17 year old nephew adrenal cancer
Is there anyone here who can help in the unfortunate situation. This cancer is rare and we are so desperate for any help. We are traveling back and forth to Nationwide Children's Hosp. in Columbus, Ohio for treatment.
Whipple Surgery/Pancreatic Duodectomy
We would like to talk to anyone who has Underwent a Whipple proceedure. My Wife had one 3 years ago and it has wrecked her. Today we learned that the proceedure was "Premature" given the type and stage of Cancer she had. Please call 706-367-2803. Ask for Eric or Shannon
How long until taste returns after radiation???
I just received neutron radiation and my taste buds are shot!!! How long until the taste returns? Thanks!
Peritoneal Cancer
Does any one have or knows anyone with Peritoneal type of cancer? Have not found anyone in my State (MA). My doctor says it is similar to OVCA. I have been getting most of my 411 on OVCA Cancer. I would like it if any one has more info on the Peritoneal Cancer. I am at stage 3 and have Lymphadema in my rt leg. Have…
sacrum removal physical therapy after...
I had a castleman disease tumor. The disease gives tumors in the area cordoma tumors grow...sacrum area. I'm trying to find out what kind of Physical Therapy to do. What I'm doing doesn't help. I found a post on a chordoma site that said they had a contact for Johns Hopkins, where I had my surgery, where your PT person can…
new... PLEASE help
I have posted several days ago on this site and also on the skin cancer site with no replys. I have vulvar cancer/melanoma... I understand there may not be anyone else out here with this but if you can help me with support or info on either vulvar cancer or melanoma this would be so greatly appreaciated. I have my second…
Mom just diagnosed with Stage IV Gallbladder Cancer
Hello All - My mother was just diagnosed with Stage IV Gallbladder cancer. She had a galbladder attack and they removed it not knowing it was cancerous. When she had her 2-week post-op appointment she was feeling great and then found out about the cancer. During pre-op testing they had seen a spot on her liver but…
My spouse has mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer that is found in the pleural space. The affected area is the pleura of the left lung. He is on chemo and receives treatment every 3 weeks: A mix of cysplatin and Alimta. Just thought I would check in from time to time to hear other stories and what it is like to live with…
germ cell tumor
My brother is in hsopital with a suspected germ celltumor - seminoma - he has been in for over 3 weeks and they are only just coming to us with a diganosis - in the meantime he has had emergency chemo but is very very poorly. He can't eat or drink properly and has been on oxygen as his aorta was bloked - he has two stents…
I see alot of posts for people who have had or had gallbladder cancer from 2009, anyone still in treatment, looking for treatment, know of any new treatments out there.. My mom is 70 yoa and was diagnosed Stage IVA: T4, N0 or N1, M0: Tumor invades the main blood vessels leading into the liver or has reached more than one…
sinus sarcoma
Has anyone been diagnosed with a sinus sarcoma????Would like to hear from you.
Chemo trial waiting list??????
I am brand new on here so I am not sure if you can see my profile info. But my fiance was diagnosed in Aug 2010. He was a perfectly healthy 35yr old and he found a small bump behind his ear and went to the doctor immediately.... stage IV parotid gland cancer with mets to the spine (6 tumors) and to the liver (10.6cm). He…
ppl with malignant fibrous histiocytma (MFH)
my husband and i whould like to talk to ppl with this diease and see what they are going through and we will share what he is but we whould like to know that there are ppl out there and that he is not the only one or that he feels that he is not the only one out there with this diease THANKS
Growth in Bile duct possible whipple surgery
I have been just been through a battery of tests and was just told that I have a growth in my bile duct. I had an ercp and had a stint put in. I have been told by my doctor that he doesn't know if it is cancer or not but I think I still have to have the whipple procedure. This sounds really scary. Just wondering if anyone…
pancreatic cancer
Hi, Has anyone ever been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer via a scan only? My Dad has been told that he has inoperable pancreatic cancer and liver lesions. He has had no weight loss, no abnormal blood test, liver function test is perfect, no pain, no jaundice, still loves his food. Infact he's very well indeed! The only…
Just diagnosed, is there anyone else dealing with this. I went into the discussion for it and it doesn't seem like anyone has posted in awhile. I would really like to chat with someone about it.
Neuroendocrine cancer
My husband was diagnosed with neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer on Dec. 1st. An attempted whipple took place but was not successful. He is undergoing chemo therapy now. Has anyone had luck with treatment for this type of cancer?
Gullbadder cancer
Hi, My daughter is 25 years old, she has Lupus and now found gullbadder cancer..she went into surgery and they removed the gullbadder and now they say its in her liver and stomach and they put her on a chemo pill that makes her very tired can anyone give me any information on this terrible cancer thanks
gallbladder cancer
Hi everybody! I am new to this forum and did come across it surfing the net for some kind of hope when it comes to gallbladder cancer. My mother in law recently was diagnosed with gallbladder cancer and it is not possible remove it and it has also spread locally in the area around the bladder. Since I did found out that…
Parathyroid Carcinoma
Hi, My husband was diagnosed with parathyroid cancer in 2008. We were glad that finally we had answers as to some of his health concerns and the doctors responded so quickly. Its extremely rare and the doctor in 40 years had only seen it twice before. We had the bad parathyroid removed and monitored it religionouly for 2…
pancreatic cancer
anyone here that had pancreatic cancer or a family memebr that had this? and the whipple procedure?
malignant fibrous histiosarcoma
Is there anyone who has had/has this type of cancer? I was diagnosed 8years ago. Recently, I have had similar symptons, however in my other leg. The doctor keeps telling me that this type of cancer only comes back to same leg or lungs. I have done an MRI, and say they don't see anything. However, there is no explaination…
Ampullary Cancer
My husband received a diagnosis two weeks ago. He had the Whipple surgery Tuesday. 6 lymph nodes were tested and one node was cancerous. What will the next steps be? He will be 55 in a couple of weeks.
Hepato-Biliary Carcinoma
My mohter is 57 years old and was diagnosed at the end of June with ovarian cancer. After surgery to remove uterus and tumors they saw more tumors located around intestine and upper region of the body. They removed most of the tumors but saw others. They finally diagnosed her with having Stage IV Biliary cancer which had…
Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia
I am a 55 year old female diagnosed with WM in January 2008. I am on a second course of Chemotherapy (fludara). I'm wishing to connect with other people who have this terrible and frightening form of cancer. I feel for all cancer sufferers. Please be strong and never give up hope. Jayjen. Email: jayjen@xtra.co.nz
Neuroendricine Carcinoma
Hi! I am a 33 year old female that was diagnosed with a moderatly differentiated malignant endrocine tumor in the head of the pancreas, shortly after the birth of my daughter in 2003. It was removed in sept.2003 after undergoing a modified whipple opperation. Its been 6 months since surgery and I am feeling good. The only…
Adult Wilms Tumor
Does anyone have or know someone with Adult Wilms Tumor?
husband diagnosed with gallbladder cancer
hello, My name is Tina. My husband was diagnosed with Stage IV gallbladder cancer in may of this year. It has spread to his liver and bones. This completely blindsided us. He had no symptoms at all. We were seen at Sloan Kettering and they were unable to operate. He has been on Gemzar and cisplatin. He has received 6…
Pancreas concern
My husband had an MRI to check for kidney stones and none were found. He went to see the urologist yesterday, who asked if he'd ever found out what the 'small cloudy spot on the MRI was in his pancreas'. The MRI was over 3 months ago and we'd never been called (VA Hospital) about the cloudy spot. I can't find mention of…
Looking for a top notch Cancer Treatment Facility for Wilms Tumor
I was diagnosed with a Wilms tumor (kidney) in 2007. I had my right kidney removed and I now have a reoccurence in the chest and possibly lung area. I am looking for a cancer treatment center that would be the best for my case, as it is rather rare. Any advice would be very much appreciated.