treatment after prostate removal
I recently underwent a rp robotically with Dr. Shah in Atlanta. Surgery went great, I feel great. My gleeson was 8 , before surgery I had a bone scan and ct which both were negative. Post surgery pathology report came back with no cancer in lymph nodes or bladder. However it showed that there was a small amount of cancer…
New to this and pretty lost
Ive been doing some research but seem to get some conflicting information and frankly pretty overwhelmed, while already struggling to stay calm. I was hoping to find some insights here. My 49 year old fiancé was just diagnosed. His PSA is 16, his Gleason (4,4) is 8. He's set for the CT and Bone scan tomorrow so we'll know…
John Daly's PCa pants
Gotta root for John Daly today: http://blog.sfgate.com/ongolf/2012/08/10/john-daly-finds-novel-way-to-raise-awareness-of-prostate-cancer/
Three and one half years after surgery I am proud, and relieved, to report that my recent PSA check came back as less than 0.01. I was one of those guys that just wanted the cancer removed, quantity of life over quality. Guess I got lucky, everything seems to be working. Hope to be back next year to report more of same.…
I was seen at sloan kettering today 18 months post op open rps gleason 7 3+4 psa 13.7 Psa remains undectable 0.05 no pads and still use viagra but I dont need to at 15 months I think nerves started to recover , best wishes to everyone I am going to toast my Dr with a cold beer
Went back on HT two months ago. I quit because of all the side effects it caused when I started.. Now my left leg is going numb from the knee down, and my fingers on the left side are tingling all the way up to the second joint. Is this a side effect of HT or is this something else? Pain in leg is bad. Fingers are not that…
Just online and saw an article on Chemo for prostate cancer patients. It was saying that researchers found that the Chemo caused an offshoot Wntb61,I think, that causes the cancer cells to grow even faster and makes them resistant to further treatment. they said they were surprised at this. Now they are saying they might…
Just received a diagnosis of PC with a Gleason of 9 - Still hope?
Hello, I am 57 and just returned from my appt to learn of this diagnosis. I've read some of the posts on this site over the last hour or so and it seems I haven't been handed a death sentence quite yet. Luckily I have a great family and support, just hope I don't let them down and go too soon. More tests, bone and ct, are…
ADT increase Heart conditions
The degree to which modern forms of androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) increase risk for serious cardiovascular side effects (and death from heart attacks in particular) is a complex and controversial subject, and there are few really good prospective data on which to base sound clinical decision-making. Historically, it…
Xjeva Experiences
The old Doc. just put me on Xjeva shots as it apperas my Cancer may be getting to take a trip to the bones. Anyone here have experince with this drug?
impotence prostrate cancer
Hi although I've been a member for several months second post. I have a question that I haven't seen answered. I had my prostrate removed December 12 2011.I am 67 and in good health . My geason score was 6 3+3.They had caught the cancer early with only 5% of my prostrate had cancer. The question I have ,presently I am on…
Someone, anyone, PLEASE...T2N1M0
My father was diagnosed with PCa about two months ago. I have not been able to go to a Doctor's appointment with him yet and all my family will give me is "It's all going to be ok" I'm the kind of person that wants to know EVERYTHING about something when I first hear about it and have been searching the internet for weeks…
doubling every month
Hello again. 2010 has gleason score of 9 . prostate was removed and so was the gland . nothing in the lymps. cancer broke through the prostate. later that year had a posititve psa.2011 went for radiation in oct. 2012 jan. psa .02. May 1.1. going back this sept. and they expect it to be 4.something. what are some of the…
Question about interpreting Nadir criteria
First I would like to offer some encouragement to those recent entries with Gleason 9 level prostate cancer. I am currently 58 and was diagnosed in March, 2008 with prostate cancer- PSA 29.7, Gleason 9 (4+5), with the biopsies on the left side of the prostate involving between 50% to 100% of tissue. After receiving eight…
Coincidence or something serious?
Hope everybody is doing well. On January of 2011, I had a RP and to this day thank God I am still a member of the “zero” club. About 7 months after the operation I had my normal yearly physical with a complete blood test with my GP. Within the CBC test it showed my Neutrophils at 39 (low) and my Lymph’s at 52 (high) In…
pain managment experiences post Open RP Surgery -
Hi again, Surgery is scheduled for 07/23/12. Trying not to worry - succeeding most of the time. I do have a concern. I am a revovering alcholic with 8 years of continuous sobriety - thanks to God. Although I was never a heavy duty drug user I am afraid of narcotic pain managment because of my addicitive personality. This…
Latest PSA
I haven't posted in awhile and thought I'd give you the latest PSA reading - as of two weeks ago, it has dropped to <0.10. I'm 4/1/2 years out from brachytherapy so I'm a happy camper. I wish each and every one of you dealing with this didease the same kind of positive results!
does any one have total incontenince after seed implants
i have had several laser treatments to remove scar tissue and it keeps coming back and then i became totally incontenient. has any one had this experience and are there any suggestions to resolve it.
I have a Ipad which might be apprent by all my spelling errors. Anyhow Apple just told all of us we had to go to the cloud. I went to the cloud but all my music disappeared. Now they want $30.00 to talk to them and maybe fix it. What's weird is that I did everything they told me and then when they told me to upload I did,…
If we were looking at this as an effort to cure our disease then it seems like a big failure. I keep reading about all of us being treated by different HT's chemo, but it seems to me that there is no common thread. They treat HIV with a combo of drugs, they treat bone loss with a drug, mental illness with a drug; but…
psa doubling every 4 weeks
Hello again. 2010 has gleason score of 9 . prostate was removed and so was the gland . nothing in the lymps. cancer broke through the prostate. later that year had a posititve psa.2011 went for radiation in oct. 2012 jan. psa .02. May 1.1. going back this sept. and they expect it to be 4.something. what are some of the…
Dr. Sara Conley, Kaiser - Santa Clara
Dr. Conley, surgeon, is listed as new to Santa Clara as of 2012. Anyone have any thoughts on her expertise?
PSA Rising after radical prostrate removal
My husband had total prostrate removal surgery 10 yrs. ago. In the last year his PSA has been rising again. Six months ago it was 2.1 and today it was 4.0 The Dr. said he expects it to be 5.0 within the next 6 months and he will then have to have surgery again.
High PSA after prostatectomy? Please read.
Re-posting for my Dad: I recently(3/21/12) had a prostatectomy via the daVinci method and all went well. My recovery was good, all post op biopsies were good with cancer contained in prostate and lymph nodes were clear. Last week I returned for the 3 mo checkup. PSA was taken prior to visit and the results were…
PSA rise from 3.6 post external Beam Radiation to 5.1 after 2 years
First PSA reading 30 years ago was 9.8 with a negative biopsy. Extremely large prostate and readings continued to climb over many years with 6 negative biopsies. Two years ago at 44.6 my biopsy came back positive. Had Radiation (EB) and after 90 days Psa dropped to 7.4 then after 18 months dropped to 3.6. Now 2 years after…
Rising PSA after RP and Salvage Radiation
Late 2005 a biopsy of my prostate was positive for cancer. In February of 2006 I had an RP. Prior to surgery both my bone and cat scans were negative for metastatic disease. My final pathology report showed a Gleason score of 3+4=7. For a little over 2yrs following surgery, my PSA was <0.1. In May of 2008 it edged up to…
Latest PSA results please help
My latest PSA result was 0.2. This figure is up from <0.1 three months ago. My record is as follows; Nov. 2011 PSA 42 Dec 2011 TURP Jan 2012 IMRT + 3 month Hormone injection Feb. 2012 IMRT finished April 2012 PSA <0.1 (no more HT) July 2012 PSA 0.2 The lab can not measure PSA to more than 1 decimal point. Theoretically my…
Prostate Cancer Post RP rising PSA
What are you thoughts on these rises? Is this an aggressive rise? Should we be concerned? 06/11/2012 2.40 11/30/2010 1.51 03/26/2010 1.51 06/11/2009 1.4 01/29/2008 1.20 08/26/2008 1.13 05/12/2008 0.71 03/31/2008 0.60 02/08/2008 0.46 01/02/2008 0.84 11/27/2007 surgery Robotic prostatectomy and meatal Gleason 3+4 (7) Cancer…
CyberKnife Basic questions
Dual Post ... CyberKnife.com and CSN.cancer.org My friend has just been diagnosed with intermediate low level PCa 3+4=7, 0.2 involvement, one of twelve cores positive,(confirmed by an expert second opinion), had a rising PSA, high PCA3, MRI with Tesla 3.0 shows various suspicious lesions, one at 2.0 CM. No extracapsular…
New here - WOO-HOO. Need some insight
Hi all - I'm a 55 yr old man who was just diagnosed last Friday. My last PSA was 6 & my Gleason is 7 (3+4) w/one core out of 8 exhibiting cancer "a small amount" as the surgeon said. My father was disgnosed at age 57 - he had ignored symptoms until he could not urinate at all and had a walnut sized tumor at the time of the…