carcinoid cancer (neuroendocrine tumors) with metastises to the liver
Hello, I am a newly diagnosed cancer patient and am looking for support from anyone who is dealing with neuroendocrine tumors in the liver. I have undergone major liver surgery to remove 90-95% of my tumors in August, however, I will be dealing with the few tumors that are left. I am interested in finding out what…
my mother
my mother diagnosed with gall bladder cancer 1 yr ago following gall bladder surgery for stone, underwent liver resection and 6 wks of radio and chemo. she was doing so well until this december when the cancer came back with jaundice.she is 58 yrs working women with so much things left to be done...the doctor says chemo is…
I have just recently joined this site because my wife was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma on February 17th. Her original doctor said that her tumors are inoperable because they have spread to her lymph nodes. She currently has appointments at the University of Chicago and the Mayo clinic for second opinions. This is…
I was diagnosed with carcinoid cancer 11/2007. I had been having symptoms for years, but no one could figure out what was wrong. Finally on Thanksgiving Day I went to the ER where they ran yet more tests. That's when they finally found the tumor. They removed the tumor along with 80% of my small intestine. The tumor had…
gall bladder cancer oncologist on the east coast
I am looking for a gall bladder cancer specialist on the East Coast for my 89 year old dad, who was perfectly healthy until 2 weeks ago when his gall bladder was removed. He is in Florida, I am in Boston, and I am looking for someone to consult with on the east coast. Thanks.
24yr old mom with tumor in spinal cord
So im 24years old, i have 3 beautiful young little boys and finally got news as to why ive had the worst pain ever for the last 2 years being pregnant. I have cancer. My last pregnancy was really very very painful. The whole pregnancy i thought i had Sciatica so i ignored it and just proceeded to take darvacet as my Ob/gyn…
What is Kaposi sarcoma
Can anyone teel what it is and see what other web site their is?
CellAdam or other for Pancreatic
My mother-in-law is diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a year ago. She was operated and went through lot of chemo. In Jan first week when her scan results came back the doctors wanted to hold off for while with chemo as they think lungs are affected. I think she got some blood after that. They are asked to come back in…
Looking for a recommended facility for Mediastinal surgery/surgeon
Does anyone have a recommendation of a good hospital or cancer center that they used for a mediastinal surgery? Also, any recommendations on a thoracic surgeon as well? Thanks!
I am a 72 year old male - first generation Greek descent - Father had a kidney tumor and passed at the age of 79, Mother had nothing but arthritis and she died at the age of 94. My sister is a cancer survivor, still going strong at 83 but my brother succumbed to heart disease at 78. I hoping I'm blessed with my Mother's…
My 76 year old Dad just finished radiation and chemo for pancreatic cancer. The Doctor is thinking of starting him on Gemzar. Has anyone had any experience with this? What does it do? The side effects don't sound good at all. My e-mail is etchr@aol.com
pancreatic cancer
my mom was diagnosed with pan can in october 2001. after a failed whipple she received a bil.bypass because of her blockage in the bile duct. after and still recovering from the failed whipple at duke university medial center she has undergone 31 radiation treatments and 6 weeks of chemo 5fu to enhance radiation…
Malignant melanoma - choroid
In March, I lost an eye to cancer. I have tried very hard to gain a "normal life" back. But, I am tired of being brave and sane. I want to scream, cry, and have a temper tantrum. I hate waking up every day. My doctor and family act like its no big deal and I should just get on with life. I want to play the "poor me" card…
Eye Cancer/choroidal melanoma
I was diagnosed a week ago. So far, (still waiting for tests) the tumor has not metastisized elsewhere. Anyone else with eye cancer?
What Next
Well I was diagnoised in Jan 09 the PPC. I finished 8 cycles of chemo on Sept 10th. My CA125 was 11 my PET/CT came back that everything was gone. I was even told that I was cancer FREE in April. Then Oct 26th I had another surgery that found I still had cancer which was removed. Then Jan 10 I receive a PET/CT and a CT and…
Klatskins bile duct cancer post surgery in hospital
Is anyone familiar with klatskins bile duct cancer? My father is post surgery a little over 2 weeks. We have been having a lot of complications with infections and now a bacterial infection in the blood. I would love to know if anyone has been through this or has any information they could share with me. thank you, Courtney
Support group?
Does anyone know if there is a board/support group for survivors of Neuroblastoma who have late effects from their cancer treatments.
Bile duct AND gall bladder cancer
I am wondering if anyone has been diagnosed with both bile duct and gall bladder cancer? My dad went in for an ERCP last January. They tested him for pancreatic cancer and that came back negative. They were about to do surgery to remove his gall bladder when his test results came back positive for cancer. They found in…
I am a survivor of teratoma, and I am interested in talking with another survivor of the cancer.
Germ Cell/Yolk Sack Tumour
I had the above type of tumour on my right ovary -which spread to stage 3, of which I am now clear of (after surgery and chemo). I thought I'd post here to see if anyone has the same thing and would like to know anything. Thanks, Isabel
Block center for integrative cancer care
Has anyone gone to the Block Center for Integrative Cancer Care in Evanston, IL for an evaluation? I'm curious as to how it functions. My mom has pancreatic cancer.
Sarcoma of breast Rare less then 1% of breast Ca
Anyone else out there with sarcoma of breast, would like to hear from others re treatment chemo ect. treat as a breast Ca or as a sarcoma? Had a small mass that grew to size of tennis ball in 9 days, Had mastectomy margins clear, nodes negative scans show no mets, I see an oncologist tomorrow, anyone else????
anyone knowing about hidracarcinoma
sgtdad is still around. i first joined a year ago. i had an underarm sweat gland cancer. i am now 2 1/2 years into it. anyone having experience with this rare cancer please advise. linda 321, how are you doing?
Whipples: Info on recovery
December 19, 2009 - 10:15pm Hi, My husband was diagnosed 10 wks ago with duodenal cancer which had spread to panceas. He had a whipples. He came out of the op ok but in recovery started to bleed they took him into surgery again. They couldnt stop the bleed & cam every close to lossing him. He had a third surgery the next…
New Here...Has anyone heard of this type cancer?
Hi, In March my husband was having a sharp pain in his ribs, so finally the first of April he went to the doctor, who sent him for an xray. the next morning we get a call something showedup on xray and then he was sent to lung doctor,who then did test and said he had cancer on right lung, he sent us to cancer doctor and…
Anyone Know anything or know of someone with this type of Cancer?
Hello all. I'm not new to cancer but I'm new to this board. Don't know if I should be in the bladder cancer or kidney cancer group but all help or direction would be greatly appreciated. My husband has been a six year survivor of stage III colon cancer and just received his officially cured credintials September 2009.…
How do I accept the fact that my mom is dying???
I am fairly new at this discussion board but I am desperate and I need help. My mom has been diagnosed with Cancer of Pancreas that has spread to her Liver. She is Stage 4. She has been given by the doctors in the Philippines 2-3 months to live. I am having a hard accepting this fact and I need help to accept this. I have…
Pancreatic Cancer
Although it is no longer rare, my mom is 78 years old with a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer which his in-operable due to it is laying on and encasing the main vein of the pancreas. Does anyone know of any good treatments, medical or otherwise. I am afraid chemo and radiation with make her very sick and destroy her quality…
Aromasin Isn't Working
I have Peritoneal Carcinomatosis, Stage IV, metasticized from breast cancer. I was infused with Taxol for 8 months, then put on Arimidex and now put on Aromasin. After having been hospitalized for 3 days before Christmas and with the results of a CT scan done then, my oncologist has said that the Aromasin is not working.…