lost my mum/how to help?
on October 5th my beautiful and brilliant mum passed away at 58 years old.. just 4 months after her diagnosis of stage IV poorly differentiated endometrial cancer. I wish all the best for you ladies and hope you have much better results. We are heartbroken. She left behind a devastated husband and three children. Many…
Taxol-Carbo over, but starting Topotecan for liver mets - a bit discouraged
I was so happy to complete 6 rounds of Taxol-Carbo Jan 9th- have been feeling rocky for weeks and ready to feel better. (Can handle all the side effects except the constant queasiness/stomach ache, and anti-nausea pills do nothing for me.) Had CT scan that showed blood clot in my lung, so started on a blood thinner. Worse…
6-month checkup / NED 3.5 yrs
I'm good for another 6 months...yeah! Have a checkup with oncologist every 6 months and we generally follow the CA125 marker, as fairly reliable for me. Been 2 years since my last CT scan, doc thought lets do one since I've got a small cyst on my liver (non suspecious), but like to watch for any size changes. All is fine,…
New to the site, not so new to cancer
Hello All, I was diagnosed on Sep 11, 2012 after a comlete hysterectomy and removal of an 18" tumor. Just finished 6 rounds of chemo with Carbo/Taxl and starting radiation first week of March. Differing opinions on what to expect from radiation, some say eat lost now, I will need the weight, my Doc says it won't be…
Norma 2
Norma 2...how are you? Did your chest x-ray coom back ok? Hope all is well! Best, debrajo
Hi Sis, I responded to your private message. You have found a real old post from 2010. I was dx with cancer then and two years later my beautiful daughter was dx with Leukemia and fell asleep in death in November 26, 2012. Check your private message and we will talk some more. love back to you.
Surgery/Pathology Results
Hi Everyone! I wanted to share my pathology results from my 1-28-13 surgery. I went for my post op appointment today and it was reported I had stage 1a - grade 1 endometroid adenocarcinoma that penetrated the myometrial wall 11%. The cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and lymph nodes are uninvolved with no sign of disease.…
Alleviating & controlling DOXIL side effects ; what I've learned
I won't be posting for a few days because you are not supposed to do anything that cause friction between your toes and fingers for 3 to 5 days after a Doxil infusion to help prevent the hand/foot syndrome, with TYPING specifically listed. (ARGH! I can't imagine being cut off from you all and Facebook and my grantwriting…
Question re: Second opinion at Memorial Sloan Kettering
Hello, I'm new to the boards and find the posts quite helpful. Recuperating well from abdominal full hysterectomy at Duke Medical Center. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Serous Adenocarcinoma. This has been hard for me and my family, as the doctor doesn't sound too encouraging. Recommendation is for 6 treatments of Carbo &…
Involvement with Appendix?
Has anyone had issues involving the appendix, post-treatment? My mom was diagnosed about a year ago with Stage IIIc uterine cancer. She completed 6 rounds of chemo and 28 external radiation treatments, finishing her treatment around Thanksgiving 2012. Since then, she's been dealing with a variety of issues, including…
Dr Appt
Had Dr appt.... lymph node that lite up in previous scan still there. But had a slight increase in size. For 6 months it has been stable but now grew from 1.0 to 1.4 so biopsy a must. Dr said with cancer usually in 6 months it would have spread to multiple lymph nodes and would have doubled in size. He is leaning towards…
What test do they perform after a total hysterectomy for uterine cancer
I am 55 and was slightly bleeding and so I had an ultrasound done. My gynecologist said I had a thick uterine lining and performed a D & C on me, where she discovered I had uterine cancer. She said it was a slow growing cancer and that she was going to send me to an Oncologist/Gynecologist. I had a total hysterectomy. They…
Ultasound fine - but still spotting
Hello all, I would appreciate any advice. I was having very light spotting for quite a while. ( age 66 ) Went to the dr., she saw a polyp, removed it, and ordered the ultrasound. Results were normal. She had ordered a biopsy of the polyp. When the results came back from the ultrasound, the test for the polyp that had been…
still waiting
I received a call from my gyn yesterday. She has had the lab review my pap and they have confirmed it. She has spoken to the head gyn onc at Beth Israel Hospital in NY and he wants to review the slides. If he agrees with their conclusion, then a hysterectomy will be scheduled. I have also contacted Memorial Sloan Kettering…
Now Thyroid cancer....
Just finished my treatment for radiation 2 weeks ago( which I am still really tired from...) and found out I have thyroid cancer. The biopsy said papillary, so thats good, hope its not in my lymph nodes. Anyone else have this happen to them? The fatigue really concerns me.
I'mmm baaacccckkkk!
Just picked up my laptop from the shop. I brought it in because there was a screen on there and I could not get past it. I am so silly. I pressed the wrong button and it reverted to the DELL screen. Computer guy did not charge me since it was not broken just my error. THANK YOU!!! All for your comments on my recent trip to…
I just read this and think it discribes us: A diamond is a piece of charcoal that handles stress exceptionally well.
My Mom was diagnosed with MMT in May 2012
My mom was diagnosed with a mixed mullerian tumor in May of this year. She is 73 years old and was full of energy and looked 20 years younger. She had a total hysterectomy, full abdominal wash and lymph node ablation. Her cancer was contained in her uterus except 2 lymph nodes. She is stage 3C. She just finished her…
Post Uterine removal, Alternates to Chemo/Radio
My mother is 70yr old. We are in bangalore-india. Surgon felt that after surgary, she requires both Radio/Chemo. But am hesitant to undergo this treatment. What are the other alternates? Did anybody try Ayurveda/accupressure/accupuncture. Are there any proven records? Lavanya ayurveda claims that they have proven records -…
Mary Ann can use extra prayers
Mary Ann is in the hospital. She had her PET scan last week, and did not get good results. Apparently the Doxil did not work for her. Her CA 125 also raised by 50 per cent. The PET scan also showed fluid in both her lungs and around her heart. They drained the fluid off one lung one day, and then off the other lung the…
I have a friend who had a biopsies last week.
She's 65 yrs. old. The dr. told her husband that things look bad. The further he went with the D&C the worst things got. She was called today with her pathology report. They said stage 1 but she would have to undergo a complete hysterectomy. I am an Ovarian cancer patient, diagnosed in May '11. I wasn't staged until my…
different chemo options
Does anyone have experience with more than 2 different chemos? Tomorrow I get the results of my CT scan after 4 Doxil treatments to see if it is working I am in a high anxiety state Am trying to tell myself that if it is not being effective, they will prescribe another one eg Gemzar, ...or other agents that I have seen on…
Please help!!!
Hi, I made this account for my mother who is currently fighting cancer once again. Two years ago she was diagnosed with stage 2 uterine lining cancer. She had a hysterectomy done, and then received 3 months of radiation which was d one 5 days a week. Several months later she was complaining of sever back pains, which her…
have a date
Saw my doctor doctor and have set date for surgery on 2/25. I will be having laparoscopic surgery with removal of uterus, cervix and fallopian tubes through vagina. They will decide about the ovaries when they are in there- depends on what they look like and how big my fibroids are. Dr. said new studies report that ovaries…
I was wondering if anyone takes any kind of calcium other than the typical supplements: citrate, caltrate, etc. I have not read much, but I read somewhere that excess calcium could increase strokes, heart attacks and accumulate in joints. I try to eat all my calcium from my food, but it has become a challenge. I have been…
MRI - 3T Abdominal - Pelvis (MMMT)
My mom was diagnosed in Sept 2012 having MMMT (early stages) after the hysterectomy and 4 rounds of chemo (Carbo/Endoxan) we recieved today the MRI (Abdominal -Pelvis) results and everything seems normal and clean except one comment "The liver size is normal, slightly steatotic. small dehiscence of the anterior abdominal…
A Little Advice Here...
Ok, Momma has been in rehab since Aug. She is comming home(to my house) Jan.24. She has run out of Medicare, doesn't qualify for Medicaid. and has capped out her priviate insurance. She is 87, can walk a little with a walker, cannot stand for any lenght of time,and is too shaky to dress, bath, eat,or go to the bathroom by…
Does anyone have experience with Gemzar? Am trying to decide between that and weekly Taxol Beila
Dangers of flouride
Most everyone of you ladies is way ahead of me on all things but yesterday I went to a dentist that is fairly progressive on new ideas for health and well being. I went in due to the link of mouth health and cancer, also because I have one failing tooth that is a root canal tooth and there is a link between that and…
Scared, waiting on uterine biopsy results
Hello - I'm trying to keep my wits about me and not jump to conclusions until I get a call from my Drs Ofc tomorrow. My changes started 3 months ago. I'm 51 so thought the changes to my period were signs of Menopause. My period has always been as regular as clockwork. Starting 3 months ago I started having some spotting…