Adult PNET cancer
Hi all, I am a 38 year old female who was recently diagnosed with Adult PNET in my spinal area but not my brain. I was just curious if there was anyone else out there who knew anything about this type of cancer. I know it is very rare so any information would be great. Thanks, Joellyn
Pancreatic Neuroendocrine with liver mets - Sutent
Would like to know if anyone has been treated with the drug "Sutent" for this type of cancer? My husband has been battling this disease since Dec. 2007. He has gone thru Temador, Xeloda, Nexavar, Afinitor. Sir Spheres(twice), chemoembolization. Now the doctors are putting him on Sutent. If you have taken this drug for this…
"You know that rare cancer that Steve Jobs had."
Or more officially Metastatic Panceriatic Nueroendcrine Tumors. No wonder we're not popular. So are there any more of us out there?
Pancreatic cancer
Is there any who would be willing to discuss pancteatic cancer with me? I see many other cancer types listed but not pancreatic. I would like to see how you are doing and coping. I have type 2 and have had a Whipple with follow up chemo and radiation and would like to compare notes. Thanks gwen66
I started having very strong pain on the left side of my abdomen
I hope you can help me. I started having very strong pain on the left side of my abdomen since July this year and the doctors have not found the reason yet. I contacted with author of http://painleftside.net and he told me it may be diverticulitis, kidney stones, or cancer (at worst), but he doesn't know without medical…
Adrenal Cancer
My daughter was diagnosed with adrenal cancer. surgery was performed and thankfully it was fully encapsulated it was 14 cm so based on these characteristics it was stage 2 the surgeon approached this very agressive he removed the adrenal gland and took a lot of extra tissue once tested the outer portion of the tumor and…
Noninvasive Micropapillary Serous Carcinoma of Ovaries - Anyone else?
Doctors say it's very rare. Would love to hear treatment plans of others. I'm only 27. Thanks.
Anyone had Ascites with Pancreatic Neuroendocrine w/mets
Trying to find out information if anyone has ever had Ascites. The last few weeks my husband has been saying he has been feeling bloated. And every time we went to doctor in the last month he had weight gain. Well I kept thinking that was strange since he has not been eating much. Well we r waiting on bloodwork to come…
neuroendocrine somatastatin tumors on pancreas with liasions on liver.
Looking to compare notes with anyone who has had the somatastatin diagnosis of this type of tumor.
Pancreatic Cancer
Hey guys help me out, Docs found out a mass in the head of the pancreas a year and 1/2 ago, the size of 3cmx2x2, last month I repeat the cat scan and the mass is growing, and is now 3.8cmx2.2x2.2. They suggested me WS, but I have been reluctant, the biopsy from last year shows is benevolent. What do you think, should I go…
strange growth
I had a whipple on January 20, 2005, no other procedure or follow up after, then on the 21st of June, I had a CT scan and a finger sized growth was found, a biopsy done and the growth was said to be mostly solid, very little liquid areas but was non-cancerous. The growth was found on the back of my liver. Is this to be…
Neuroendocrine Cancer
Hi. I am just wondeirng if there are others who have been treated for neuroendocrine cancers? I had surgery in 2011 and am wondering about follow up treatment. My NET was in small intestine with spread to lymph glands. I have not had any further treatment or scans and doctors have me on wait and. See approah. Any…
Vaginal Cancer ( squamous cell carcinoma )
Is there anyone that has or had this type of cancer.
new short film on cancer - looking for stories for next film
I am from the colon cancer group but want to post this : PSA on Early Detection for colon cancer ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86jEIEBLPNM&feature=player_embedded the next one will be on diet & alternative therapy during remission. If anyone has a story to share, please message me. I want to keep making these videos…
Rhabdomyosarcoma Adult
Hi, I am Justianus Rachmat from Indonesia. My father recently just had the PET SCAN and Biopsy and the result, he has a Rhabdomyosarcoma Tumor in his upper back tight. The tumor has spread to his lung and until today, he has no pain or sickness felling. I desperately need some information regarding the outcome of survival.…
Tongue Cancer when Radiation is NOT an option
Hello All... My mother was recently diagnosed with Cancer of the Tongue. It was surgically removed and The pathology came back with invasion to the lymph nodes and nerve. She had tonsil cancer with metastasis to the neck lymph nodes 7 years ago. She had radiation and was cancer free for 7 years. It came back on the…
Iris melanoma at 24?
(sorry this is a little long) I am 24, and my husband (also 24) My husband is an amazing guy, my high school sweetheart (been married for about 6 years) we have no kids (waiting to get school over with), but we do have furbabies, and we have our whole life ahead of us. He is currently going through some tests for Iris…
interferon vs chemo in lymphomatoid granulomatosis
my 29 yr old husband was diagnosed with grade 3 lymphomatoid granulomatosis...he has endured a round of r chop chemo and is now on the r ice chemo regiment. i recently found out about interferon as a possible treatment through my own research. he has had no luck with chemo and his dr. has not even mentioned interferon as a…
Bile duct Cancer
I'm looking for anyone told they have Metistatic Bile duct cancer with no tumors in the Bile Duct. My husband was diagnosed with Pancreaticbiliary cancer of and unknown primary with no tumors in pancreas or bile duct, second opinion at Sloan says tumor in liver is Bile duct cancer. We had a Pathwork that said 27%…
Pancreatic cancer
Hi I'm not a person with a lot of words but I'm in a place in my life that needs some direction .My mother have to go to the doctor because they believe she might have cancer on her pancreas and but so far they just saying a large mass I'm so scare and confuse on this disease because everything u look up is bad .I know it…
Fibrolamellar Liver Cancer
My daughter was diagnosed with fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma in August, 2000, when she was 19 years old. She had a liver transplant in October, 2000, and did fine until a metastacies of this same cancer was found on her lung in Sept of 2001. She had a lobectomy in Feb of 2002. She had a grapefruit sized tumor…
gallbladder cancer
gallbladder cancer
gallbladder cancer stage 4
HI, My name is Evelyne, I was diagnosed with cancer back in August. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting to hear what type of cancer I had and a lot of tests, I was finally told in September that I had gallbladder cancer stage 4 and only had 6 to 9 months to live. I was offered an aggressive type of chemo…
Help to develop a new cancer treatment against nevroendocrine tumors with liver metastases
Se following link for further information about the project and donation! http://www.uu.se/en/support/oncolytic/
Gallbladder cancer - 2012 (any stage)
Hi there, my name is Libby and I am a new member. I am 55 years old and have been diagnosed with unoperatable gallbladder cancer that has spread to my liver and bile ducts. I live in New Zealand and would love to talk with anybody about this dreadful disease that has invaded my body. I think this website is amazing, there…
Neuroendocrine Carcinoma
Hi! I am new to this board and am joining because I'm not sure where to go, and I'm hoping someone here can relate to what I'm going through. Two years ago I had a gallbladder attack and upon ultrasound, a large mass was found in my abdomen. I had a biopsy done, and it was diagnosed as cancer. I then had a CT scan and it…
Appendix- small carcinoid found after appendectomy, now what?
Hello everyone! A little over two weeks ago, I went into the ER with appendicitis and had an appendectomy 5 hours later. I am 27 years old, and up to now had been healthy and active. During the surgical pathology report, the lab found a small 2mm carcinoid. My surgeon- who happened to be a surgical oncologist- requested…
Pancreatic Cancer
I have just lost my Dad to Pancreatic Cancer in June 2012, This is such an awful cancer, He was diagnosed in Feb, They call it the silent killer, by the time you have any syptoms its usualy to late as by this time its already stage 4. The hardest part is seeing your family suffer and yet there is nothing you can do but…
Powerport issues
I just had a powerport inserted to begin my chemo treatments for gallbladder cancer. I am concerned about the constant pressure I feel on either my esophogus or larnyx (I can't tell which). Is this something I should get used to, or corrected? the pressure feels like someone pushing their finger into my windpipe, and it…
Pancretic Cancer
My husband, 43 years old, had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer on june 10 this year. He has undergone whipple surgery on june 13, 2012. He had been very sick with pancreatitis attacks since october 2011, but previous diagnose was autoimmune disease. He was given high dose of prednisolone with stenting inside his bile…