pancreatic cancer alternative oncologists!
My mother was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. She has a good doctor who is very western and traditional, but we are very interested in also finding an oncologist who does non -traditional or more experimental treatment as well. It would have to be someone who was very knowledgeable about what would interact with…
pancreatic cancer: how do you....
how do you go on day to day when you have pancreatic cancer. I have stage 2b and recently started chemo for three times then 5.5 weeks of chemo/rad followed by nine rounds of chemo. I am 9 weeks post whipple today. The fatique is what is getting me down usually occuring on the second day after chemo and lasts for two days.…
Cutaneous T Cell Lymphoma Awareness
I am 14 years old. My mother is dying of a rare cancer. Please help me spread awareness of this deadly disease so my mom and others will get the right treatment.…
Pancreatic Cancer questions
My husband has been receiving gemzar treatments for his pancreatic cancer. Since a spot was also discovered on his liver, he is unable to have surgery. The oncologist suggested that he be put on a clinical trial, he was not selected to do two chemos, but only the gemzar. My question is why some people seem to be getting…
Jawbone and hole in face
I'm so scared. I'm having Surgery this coming Tuesday December 21st at MUSC Charleston, SC. Facial Reconstruction. This will be my 2nd one... I got Cancer 3 years ago and it ate a pure hold through my face and part of my bottom lip. In fact when I had the 1st reconstruction, they had to cut off the right half of my bottom…
graviola for MDR tumors
multi drug resistant. which pancreatic always becomes. it is an amazon herb, available online or at health food stores. c-statin, from bindweed is a good antiangiogenic. ukrain is promising for all cancers. clinoril/lipitor combo maybe with added avandia is good. these are "off label" drugs, not chemo.…
Bile Duct Cancer ... feeling DOWN
I am 34 years old. the week of my 33rd birthday I began having different symptoms I didn' tknow were related and/or serious... at first I was told it was a bladder infection... then hepatitis, but when those tests came back negative, a scan revealed an obstruction in my bile duct. They told me at my age with my health and…
Post Whipple and lots of pain
My husband had the Whipple 3 years ago. To this day he still has bad pain. The doctors say the majority of his pain is from the surgery. (the cancer is back but when he was in remission he still had pain) If he bends, twists, stretches, the pain is really bad-like it is taking his breath away. .he even says it hurts to…
I was diagnosed with polycythemia vera 4/12 years ago..my white blood count kept going up (its now at 65,000) I had a bone marrow bioposy and was Dx with myelofibrosis 1 month ago..I just turned 61..my spleen is slightly enlarged..for the most part I feel good..will be starting hydroxyurea in a couple weeks..
metastatic melanoma stage IV
I was diagnosed in November 2010 and now have had my second round of chemo. I am waiting for approval for use of "ipi" the new drug not yet approved. I have to fail the recommended chemo treatment before they will give it to me. So last (3rd) round will be given on 1/17, wait 3 weeks, have PETscan and then find out if…
metastatic melanoma
I am new to the discussion board. I have stage 4 melanoma. Are there any survivors out there? Western medicine has offered me nothing. I am managing my disease with nutrition, exercise, and healing imaging. Any info out there?
PNET Cander
Hi This is a very very rare cancer, anyone, do you or a loved one suffer from the same? One of my friends resently found out that she has PNet. she is starting her 5day Chemotherapy in RSA. Please help and give us some hope! regards lizzy
Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma
Is she all alone? My sister is looking for some information from a person who is going through this same kind of cancer and knows what she's gone thru already with the high dose chemo/side affects and what she is looking at with whole brain radiation as her "only" other option. Supposed to start WBRT next week. She has two…
Rare Cancer Diagnosis
I just signed up and it is really great that I finally have a place where I can talk about my diagnoses without having to go into a ten minute explanation. Cancer is a very alienating experience as it is, having a rare diagnoses is even more so, I feel. I have not only never met another person with my diagnoses (Mixed-Cell…
my mom
my mom just recently passed away from pancreatic cancer. she lived 45 days after she was diagnosed. she was 84 and a wonderful mother. i took care of her during her illness and watched her each day slip more and more into sickness. she died early in the morning and i was with her when she passed. this is a very aggressive…
Adrenal Cancer
My husband has been diagnosed with stage IV adrenal cancer. He has a tumor that is 14.5 x 10.1 x 10.1 cm on the left adrenal gland. They may have to remove the left kidney and the spleen. Has anyone else had adrenal cancer? Any information you can provide me will be so much appreciated. debbie
neck cancer of unknown origian
My husband was just diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma of the neck origin unknown. we have not been able to find anyone who has gone through this and would like to hear from a survivor.
Adrenal carcinoma
Hi, Im new here. My husband has been diagnosed with stage IV adrenal carcinoma. He has a 14.5 x 10.1 x 10.1 cm tumor on the left adrenal gland, the drs say this is a very large mass. The biopsy showed metastatic to the lung. He will be having surgery next week to remove the tumor, and probably the left kidney and the…
Myelofibrosis study
Anybody out there on a study for MF? My stepdad maybe going on a study for MF. It is not approved by FDA. Looking for some info and how it helps people with myelofibrosis I think the study is a fairly new drug that they have been trying. It is suppose to help the patients with anemia and make them feel better, stronger.…
rare adenocarcenoma
My grandmother was diagnosed about three weeks ago with a rare form of adenocarcenoma that has metathsicized and spread all over her body. She has a tumor in her neck. We were told it is way too far advanced and there is nothing that can be done. We were told that she is going to die soon. She is going to do radiation only…
Gallbladder Cancer- please help!!
Hi i was directed to this site as a place i could find inspiration- and i have seen some great stories already. My mom got the pain of gallstones in Jan 10 and Feb 10- she was given medication(dont know which one) but she never got the pain again (it must have masked them)- she had tests to confirm she had in fact…
Verrucous Carcinoma
I am looking for others who have survived Verrucous Carcinoma, a rare form of Oral Cancer. I have never smoked, do not drink, do not have HPV and yet, I have had VC for 2 1/2 years and four surgeries. I just need to speak with other people who have been through this type of ordeal. The survival rate is 50% and so far, I am…
Gallbladder Cancer Treatments
Hello everyone. My mother was diagnosed with stage 4 gallbladder cancer October 11th. After an ERCP they learned it had spread to pelvic cavity, and did not operate on her. After weeks of fighting with the insurance company she finally got her first treatment of Gemzar and Cisplatin 10/26/2010. We were told, that the…
Vipoma survivors?
I have recently been diagnosed and I would like some inspiration and reassurance.
Bile Duct Cancer
My mother is 54 and has in the last month been diagnosed with Stage IV Bile Duct cancer. It has spread to her liver and lymph nodes. She is in the second week of her first round of chemo. The doctors have told her that with the chemo she has a year, with out it 3 months. They said she would be on chemo for the rest of her…
Gall Bladder Cancer, Stage 4
Hi My name is Viola I am a vibrant and energetic 47 year old I work in Healthcare and am the mother of two beautiful teenagers. I have recently been diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer of the Gallbladder and Ducts, also known as "Unresectable Gallbladder Cancer." I don't want Cancer to be an end for me.....I want it to be the…
goblet cell caricinoid looking for anyone with information on this type of cancer of the appendix.
Small Cell Cervical Cancer
I am looking for information on small cell cervical cancer. Can hardly find a thing on the net as this is such a rare type of cervical cancer. I am really interested in diagnostic and treatment protocols, as well as survival statistics (5 year preferred, can only find 2 year, being 28 percent). I would also very, very much…
small cell cervical cancer
I am searching for anyone who has had small cell cervical cancer and has had it come back agian.Perhaps we can share experiences,info, and support
GIST cancer
My mother was diagnosed in 2005 with GIST cancer. Surgery was performed right away and most of the tumors were removed. It was all over her abdomen, small intestine, liver and other areas. She was given 400mg of Gleevec to help stop the growth of the other tumors that were unable to be removed. The tumor remained the same…