Diseases Associate with Agent Orange
Anyone can look this up but I thought it might be helpful to some of us to have it posted here. AL Amyloidosis Chronic B-cell Leukemias Chloracne (or similar acneform disease) Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Hodgkin’s Disease Ischemic Heart Disease Multiple Myeloma Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Parkinson’s Disease Peripheral Neuropathy,…
Got the biopsy results last Tuesday
This is my first post on this board. I am a 55 year old man with a history of Hodgkins Lymphoma for which I was treated 29 years ago. Since that time my health has been less than robust but I have l been quite fortunate in that I never had a relapse in all those years. Last year my PCP referred me to a dermatologist for a…
2ndBase - Are you out there?
2ndbase, if you are out there could you private message me please.
Esperança ( a breeze of Hope)
Along my journey of twelve years with prostate cancer I have been amazed with the so many researches in course at the labs of super scientists, particularly what has been found and done at genes level (I read hundreds of papers). In fact our problem starts exactly from there and an overexpression of some identified genes…
Something to try
Now I will probably get reamed and abused for posting this and written off as a quack but this can't hurt to try and doesn't cost an arm and a leg, so bring it on. There is scientific proof for this and there is also a website that I won't post here unless someone wants to message me. I don't want people posting on the…
Excellent Article on Watchfull Waiting
There is an excellent article on watchful waiting. http://www.jabfm.org/content/22/3/247.long David
Over the last months I have enjoyed and learned from this site. The inputs from the active members have been great and have helped a lot in my journey. Prostate Cancer is a Mans illiness and we as Men need to addresse and take care of it. Mike, Ralph, Kongo and the other's thank you for information. This has helped me a…
Saw Urologist. Got results. Changed mind about treatment choice.
What a journey- and we've only begun! We saw the urologist today to get the results of the ct and bone scan. He opened by giving me copies of the biopsy report and the scans (brownie points to the doc). One piece of great news--- the scans were negative for any detectable cancer!!! Yeah!!! (does short 'Snoopy' dance) And…
Diagnosed Again
Hello, I was originally diagnosed in 1999 with PC. At that time to cancer was so small a Gleason Score could not be determined. I opted for Watchful Waiting (now called Active Surveillance). My oncologist has followed me via DREs and PSA test. I had several biopsies that were all negative which got me wondering if I really…
Advanced Prostate Ca with Bone and Soft Tissue Mets
I am deperate for some help. My husband is 74 and was first diagnosed with PCA 8 years ago. A year ago he was diagnosed with stage 4 with bone and soft tissue mets. His bone cancer is widespread throughout and he has a large tumor on his chest and coccyx in the soft tissue. He has been getting Lupron shots for 8 months.…
More questions- after surgery concerns (recurrence, etc.)
I thought my signature with hubby's stats would show, but it doesn't. Here's his stats so far Age 57 First ever PSA due to life insurance 'physical'- Aug. 10 PSA 73.76 PCP repeated PSA and did DRE on Aug. 20- PSA 81, DRE- 'firm' Uro- did DRE (firm) Aug. 28- scheduled biopsy Biopsy- Aug. 30 8 out of 8 cores positive Gleason…
Gleason 9 update & problem
I haven't written in a while, but as a refresh....my husband was diagnosed with a gleason 9 early January, had 40 imrt treatments and is now on lupron for 7 months. 3 weeks ago his psa (3 months after treatment) was .05. All good, thank the Lord. He came down with flu like symptoms about a month ago, sore throat, bad…
Not sure if the HT treatments, or just a fluke , but my back is gone. All I did was turn, and it was gone. Tomorrow will be worse. Not sure if HT caused this but I really feel like it did. Percocet does not even touch this. Not sure what is causing this but the pain is insane. Had back surgery years ago, and been dealing…
Veterans who served in Viet Nam
If you have been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer and served in Viet Nam you need to check with your local VA rep. From what I understand, you are rated at 100% until 6 months after your treatment is complete. After that you are rated on the residual effects. If you were aboard a ship, check out the list of sites to see if…
New member, husband diagnosed
Two weeks ago we thought my husband was perfectly healthy. He woke up with a groin pain and we went to the ER, where they found swollen lymph nodes. He has prostate cancer that's spread to nearby lymph nodes and to the hip. Just a small spot on the hip but that's bone. What a shock at 48. No symptoms at all. He had his…
Getting Ready for 'post surgery'
My husband will have his Da Vinci surgery in 2 weeks. I know I should have incontience pads (or diposable underwear- he's still deciding) on hand. Other things I've read suggest having alcohol swabs, good hand wipes and loose fitting pants for him. Are there other things I should 'stock up' on?
Kanglaite Gelcaps
I am back on this discussion board! My PSA keeps rising after RP(Jan 2005) and RT(finished Dec 2009). PSA now is 0.7 Anyone familiar with use of Kanglaite gelcaps in controlling rise in PSA after RP and RT? Please post your comments. Thanks.
advice on which way to go - oncologist or urologist? HT length?
I posted earlier this month about my friend. He is 81 years old and has stage 4 prostate cancer, gleason score 8 and many, many bone mets. We actually found the cancer due to his collapse from renal failure - the prostate has blocked his urethea tubes and he had to have bilateral nephrostomy tubes inserted. He was in the…
Salvestrol Platinum
After looking into Salvestrol Platinum, is this the drug to replace drugs like Zytiga? Can not find a list of side effect, but all reports say its the next fight against advanced metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer!!! Does anybody know about this drug? I think my days with Zytiga are at the in of it days. Maybe…
Second opinion
Listen up guys, My PSA doubled twice over 3 years to a high of 4.2 that triggered a biopsy with a Gleason OF 6. Kongo, Hopeful and Opt told me to get a second opinion. Well, John Hopkins came back with, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (abbreviated as PIN)and they considered it to be a pre-malignancy, or carcinoma in…
53 years of age. PSA 9.2 Gleason 3+4. 60% of 12 cores positive in biopsy. DRI can feel lumps on left side of prostate. All this diagnosed in April 2011. Had IMRT in Aug-Oct 2011, then BT in Nov 2011. Recent post exam on 5 March 2012 - everything feels good with DRE. Still some slight reduction in flow but Flowmax helping.…
Colonoscopy wait time
Does anyone have a suggestion or knowledge as to the minimum time to wait for a routine colonoscopy following IMRT/BT? My prostate treatments were in the later part of 2011 and I was due for a colonoscopy in January 2012. I decided to postpone it so soon after treatments. Will one year be enough of a time lag to feel safe…
Has anybody heard of this?
I had an RP almost 2 years ago and everthing is going good. I am still doing zero's. In a totally unrelated issue I recently had an ultrasound of my kidneys which also included an ultrasound of the bladder. When I picked up the report there is an item that says they found "debris within the bladder". What does this mean?…
Bad News :-(
Well, I just got my latest PSA score and it went up again to 2.12. Not good. That's 3 increases in a row 1.55, 1.69 and 2.12 between March and Sept 2012, which is an indicator of treatment failure or cancer recurrence by at least one standard (1997 ASTRO). The lowest score I've ever gotten following treatment in Sept 2010…
National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
With September 1 marking the beginning of National Prostate Awareness Month, I thought it would be a good idea to to remind those close to me to have their PSA checked. A baby blue ribbon on the garage door got the neighbors asking questions and led into asking, "Had your PSA check lately?". Ask your neighbor, son, father,…
New trials
Not sure if anyone saw the article from two researchers in CA. They are working with a part of marijuana, will not get you high, that they have proved to kill cancer cells in petri dishes and animals. According ro their results this portion of marijuana killed the cancer and the cell returned to normal. Might be amazing.…
I recently posted how my oncologist did not answer any of my questions but simply "brushed me off" So I am posting them here. Why did I not receive a higher dose of radiation i.e 84 gy instead of 69gy when the higher dose is supposed to produce better long term results. I had the latest Novalis shaped beam IMRT which can…
TODAY I had an appointment with my urologist. My PSA is now down to 0.28, it was 0.30 last month.I asked if there was a chance of cure---the PA immediately said NO--that my PSA should be down to zero by now---after 1 full of year of hormone shots (FIRMAGON) & the radiation protocol I chose. This has been bothering me all…
36 months of hormone treatments
I was diagnosed with a Gleason 9 stage T3b in December of 2009 and had the Davinci Surgery followed up with 45 Radiation treatments. Last month (August) I was given my last three month hormone shot which will bring me to a total of 36 months on hormones. I also have been taking Biclutimide every day for the past year at…
PSA Rising after radical prostrate removal
My husband had total prostrate removal surgery 10 yrs. ago. In the last year his PSA has been rising again. Six months ago it was 2.1 and today it was 4.0 The Dr. said he expects it to be 5.0 within the next 6 months and he will then have to have surgery again.