Choroid melanoma in eye
Doctor suspects I have a melanoma in my eye. He has one more test to run next week. some type ultra sound that will confirm. so still a small chance but I have all the symptons. my vision is still good in this eye but some phereferal vision loss. From all I read about this I am anxious to talk wwith someone. This really…
Choroid melanoma in eye
Doctor suspects I have a melanoma in my eye. He has one more test to run next week. some type ultra sound that will confirm. so still a small chance but I have all the symptons. my vision is still good in this eye but some phereferal vision loss. From all I read about this I am anxious to talk wwith someone. This really…
Hi canadianmom, Just got onto this site tonight. I'm going to describe my situation in a very concise way, as I'm receiving some pressure to make a decision by the doctors. I'm sure there will be much you don't understand (I wouldn't) because of my brevity, and I will be more than happy to answer any questions from you or…
Pancreatic cancer
My mom was just diagnosed with an adenocarcinoma in the pancreas. She is having the tail of her pancreas and possibly the spleen taken out in two days. She is a very positive person and the way she is talking she wants to be back in work in about 5 to 6 weeks. Is this realistic? Can anyone provide any insight on this? I…
Men2 b
Hi I am 14 and was recently diagnosed with men2b in may. I have had a full neck dissection and full thyroid ectmy. I was wondering if there is anyone out there with my cancer/disease
Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Carcinoma Metz Liver
My name is Mark Andrews. I wanted to offer any help or info to anyone who needs it. Here is a bref account of what I've gone through- * Diagnosed in Nov 2007 with Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Carcinoma stage IV (liver). * Well differentiated cancer cells * Feb 2008 had tail of pancreas and spleen removed. Had enlarged spleen…
Iris Melanoma
My husband was diagnosed with Iris Melanoma in May 11, 2012. Since then we've made many changes in our lives and are ready to start plaque therapy this friday. Has anyone else been diagnosed with Iris melanoma (possibly spreading to ciliary body)? My husband is 24 (great health other than this)
Anyone with Signet Ring Adenocarcinoma???
I posted this on the colon cancer forum...and so far have not found anyone with my specific form of cancer....so I am reposting it here... I had my appointment with my oncologist to where he told me that my cancer is a "variant" (his words) of colon cancer. I have looked it up and found statistics showing that it is very…
Does anyone else know of anyone who had this? I just had a 3 1/2 inch long lymph node removed this week. It just popped up on the surface of my left pelvic area all by itself. No one can find any cancer anywhere else. Full body PET/CT scan, abdominal CT scan and all other tests and examinations are negative for any…
Pancreatic Cancer Survivors any stage 2012
Hope all of you don't mind me starting another thread on Pancreatic Cancer Survivors. I noticed the other Pancreatic Cancer Survivor post was dated back to 2006 and trying to spot a new post sometimes was hard to find quickly if they replied to a post from a few years back. I do highly recommend, if you are new to the…
Pancreatic Cancer (Neuroendocrine)
Diagnosed with Stage 3 neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer in November 2011. Tumor removed and chemo administered for 12 weeks (3 sessions). Now on Afinitor and Sandostatin. Would like to chat with others with same type of cancer and their experiences. I go for my 6 month octreotide scan next month.
Need Help. My mom just diagonised with GallBladder Cancer Stage 4
My mom has been sick for a couple of months now. Rapid weight lost, appetite loss, and on & off severe stomach and back pain. She had already seen her Dr. and a GI specialist which then scheduled an appointment for her in two weeks for a colonoscopy and endoscopy. Within a couple of days, we had to take her to LAC-USC…
uterine papillary serous carcinoma
My wife was diagnosed in September. Her CA-125 was 260. She had surgery, and doctors said they had removed all the cancer. But a PET scan showed lymph node involvement in various parts of the body. She started chemo in October (taxol and carboplantin). She tolerated the chemo fairly well after six rounds. Another PET scan…
low grade spindle cell tumor??
my son is 11 years old. in December of 2011 he came to me and showed me a "lump" on his side. it was the size of a golf ball i'd say and i was concerned, so i took him to the ER, from there they rushed him to Riley Children's Hospital in Indianapolis. once there they did an ultrasound and then came back and told us it was…
New and scared - SCC was found in my left groin nodes - two of them - had pet scan saw rediual in that area and two suspicious nodes in the illac area - left --- forgive the spelling so nervous - cant find primary - GYN thinks cervical but nothing is showing - and hope and input Thank you cindy
nueroendocrine carcinoid tumor
My boyfriend was diagnosed today with carcinoid tumor, it was removed on May 11 2012. Dr said it was very well self encapulated. (he said that was good). It was removed from under his right lung they said it was not attached to any other organs. Does anyone else have any info on this type of tumor? Dr said our next step is…
Gallbladder cancer stage 4
Today is July 8, 2012. My mom was diagnosed with gallbladder cancer stage 4 on July 5,2012. What a way to remember; July 4 the day to celebrate independence and the next day independence taken away from my mommy. So it has been just 3 days for my brother and sister straying for answers direction, a dust of hope. Someone…
Conjunctival MALT lymphoma
Hello - anybody out there with low grade B-cell conjunctival lymphoma? One eye orbit fully engaged., had now spread to the other eye....
digital papillary cancer
A friend was diagnosed with digital papillary cancer. He was told it was very rare and very aggressive. Also it did not respond to radiation or chemo. It started with a bump on his finger, but what little information I've read it appears to have something to do with the sweat glands. Does anyone have info on this type of…
Adrenal Cancer post surgery
Hello to all. I was wondering if there is anyone out there that could answer some questions or give some suggestions. My wife had a 14cm tumor removed in July of 09. It was diagnosed as "boarderline" and treated with mitotane. Since then we have had a baby in early 2011, and then she had another surgery in 2011 (summer)…
Neuroendocrine carcinoma and adenocarcinoma at the same time
My mom has been diagnosed with two different types of cancer Neuroendocrine carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. We were told it started in the appendix. The doctors that are treating her say that they have never seen this before and are trying to find the right chemo to help with this condition. Has anyone out there heard of…
Gastrectomy + Whipple after colectomy
know it's a long shot...but has anyone out there had to have a gastrectomy and a Whipple following a colectomy? My husband already deals with the short gut issues from the colectomy (with J-pouch and ileoanal reanastamosis). We worry about the long term consequences of removing so much from the gut. He is 38 with FAP. They…
Anyone else with Familial Andenometous Polyposis (FaP)
This cancer/condition is not always categorized as a cancer until you actually have gone so far as to have cancer. However, colon rectum and anus must be removed or you WILL develop cancer in time and then there are the after effects. It is rare, but thyroid issues pop up, or the polyps can be present in the pancreatic…
Sertoli-Lydig Stromol cord Ovarian Cancer
Its supposedly the most rare type of ovarian cancer. It affects the connective tissue in your ovaries and makes your hormones go out of control. The tumors grow huge and rupture causing you to bleed internally. Most of the doctors Ive seen have never treated a case. Has anybody else had it or know somebody who does and if…
metastatic adenocarcinoma -small intestine from uterine cancer
My heart has broken as I'm sure many of you have felt when dealing with cancer. A woman that I love DEARLY has recently been told that she has metastatic adenocarcinoma. Her plight began with colon cancer nine years ago which was successfully resected. Four years ago, she underwent a hysterectomy due to uterine cancer.…
Adenocarcinoma of unknown primary
My mom had been having trouble breathing for quite some time before it was finally determined that she had a pericardial effusion. She has COPD and always seems to end up with bronchitis or pneumonia. She had multiple chest x-rays done and she was always given medicine for various problems. She was referred to a…
Power Port Removal - Pancreatic Cancer
Can anyone let me know if it would be beneficial to keep my power port, or remove it. I have pancreatic cancer diagnosed 5/31/2011, had the whipple 6/15/2011, chemo ended 2/13/2012. My scan on 2/28/2012 shows no sign of cancer. I am starting a new job and have removal surgery scheduled 4/16/12. I am really confused on…
My Chromogranin A is 1009! High is 95. What Does This Excessively High Result Mean?
For anybody who has any idea, because maybe it happened to you, what could such an excessive chromogranin A test result mean? I mean, I'm not just high, I'm through the roof! Thanks for any input.
Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor
My husband had a malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor removed from his back in September last year. It had spread to his lungs (10 tumors) and 2 on the liver. He also has a compromised immune system. He had 3 rounds of chemo which only made the tumors larger and did nothing. He is now on alternative treatment and will…
Husband Newly Diagnosed
Hi all, My husband, in 2010 had left sided colon cancer, had surgery for same, it was an adneocarcinoma and all the path reports came back negitive. Out oncologist sent his tissue sample out and the Oxytype said that the chance of reoccurence wa 17%. In 2011, he was diagnosed with Prostate CA, had 44 rounds of radiation.…