Wanted to share - Great results.

mardigras Member Posts: 215 Member
Believe it or not, I am a sceptic.
We were in Gran Canaria, where my daughter lives and paid privately formy husband to have an endoscopy. The diagnosis was EC ardenocarcinoma. The tumour was 8.3cms on diagnosis.
There are many people in Gran Canaria (all of the greengrocers') who believe that the cactus pear (called Tunos Indios here), is very useful in the inhibition of the growth of tumours. At the time I couldn't find much on the internet.
A seventy year old lady had been sent home from hospital with almost the same ec as my husband Stage4 and given a month to live. Her daughter decided to try a strict diet.
First thing in the morning 4 tunos indios in freshly squeezed orange juice.
During the day a fat free diet and lots of fruit and veg.
In the afternoon half a 250grm pot of quark with fresh mango and a desert spoon of Lenoil.
(I believe that this is linseed oil although the linseed oil in the uk tastes disgusting and lenoil doesn't.) I digress, this is the put in a blender and tastes good.
Green tea during the day and cocoa drink at night.
If you are not asleep yet, i'll tell you the results. The lady in question is still alive and NED.
My husband and I decided to go home to the UK as he was told that at Stage3 he could have an operation to remove the tumour. The surgeons here do not have much experience of EC so my husband wanted the op in a University Hospital in England.
When he had the same scan done in the UK and the same process of measurement was done, the tumour had shrunk to 5.2cms. He had been on that diet for ten weeks in Gran Canaria.
In England he had three cycles of Chemotheraphy over a three month period. This did not shrink the tumour very much at all. I was unable to source Tunos Indios in the UK.
He had his op. on 29th February and we are now back in Gran Canaria. Needless to say he is back on his diet, but with lots more things to help him put on weight.
If anyone is interested, I have found this site about cactus pear and it's results on tumours in mice.
I think in the USA, you should be able to source this fruit and it may be a great additional theraphy in palliative care.
Good luck everyone.
Prayers and hugs.
Marci x


  • ABC321
    ABC321 Member Posts: 52
    ...for sharing this experience Marci. We are always on the lookout for different ways to tackle EC.
    All the best,
  • TerryV
    TerryV Member Posts: 887
    Very cool information, Marci!
    There certainly couldn't be any harm in it. Especially if recommended medical treatment is followed and the Tunios Indio is an addition rather than a replacement.


  • ArchTB
    ArchTB Member Posts: 150
    Dragon fruit also
    I agree with Terry - if this does not replace the traditional treatment, it would not hurt. I have heard about cactus fruit but never tried it myself. But I LOVE dragon fruit sold in China town - it's one of my most favorite fruits. I remember reading that it is believed to have similar cancer-fighting qualities as cactus fruit.