    cher76 Member Posts: 292
    So glad to hear your mom is
    So glad to hear your mom is home with you. This will make things easier for you both. Prayers coming your way for a successful chemo appointment.
  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Normalcy returns!
    Glad to hear that life is returning to a form of "normal" for you, Ginny. It's got to be wonderful to have your mom home with you. Nice change in the BP numbers too!

    Prayers that things reach a point of going well and stay that way for you!

    Love & hugs to you both!

  • forme
    forme Member Posts: 1,161 Member
    Lovely news

    What lovely news. Having your mom home with you and treating her to such caring and gentleness.

    I hope that tomorrow will be a very restful day for you both.

    Thinking of you and your sweet mom.

  • BMGky
    BMGky Member Posts: 621
    Glad she's home. Getting
    Glad she's home. Getting all cleaned up, being with family, resting...Doesn't get any better than this. BMGky
  • MissusB
    MissusB Member Posts: 111
    BMGky said:

    Glad she's home. Getting
    Glad she's home. Getting all cleaned up, being with family, resting...Doesn't get any better than this. BMGky

    Great news!
    So glad your mom is back home...thanks for letting us know. Prayers are being sent your way!
  • Ginny_B
    Ginny_B Member Posts: 532
    A gutsy move for us..
    A gutsy move for us.. brother and I decided a walker would be helpful. Brother warned me that as soon as she sees it she's going to get really mad at me.

    Well, we broke it out last night when she was wobbly. She took hold of one side then the other and said, "Wow!" I said "You can walk with it". She took a few steps and said, "I love it!" Whew - she wasn't mad. She's walking all over by her self with her little walker and her chemo pump is in the little bag in front of the walker. Mom fees "free of chemo" (grin).

    I am leaving for Mass she said she'd be fine alone in bed. I put some lovely body lotion on her arms and legs and puffed her with a lovely scented dusting powder. She said Ahhhhhhhhh and went to sleep.

    Now off I go to Mass and will hurry back. I will be brining communion to her too.
  • fredswilma
    fredswilma Member Posts: 185
    Great news
    So very pleased that you have your Mum home with you and great that someone is keeping tracks on her, that should keep you one step ahead.
    Just wanted you to know that I have been a bit slack posting lately, but read daily, you are on my prayer list, and thanks for the good news, all good news helps others on here, it gives us hope.