pancreatic cancer
Hi.. My dad had a whipple surgery for pancreatic ca .It was in the head of the pancreas... this was in July of 2012.. He is doing ok now..He is back working.. He just turned 75 years old.. He just cant seem to gain any weight.. Anyone else with the same situation? Thanks
My mom is a healthy,active and strong woman of 80 years old,who never used alcohol or tabacco.She was recently diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma involving the upper ALVEOLAR RIDGE (upper gum) and her two front teeth are loose due to the carcinoma which is invading the bone and ANTERIOR PALATE. A CAT Scan measured the…
pancreatic lymphoma
I have pancreatic lymphoma, which apparently is very rare, although potentially a better prognosis than the usual pancratic adenocarcinoma. However, I can't find much information asbout this. Anyone out there with any experience with this?
Choroidal Melanoma
I want to hear from others who have had eye cancer.
eye cancer
i would really like to meet some survivors of this cancer i need information it must be rare because i cant seem to find any one in my area with the same cancer as me please help me out
eye cancer
i would really like to meet some survivors of this cancer i need information it must be rare because i cant seem to find any one in my area with the same cancer as me please help me out
choroidal melanoma
I was diagnosed with Choroidal Melanoma on my right eye in January 2010, by a Retina Specialist here in Birmingham, AL. It is a rare cancer, only effects 6 in one million people in the US. I was evaluated at the UT Hamilton Eye Care specialist in Memphis, TN, and returned 2 weeks later to have plaque radiation surgery. I…
I am new here
Hello Everyone: As the subject line says I am new here. Just found this site this morning. I am a 69 year old diagnosed with a medium Choroidial Melanoma in my right eye in June of 2012. I had plaque radiation therapy in September 2012. The disk was in place for 7 days. I had my first check up January 3rd of this year. I…
Lower extremity edema with duodenal cancer?
My hubby has a diagnosis thus far of duodenal cancer. He has lower leg edema that has been getting worse. He hasn't had any treatment thus far for his cancer. Anyone else know anything about this? I would appreciate any information. Seems odd that he has this when his labs are so low, ie, sodium, potassium, calcium, iron…
Anybody out there choose no treatment?
My husband has been recently diagnosed with duodenal cancer with liver mets. In short, the surgeries, chemos and radiations prescribed seem to offer a 4 to 36 month survival rate. We are seriously considering doing nothing more than a blood transfusion and taking our chances with mother nature. He feels fine right now and…
looking for anyone surviving Mucinus Adenocarcinoma with unknown Primaries.
Was diagnose in 2010. Went with Duke, had total hysterectomy with a 2lb. mass on ovary, tumor markers shown unkown primaries..via mosty CEA's. Did 6 treatments with Taxol/Carbo. finished in April 2011. It really has taken me this long to really over the chemo., It took it's toll on my body, mind and soul. I had to step…
My mom has cancer, don't know what to do...
February 1st, my mom was diagnosed with abdominal carcinoma, which at that point had spread to her esophagus, stomach, and colon. She had been sick for 5 months before the diagnosis, not being able to keep down any food and ended up losing about 35 lbs. Her cancer is tumorless (probably microscopic) and the original…
Pancreatic Cancer
My brother at age 44 was diagnosed with Stage 2 Pancreatic Cancer last Dec, 2011. He was out hunting and actually thought he was having a heart attack, went to the hospital only to find out a month later his heart was fine but they had found a tumor in his pancreas. He had PET scans and every other test known I think, told…
Cholangiocarcinoma Stage 4 battle - Taking a chance
It's already 4 weeks since the malignant tumor was discovered inside my husband's liver and lungs, and still, we couldn't start treatment. I'm screaming out for help from doctors: they all look at us with this 'I'm sorry' look that leaves nothing but a miserable lump in the throat and my husband in pain. Even his close…
Was diagnosed with neuroendocrine carcinoma, the same kind that is usually found in the lungs, but my tumor was on the vulva which the docs can't figure out why. Surgery removed the tumor, only 1 cm, and now started on chemo for the next 5 months. They are treating me as though I had lung CA due to the type of cells in the…
Hi Im new diagnosed with Malignant caricnoid tumors in June 2010 during a exploratory surgery when n
My name is Crystal and I had been sick since 2007 when I first had symptoms but due to the fact I was pregnant the symptom i had are pretty common to pregnancy symptoms. after i had baby i still had symptoms but i was having other problems it seemed like my health decided to come crashing down all at once. I had to have…
Whipple procedure
I am about to undergo the Whipple Procedure. I am attempting to gather feddback from individuals that have undergone this procedure. Can anyone tell me from their experience what I will face? I have a 3 cm muscinuos cyst in the head of my pancreas. PET scan shows potential for caner around the outer rim of this cyst. I am…
Adrenal Cancer
Has anyone who has adrenal cancer lived on Camp Lejeune prior to 1980? My son in law died of undeteced adreanal cortical carcinoma at age 29 in 2002. In my research of the disease I found that there were several toxic chemicals in the water at camp lejeune where he was concieved and lived as a child. This water…
Cancer of small intestine
Cannot find anyone in the UK who has this type of cancer, sometimes called small bowel or cancer of duodenum, can anyone help, my brother has this type of cancer .
Patient-Specific Cancer Cell Lines Designed To Predict Chemotherapy Sensitivity
In laboratory studies, scientists at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center have developed a way to personalize chemotherapy drug selection for cancer patients by using cell lines created from their own tumors. If the technique is successful in further studies, it could replace current laboratory tests to optimize drug…
Husband 44 has bile duct cancer
Hello as I said my husband is 44 and was diagnosed with bile duct cancer on November 30, 2012. He has one tumor the size of an apple, 10cm. Its in two lymph nodes as well but no where else. He has had chemo and the surgeon said it was inoperable but our oncoligist said he would refer us to MD Anderson. We are so shocked…
Tips on telling people I have cancer?
Hi everyone, Pretty new to this website... But thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any tips you can provide. So I am 19 years old and was diagnosed with stage 3A gallbladder cancer 4 months ago, October 2012. I have been on Adrucil, which very luckily has not made me lose my hair (although it is thinner) and am at…
Hi there :] My name is Katy and I'm a 19 year survivor of retinoblastoma. My cancer was diagnosed when I was four months old and my right eye was removed immediately upon its discovery. I have lived virtually my entire life with a prosthetic right eye and no reoccurances of cancer. I know I am absolutely blessed to be…
I resently had an MRI for a herniated disc. When getting the report to take with me to meet with an orthopedic I noticed in the findings thaat it showed Fibrous marrow associated with myelofibrosis or smoking, obesity, certain anemic states. After reading up on mylofibrosis I am scared and lost. I do not know who to go to…
anal cancer resection
May 31 2009 Hi, I have advanced anal cancer. I have had chemo & radiation. There is residual cancer according to doctors. I can also still feel the lump. I have not had biopsy yet but when I do have it & if it is still cancer (which according to doctors is most likely) I have to make up my mind quickly about surgery. I…
Urethral CA
Not much research on urethral cancer. Please bare with me I am new to CSN. I am looking for anyone who has had to deal with urethral CA. My type of CA is rare and aggressive. I have completed chemo treatments and I am patiently waiting for my surgery, which will be life changing for me. I am 41 yrs old and a single mother…
Daughter/Wife torn between cancer mom and husband abroad
<p>Hi all,</p> <p> I'm new to this site and I'm really new at telling people about my problems... but here goes! (I apologize for the lengthy post. I wanted to be as concise as possible but it's a really long story to begin with)</p> <p>My husband and I were working as researchers in Korea. We were in our third month there…
gallbladder polyps
Two weeks ago I had my gallbladder removed because I had polyps in it. Yesterday the biopsy results were in and it showed that one of the polyps was malignant. My doctor says that I am cancer free however, since the gallbladder was removed and the cancer was in the gallbladder. I happen to be a worry wart and fear that…
Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma
Hello. Is anyone out there a survivor of Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma? I wonder what your follow up schedule is? I've moved since my surgery (Sept 05) and chemo, & am missing the good care my old doctors gave me. I'm feeling isolated,and unsure what I should be doing. If you've got advice or suggestions, I'd appreciate…
merkel cell
Just found out that I have merkel cell had a lump in the left groin about the size of a hen egg. ct scan in the morning to see what thy can see have no idea what to expect as I still feel fine just scared spitless.