MRI results are in

My MRI was scheduled for the 19th. It wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. I went in feet-first and could see out of the machine and had ear plugs AND headphones so the noise was very muffled. 

Anyways I got the results the next afternoon and it is a stage 1A. It said it was less than 50% myometrial invasion, and it said the endometrium is thickened with ill-defined T2 heterogenous nonenhancing lesion measuring 2.2x 1.9x 2.9cm.

No direct involvement with cervix, ovaries are normal, lymph nodes are not enlarged, bladder is unremarkable with no lesional involvement. My uterus is retroverted and smaller than what it was when they did the hysteroscopy but I guess otherwise it's normal. 

On the history part of my report it says "questionable" history of PCOS. I still don't really understand how I developed cancer because I thought I didn't produce enough estrogen but apparently estrogen feeds this cancer. 

In other news my glucose readings have been great. I have no idea if I'm still steadily losing weight because I haven't bought a scale. My appetite is non-existent but that has been going on before the cancer diagnosis. I think it's because some of the sugar meds I'm on make me feel so yucky so I don't ever get hungry or want to eat. 

My follow up appointment is the 31st. For a few days here I won't feel anxious or scared but a couple days before the appointment it will kick in bad again. Most nights I am lucky if I get more than 2 hours of sleep. I am still dealing with so much stress and fighting off depression. My husband is trying to get a local job but we are so far behind on bills and my parents aren't in much better shape than we are so we are trying to help them also. I found health insurance but can't afford the first payment. We lost our car insurance, internet at home, and think we have a water leak underground. 

I got my first Covid vaccine 11 days ago and my arm still has tender spots and every day I've had a headache. My arm went numb from elbow to finger tips 5 minutes after the shot, then 3 hours later my left leg was going numb. They had never seen anyone have that kind of reaction so I can't wait to see what happenes with the second shot. 

Now I'm just waiting for the follow up appointment. Some days are really bad. Other days things almost feel normal. I'm just bobbing along, letting the day take me where it wants to because I really don't care about anything.   


  • Kathy G.
    Kathy G. Member Posts: 245 Member
    edited August 2021 #2
    Hi MissTaylor!

    Hi MissTaylor!

    A 1a is good news...hopefully when they are able to grade the tumor it will also be a 1...which is slow growing.

    I had similar results after my surgery in 2013. Stage 1a and grade 1...only 11% invasion into myometrial wall...everything else was clear.

    Only required the radical hysterectomy and routine 5 year follow ups...been fine since then!

    Hope you are blessed with same!

    Sorry about your finances...wish I had a magic wand!


  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 487 Member
    Wow! Stage 1 A is WONDERFUL!

    Thank God for that stage, and you are going to be just fine!

    I know you have a lot of other worries, and as Kathy said above, I wish I too could make the problems go away. 

    So wonderful that you are helping the parents. Step by step, girl. Step by step. 

    As soon as the man is working, things will be feeling better. Back to you. Are you taking some walks yet, Sugar?

    Walks, girl! Get that health going. Walks, water, and keep us in the loop. The more you can move that body around a bit, the better you will feel. 


    Deb "aka the other deb"

  • misstaylor84
    misstaylor84 Member Posts: 73 Member
    Kathy G. said:

    Hi MissTaylor!

    Hi MissTaylor!

    A 1a is good news...hopefully when they are able to grade the tumor it will also be a 1...which is slow growing.

    I had similar results after my surgery in 2013. Stage 1a and grade 1...only 11% invasion into myometrial wall...everything else was clear.

    Only required the radical hysterectomy and routine 5 year follow ups...been fine since then!

    Hope you are blessed with same!

    Sorry about your finances...wish I had a magic wand!


    No hysterectomy

    My Oncologist said we could try fertility sparing treatments with hormone therapy as long as it hadn't spread beyond the uterus and as long as during this 12 months of treatment it doesn't grow. I'm only 37, and have never been able to get pregnant. My PCOS is now "questionable" and everything else checks out normal. Hysterectomy will be the very last resort for me.  

  • misstaylor84
    misstaylor84 Member Posts: 73 Member

    Wow! Stage 1 A is WONDERFUL!

    Thank God for that stage, and you are going to be just fine!

    I know you have a lot of other worries, and as Kathy said above, I wish I too could make the problems go away. 

    So wonderful that you are helping the parents. Step by step, girl. Step by step. 

    As soon as the man is working, things will be feeling better. Back to you. Are you taking some walks yet, Sugar?

    Walks, girl! Get that health going. Walks, water, and keep us in the loop. The more you can move that body around a bit, the better you will feel. 


    Deb "aka the other deb"

    Hubby has been working locally and I've been going with him to pick up and deliver his loads all this week. But today he's doing a road test for a driving job that will be long-term local. I want him to be home every night. For the last 2 years he's been home maybe 6 months total, and that's on the generous side. I still haven't heard from unemployment. There was a miscommunication somewhere because they were told I quit when I was actually laid off. I'm going to try finding a full time job that will be lenient when I have to have time off for the procedures that are coming. 

    No, I don't walk unless I'm hiking. Just walking for exercise is the most boring thing ever lol. I stay fairly active with my horses, and taking care of the chickens and dogs. I need to get back to doing The Body Project exercise videos but my stamina is shot. My energy level is nothing like it used to be. If we get health insurance we can start counselling, which is something we already wanted to do for our marriage. I have started thinking about writing a blog about everything but don't think anyone would read it. I'm a writer and have one book published. I had started the sequel but haven't felt inspired to write any lately.    

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 487 Member

    Hubby has been working locally and I've been going with him to pick up and deliver his loads all this week. But today he's doing a road test for a driving job that will be long-term local. I want him to be home every night. For the last 2 years he's been home maybe 6 months total, and that's on the generous side. I still haven't heard from unemployment. There was a miscommunication somewhere because they were told I quit when I was actually laid off. I'm going to try finding a full time job that will be lenient when I have to have time off for the procedures that are coming. 

    No, I don't walk unless I'm hiking. Just walking for exercise is the most boring thing ever lol. I stay fairly active with my horses, and taking care of the chickens and dogs. I need to get back to doing The Body Project exercise videos but my stamina is shot. My energy level is nothing like it used to be. If we get health insurance we can start counselling, which is something we already wanted to do for our marriage. I have started thinking about writing a blog about everything but don't think anyone would read it. I'm a writer and have one book published. I had started the sequel but haven't felt inspired to write any lately.    

    That's Really Interesting!

    Well done on the book! I've got one on Amazon also, so we have a little somethin' somethin' in common there. 

    If you're busy with horses and taking care of chickens and dogs, you are on your feet and that's most excellent.

    I have three labs and fifteen chickens as well, so I absolutely know how much you are on your feet! My hens are such sweet good girls, and my dogs are labs. Loving. Athletic. Babies! 

    The trauma and anxiety of the diagnosis are so intense that your energy will indeed by affected. As you have figured out, most--if not all of us here--have been through, and are going through, what you are experiencing.

    We get it. I have avoided going back on anti depressants, and just remembered I have a prescription for them sitting and waiting for me. I think I will skip it. I couldn't shake my anger and anxiety for a long time, and have nearly gone back on them. I'm better now, so think I will wait. 

  • misstaylor84
    misstaylor84 Member Posts: 73 Member

    That's Really Interesting!

    Well done on the book! I've got one on Amazon also, so we have a little somethin' somethin' in common there. 

    If you're busy with horses and taking care of chickens and dogs, you are on your feet and that's most excellent.

    I have three labs and fifteen chickens as well, so I absolutely know how much you are on your feet! My hens are such sweet good girls, and my dogs are labs. Loving. Athletic. Babies! 

    The trauma and anxiety of the diagnosis are so intense that your energy will indeed by affected. As you have figured out, most--if not all of us here--have been through, and are going through, what you are experiencing.

    We get it. I have avoided going back on anti depressants, and just remembered I have a prescription for them sitting and waiting for me. I think I will skip it. I couldn't shake my anger and anxiety for a long time, and have nearly gone back on them. I'm better now, so think I will wait. 

    Anti depressants

    Way before my cancer I was taking an anti depressant for a little while but honestly all it made me want to do was sleep, which is what depression does. The only way the anti depressant helped is it made me feel absolutely nothing but I didn't/couldn't write, didn't want to read or listen to music, nothing. So I think I am better off without those meds. If they could give me something for the painful procedures this journey won't be so bad. I love sitting and watching the chickens and I have a hammock that I love sitting in and it's sort of like meditation for me. I am a Christian so I already know I'm not doing this alone and I pray a lot more. It's still the scariest thing I have ever had to go through but I try taking it one day at a time and not think about upcoming appointments because then I worry myself to the point I can't sleep.

    I got to spend a couple hours with my sweet little cousins yesterday. Hannah is 10 and is as horse-crazy as I was and still am, Jesse is a very spunky 5 year old and Lucas is 2. We walked and saw the chickens, let them pet the horses, we hunted for chicken feathers lol. For a little bit I didn't care about my cancer. I'm going through this with the goal and intent to deliver a healthy baby that me and my husband have spent years praying for. That is my driving power because once I set my mind to do something there is no quit in me.