I was diagnosed 2 and a half yrs ago with leiomyosarcoma. I had it removed ,also had radiation treatment. and so fare so good .I read a lot of articles regarding this cancer. but the other day I come across one that stated the survival rate was between 5- 10 yrs. I am quite concerned .. are they saying this is only if it…
spindle cancer
My friend was just medevaced back to the USA. She has spindle cancer. Big tumor removed from uterus, another tumor on her aorta (still there) and one on her spine. They have written her off. (hosptial which reviewed her case in the USA). Who is best at treating this type of cancer? MM
Adenocarcinoma of the Pancreas
I feel compelled to write. i've spent the last year of my life devoted to making sure my father-in-law has everything he needs for his fight. I only hope that I can provide something useful to somebody. I am not a healthcare provider. I do however work in a position that requires a close relationship with physicians, and…
Neulasta shot blues...
Emily, 27 I am about to get a full hysterectomy and bladder surgery Tuesday the 25th. Due to my low white blood cell counts (3.1) my doctor gave me a shot of Neulasta- I feel more weak now then ever. My back and neck are in extreme pain, sore throat, and a headache out of this world. “which is worse – my heartbreaking…
Meningeal Carcinomatosis??
My wife has meningeal carcinomatosis. I need others to share thier experiences so i know i am not alone here. I trying so hard to hold it together. Researching is keeping me "productive" and focused. It seems like the doctors are trying this and trying that with poor results. She has been through so much with breast…
Why does Neuroblastoma occur so often in 1-7 year olds? What makes it come back? Is it because of a low immune system? Are white blood cells the ones who attack the red ones? Can Neuroblastoma occur in any part of the Pedes(pediatric's) body?
how to prepare for a dim future?? :(
I learned today that with my condition, (Retinoblastoma {rare childhood cancer} survivor-diagnosed at the age of 11 months, chemo & radiation, reconstructive surgeries after the loss of my right eye to the cancer/tumor) gives me a 54% of getting a second cancer, the highest chance being between the ages of 20-30. I am…
inflammed Pancreas
My sister has been in the hospital for 2 weeks and had her gallbladder removed, and her pancreas is inflammed and she is being fed intravenous for 1 week, in the hospital 2 weeks, has any going through this before, and gotten cancer afterwards. What did the doctors do for you? How long was your pancreas inflammed? Thanks…
Omentium cancer?
Hi, I am Judy, My Mom has cancer of the omentium. I guess that is what the Doctors call it. It is on the same bases of Uteren Cancer. Very difficult to beat. This is the Second time around with this cancer and it is the 5th time I have been involved with cancer in my familey. I am looking for program that may help my Mom…
treatment for SARCOMA CANCER
In the foot and has now passed to him back
Pancreas matters
http://www.pancan.org/blog/ http://www.pancan.org/section_research/research_grants_program/grants_awarded/all_recipients/Schmidt_03/#
Oncologist with experience treating gallbladder cancer
Can some one refer me an oncolgoist who has experience in treating patients who have been diagnosed with gallbladder cancer? We live in Southern California but can travel if necessary.
Nasopharyngeal Cancer
David Here. They told me this is what I have and that its a rare Cancer because of where it is located. I have not started any treatment yet but I do know I am in stage 3 and have 2 yrs to live.. Meeting with all of my Cancer team @ Sloan Kettering next week after I get a Pet Scan. ANYONE have any suggestions on where to…
Primary Peritoneal Cancer
Looking for as much information as possible on Primary Peritoneal Cancer.
Cancer of the Tail of the Pancreas
My brother (42) was diagnosed with asciner cell (sp) cancer in the tail of the pancreas approx 18 months ago. He has undergone chemotherapy regularly since diagnosis. The tumour is inoperable and his latest scan has shown that it has spread (metastatic). He is seeing his consultant tomorrow. Has anyone any experience of…
lost and confused
hi im new here and dont understand the whole message board thing. but hi my names bob and im very tired and stessed knowing 2 weeks ago mu girlfriend who i want to marry and she was just diagnosed with this parataneal methosiloma, im on about 8 hours sleep in 4 days and crying alot.(praying too ) im so lost here, she means…
intraocular melanoma in a child. anybody knows anything about this rare´s?
hello everybody. i can tell you about my nephew. His name is Alvaro and he is 2 years old. He lives in Madrid (spain) and he has 2 brothers and sisters. the doctor diagnose him an intraocular melanoma 6 months ago. This kind of cancer is extremely rare in children. In spain, doctors didn´t know almost anything about it. IN…
help in texas for AMYLOIDOSIS
Adenocarcinoma in a branchial cleft cyst
Age 57 Male. Recently had branchial cleft cyst removed. Pathologist found minute trace of adenocarcinoma in interior lining. No sign of abnormal cells in lymph nodes, exterior of cyst or the stump of the cyst. Has anyone had or heard of a similar situation?
MD Anderson and squamous cell carcinoma
Has anyone out there received treatment at MD Anderson for SCC Unknown Primary? My husband is stqage 4 and this cancer is congtinueing to run rampant even though he has had radiation, oral chemo and now starting Taxol. He is currently receiving treatment at UAB in Birmingham Alabama. Please let me know about your…
Chemo pumps
I have just been diagnosised with a rare digital eccrine cancer and am about to begin chemotherapy. Cn someone answer some questions I have about the chemo pump?
Pancreatic and duodenal cancers genetic lin:
All: I am concerned about my 18 year old son, Luke. His father (he and I had been divorced since Luke was 3 years old) Neil passed away two years ago from adenocarcinoma of the duodenum. He was 47 years old. He went into the hospital, they diagnosed it...did surgery and the cancer was all over his abdominal cavity. They…
How long after radio/chemotherapy treatments, did your surgeon remove your panctreatic tumour?
My husband was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer last month. We went in with what we thought was food poisoning and came out with this Cancer. He becaume jaundiced and we flew from St Petersburg, Russia, where we were living at the time for work reasons to Malta. In Malta, he was hospitalised and on IV. We were operated on,…
Defining Cancer
If you would look around you would see that the most common and talked about medical condition is cancer. But at the same time if you would ask some one to define the same for you, the chances are that the person would not be able to do that.To read more: http://cancertypesinfo.com/2010/01/defining-cancer/
The reason of developing cancer
Our human body is made of multiple cells. These cells are created and then they are replaced by the new once and the old one die. That is how we grow. If you would see the way you used to be when you were 5 and when you are much older – you would see a drastic difference.To read more:…
adenocarcinoma of the pancreas
My husband has inoperable cancer of the pancreas.looking to talk with other wives in this situation for support. We have a 14 yr.old daughter. My husband is 55 and I am 51
Neuroendocrine Carcinoma - Multiple Sites
I happened on this site and found that there are "a lot" of people here that have similar cancers and I wanted to know if I can get some additional info which others have discovered. I am getting severly depressed with my diagnosis of this cancer. I am not getting answers from my current oncologist. Everytime I try to ask…
looking for other germinoma brain tumor survivors
I was diagnosed with a germinoma brain tumor when I was 15. Looking for other survivors of germinoma brain tumors
Mom Just Diagnosed with Stage IV Duodenal Cancer
I am 30 years old and my mom (51) was recently diagnosed with Stage IV duodenal cancer and its really hard to find information on it. Is there anyone that has this type of cancer or knows someone who does? I am feeling so overwhelmed and underinformed. I am very close to my mother and this is probably the hardest thing I…
Help!!! Neuroendocrine cancer of the pancreas
Hello all......... My mother had a biopsy 7/21/09, we where told of the results 3 days later. It was a malignant neuroendocrine tumor of the pancreas the lize of a tennis ball. Well here we are almost 12/1/09 and nothing has been done. Surgery to remove was scheduled 2 months ago, but my mother has sleep apnea so is…