New to the board; my Dad is battling EC
Hello all. After reading the board, I felt compelled to join up. To give you a brief background of my experience, my father was diagnosed with EC on 12/11. The surgeon (who has been awesome) advised him to have an esophagectomy first, then undergo chemoradiation. I've heard of the positive results of this in reverse order,…
So I took Larry into our family doctor and they were thinking intestinal blockage, X-rays showed nothing abnormal. His doctor was concerned because his blood pressure was 80/50,and he has lost 4 lbs since he went to the same doctor for a cold 2 weeks ago,so they took 3 viles of blood and we should have those results in a…
Good News
Hello Everyone, Some of you will not know me it has been some time since I have posted. I apologize for not keeping up but life has gotten in the way of my computer time (more about that later) back to the good news. John had his first CT Scan (Chest, Abd. & Pelvis) and all clear NED! I was waiting to post until we…
incisional hernia
I went to my surgeon yesterday four and a half months after my surgery with a concern. I had developed a "bump out" about the size of a my fist along the lower portion of my abdominal incision. He determined it to be a hernia on the incision. Which is what I had expected. This was one of the things I was warned about the…
Some of you will remember my husband had stage one ec removed in November 2010. He has done pretty well since then except a low potassum count. In january of this year they found three new spots one on ech kidney and one on the adrenal glad which was the cause of the low potassium. Of course our greatest fear was a…
Funny how many docs we have, isn’t it? I went in for my endoscopy and colonoscopy today with my gastroenterologist and saw my thoracic surgeon sitting in one of the offices. I never saw this man much—I mostly dealt with my oncology surgeon after my Ivor Lewis. But even after over 2 years, my thoracic surgeon remembered me…
My dad just diagnosed and coming to NY - who to use?
I may be jumping the gun here but...my dad (87) was just diagnosed with EC as well as finding spots on his liver, pelvic bone and small intestine. They are doing an MRI, biopsy of the liver and a cat scan - next week - all in Florida where he lives. We(both his kids and our families) are in NYC and he does not want to be…
Good morning. I stumbled upon this site while researching information prior to an ultrasound endoscopy that my guy is having on Thursday. He's had two endoscopies, the last which biopsied two suspicious areas, and the results coming back positive for a malignancy. Right now we are in the wait and worry stage, as he can't…
A sad sad day
Posted on the FB group: Mary Lewis Ruble Chad passed away peacefully this morning after a 28 month battle with stage IV EC. Chad "lived" with cancer almost the entire time, traveling and doing the things he had always wanted to do. We feel blest to have accompanied him on his journey.
Post Surgery
My husband was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer in Feb of this year. He is 44 years old. Both of his parents and an Aunt all had this disease as a primary cancer and died from it. My husband, David, was diagnosed with Barrett's Esophagus 16 years ago. David went through 17 hours of surgery to remove his esophagus last…
Should I be worried
It has been a while since I have posted anything, two years ago my husband had surgery and had his esophagas removed. Everything has been going along fine until a few months ago. He has no energy, although the scale says that he is not losing weight, his pants and belt say otherwise, his waist in his pants that we bougt…
what an ugly disease
I sit here and listen to my husband cough and choke. He's taking steroids, cough medicine, allergy medicines, and of course chemo. Nothing seems to help. And while undergoing this assault of his respiratory system, he's discovering sore spots on bones. Someone posted here a few weeks about "how it all ends" I wrote to her…
Optimistic survivors of Stage 3 and 4 adenocarcinoma?
Hello all, this is my first post. I am so moved by the posts I have read -- your stories of battling this terrible disease, and struggling with caring for loved ones who suffer from it. Here's my story: I'm a 49 year old female, married, with two kids (ages 15 and 9). Last June, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 adenocarcinoma…
Mom's birthday coming up
So excited to celebrate my mom's bday later this month. She's had a rough year and has been so courageous. It will be her first bday since getting diagnosed last July and she's been a fighter for 10 months now. I don't think I let the group know she moved from UCSF to City of Hope. The recurring tumor had blocked her…
PET results
Dad's first PET post completion of chemo rads showed "abnormal" signal at esophageal stomach junction. GI doc states doesn't look cancerous but scheduled endo next wed. We have onco meeting tomorrow. Has anyone had junction signal from anything other than cancerous cells?
what now?
My dad is in great shape, active, "healthy", etc., however, his tumor has grown so large that he cannot even drink. He is very hungry and thirsty, and is still living his normal life, but I know he cannot go long without nourishment. The thing is, he is under hospice and they will not allow a feeding tube of any sort. Has…
More stinking bad news
Well phooey. This second round of chemo is NOT working. I have little cancer-buddies popping up here and there. A subcutaneous lump on my ribs under my right breast, sitting in the layer of fat over my right pectoral muscle, and of course that so-called infection in my jaw, which turns out to be a tumor. So, 24 hours a…
some good news
Hi, Well I had my 6 month scan and checkup, my scan was clear. Saw my surgeon and onc dr yesterday. My onc and I had a discussion about percentages of recurrence and this is what he explained to me. They can be high but most recurrences making the percentages high occur during the 1st year and then some during the second…
Questions and Need Information Please
My husband was diagnosed with cancer at the cervical of the esophagus. This was after having laryngeal cancer and undergoing 35 radiation, 2 chemo and laryngectomy with reconstruction of his throat 15 months ago. When we met with the medical oncologist he said that Joe would be undergoing 4 chemo treatments, once a week of…
Asking for prayer
Hey all, I'm asking for prayer for myself from all of you who knows that anything can happen in this life. I have been having UTI symptoms for almost 3 months now. Had to go to a clinic and they did the regular dip test and it showed no infection but a little blood in the urine, they also did a culture that was sent off to…
Richard Dawson
From news articles I read today, Richard Dawson, who played many comedic roles, passed away recently with complications from Esophageal Cancer. Condolences to his family.
Tom and I are off to Las Vegas...
He's going with a drain into one lung...liquid is collecting between the membranes. So I'm the designated Nurse Rachet to hook it up and put that darn transparent, water proof film on. First I did it, didn't think it was right so I ran to the drug store and got Tagaderm film squares. His side looked a patched inner tube.…
It's been a while
Well I have been a way for a little while, but I am back. It has been a little bumpy for my husband lately. So when I last left off we had found out it was in his lungs. Well on June 4 he will have another scan to see if the third line of chemo is or is not working. The last one they had him on Taxotere did nothing at all.…
It was peaceful, but yet so hard!! My dad's obituary
Ronald D. Hill LA CRESCENT, Minn. — Ronald D. Hill, 68, of La Crescent passed away peacefully at the Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center with his loving family by his side following a thirteen month fight with esophageal cancer. He was born in La Crosse on April 5, 1944, to John “Jack” and Louise (Clements) Hill. On Sept.…
any body ever had a stent put in
i had a scope done this week after the pet scan showed bone mets. the doc called today and said the places they biopsied in my esophagus tested neg for cancer. however he said by the looks of things down there that cancer is still there. now they want to do internal rad. or put a stent in. any body ever had this done?…
Richard Dawson of "Family Feud" passes from esophageal cancer
From MSNBC.COM "It is with a very heavy heart that I inform you that my father passed away this evening from complications due to esophageal cancer. He was surrounded by his family. He was an amazing talent, a loving husband, a great dad, and a doting grandfather. He will be missed but always remembered," Gary Dawson said…
Hi there! I have read a couple of postings that reference turmeric as treatment, but I also read it should not be taken during chemo. Is this true? What experiences can others share with me regarding this herb? How is it taken, in pill form and what dosage is recommended for EC? Thanks, Steph
Questions about j tubes
I am hoping to get some advice regarding j tubes. I have never heard mention of this from any of the doctors my dad has seen over this past year, but I keep reading about them here. At this point, dad is 2 weeks out from 20 whole brain rad treatments. He was hospitalized 3 weeks ago with pneumonia, and has been home for 2…
Prayers for Ray (Jr.)
Prayers (Can we still use the word prayers or is that offensive? hope not, because I sure believe in them.) for my brother Jr. Jr. goes this Friday for a CT Scan. He does not have chemo today. He has been in really bad pain, they have increased his pain meds, again. Last week he lost 5 more pounds. Please, help pray about…
Sequence/Timing of Chemo and Radiation prior to Surgery
I'm new here, but was diagnosed with a 4 cm tumor at the E-G Junction on April 24. All the testing and appointments seem to move too slowly for me. I had CT Scan, Barium Swallow test, PET scan and Esophageal Ultrasound through mid-May and ultimately diagnosed as T2N0M0 (stage 2a). I had an appointment with Dr. Mark…