Blood Transfusion needed
Hi everyone I am curious about blood transfusions. I was called this morning from my Dr. and was told that my red blood count is too low and I need a transfusion. I have already had 2 shots for this but I guess they aren't working. Has anyone else had this problem and what should I expect with the transfusion? Those of you…
Marge/Army shirts!!
Not sure if you saw or are interested in this, but if you are having a Army theme for your Relay for life team I see that the Relay for Life website just had a pitch about Army Tee Shirts. I found them under the heading of Awesome fight back tee shirts. ........ Hugs
Do you stay away from here when feeling unwell or down? rather than bring others down?
I was nauseated and achy since my chemo Monday, (feeling better today, THANK YOU!), and purposely stayed away from posting rather than write a whiny self-pitying post that might bring any of you down that was having a good day. Made me wonder: do any of you avoid posting when you have minor discomforts than aren't really…
CT Scan
First off, THANKS LINDA!!!! This is great. I have my first CT Scan tomorrow. If all is good I'll be starting my three month visits. But there will be no "IF", I will be starting my three month visits. I'm looking forward to NED being my best friend for life!!!! Have a great day everyone. MIND, BODY AND SOUL. Hugs!
Chemo Threatments
I have you all in my prayers through your chemo treatments. I am having a tired, tired week. Does anyone know how to get the red and white blood counts up? I've been eating spinach, fruits, veggies, protein, taking my vitamins... My bones are aching again too! MIND, BODY AND SOUL. Hugs...
CA 125
Hello to you all here in a group that I can finally relate to. I am so upset that Uterine and Endometrial cancers are not researched as much as they should be. When I got dx in 2007 I looked online to see what the chances were for me to be a survivor and what was offered. I was so disappointed at the results but now I am…
Back from Mayo
We are back... by the grace of God and a thousand angels I drove us home tonight safe!! We did not get bad news, nor did we get the best news. What they said at Mayo was this Chronic pancreatitus is tough to get over. They did the scope and tests today, but the specialist did not think it wise to go for the biopsy just…
Hair Loss
I tried the baby oil for the scalp tenderness and it really seems to be helping.
Looking for CT-scan results from Marge & Peggy!
Two of our UPSC sisters have had CT Scans recently. MARGE, PEGGY: any good news to share with us? I keep popping in to check; you'd think I was waiting for my OWN results the way I worry! (blush). Everybody else okay? So many of us are in chemo now. I hope to get Round 5 pumped into me Monday, although I won't be surprised…
I know you're all worried about Peggy & her husband. An update:
I emailed Peggy and got a couple of fast replies from her. I know you are all concerned, so I wanted to get you an update. My heart just breaks for her, as in her very short emails, she says 'No energy.'; 'Grim'. Her husband is in incredible excrutiating pain that even the oxycodene every 2 hours isn't touching. He is out…
New diagnosis UPSC - Please help
Dear all, I am writing on behalf of my mother Belinda. She was recently diagnosed with Level 3C UPSC. She is in her early 50's, presented NO symptoms and was diagnosed just a month ago with this terrible decease. We are from the Dominican Republic, and we've been in Miami for this whole procedure. She is just one week…
Symbols in text
Linda, Did you ever figure out how to do Bonnie's symbols? I have been trying and nothing happens. Just thought they were cute and maybe you figured them out.