PSA 3.6 gleason score 5
My husband has had a prostatectomy his original PSA was only 3.4 it rose to 3.6 due to his age his GP suggested he have a physical with a urologist,he had 24 biopsies and all had huge amounts of cells in every one. He had a total prostatectomy almost 3 years ago, he was asked to join a salvage group on a clinical trial…
Incontinence Questions
I am 4 weeks past robotic radical prostatectomy and 2.5 weeks after catheter removal. I do not have any urge to urinate. The only urine stream I get is after lying down and then the stream is only 1-2 seconds in duration. However, I have constant leakage throughout the day/night and must change pads every 30-45 minutes.…
new member, dad just diagnosed
Hi. My dad was just diagnosed with advanced metasticized prostate cancer. He had an MRI for disc issues and they found "spots" on his spine, which turned out to be cancer. Followed by a CT Scan, a PET scan, and a PSA test. The scans and tests confirmed prostate cancer that had spread to one lymph node and his spine, hip…
1 year ago today
! year ago today I went to the doctor because of a jump in PSA and yesterday I went back for a check up. PSA undetectable and DRE clean said come back in 6 months. Feeling good and glad to be alive.
No PSA Tests, Advanced Cancer Triples
http://www.medpagetoday.com/HematologyOncology/ProstateCancer/33962 Study: No PSA Tests, Advanced Cancer Triples By Charles Bankhead, Staff Writer, MedPage Today Published: July 30, 2012 Reviewed by Robert Jasmer, MD; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco and Dorothy Caputo, MA,…
Watchful Waiting/Active Sur. Article
A link to an article on WW/AS. The article did not add a lot of new information on the subject; however, I did find the discussions that followed very interesting. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/07/23/choosing-watchful-waiting-for-prostate-cancer/
Gleason 9 PSA 26 day 1
Gleason 9 PSA 26 day 1 Submitted by fightn9er on Fri, 08/17/2012 - 6:28pm Hi Im Mike (53yrs) and this is day 1 of my fight for survival. My biopsy was 3 days ago and the results came in yesterday. Yep Im a 9er (4+5). The DR. wants to wait 6-8 week to let my prostate calm down before "the plan". Had 12 cores taken. All were…
Zytita and heart conditions
The MD Anderson doctor in first of July, told me my Metastatic ilac node's had improved and that I needed to get heart check. I had told them of more chest pains, but did not think it was heart. So this last Friday I went to Heart place in Richardson Texas and sure enough he said my heart sound great, but with the…
Proton PSA Question
A good friend of mine has completed Proton Therapy at Loma Linda. I do not know his 'stats' but his wife shared on facebook that at 6 months post treatment his PSA was 1. I know that different treatment options have different results. Does anyone know if 1 is a good indication following Proton? Of course there is the…
Dr. Strum answers to some PCa questions
The following link was posted on another site. I thought that Dr. Strum's answers may be of interest to guys who use this site. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mai9nr8w62zwaeu/xiHO-btSTR/DB02013
PSA , HT and Testosterone concern
IMRT + HT Jan 2012 I managed to find a lab that could measure my testosterone as Kongo suggested and it was 198 ng/dl. The lab also measured my PSA and it was 0.564 up from 0.2, 2 1/2 months ago. It is nearly 9 months since I had my first (and last) HT three month injection. I would guess that this Testosterone level…
Prostate Cancer Pony Express - Rally in DC on 9/9/12
We rode to DC and got the American Flag raised over the Captital in honor of Prostate Cancer survivors and in memory of its victims. Then rode over to the White House for a quick photo in front. (Just uploaded the one phot so far) http://2012pcpe.shutterfly.com/
Biopsy Slides
I have an appointment with an Oncologist for a second opinion on my diagnosis. He wants' to review my biopsy slides. I am picking them up from my urologist this week for my appointment next week. Does anyone know how I will be receiving these slides? Do I have to keep them refrigerated? My Oncologist is at the Cancer…
Gleason score 8 - side effects for hormonal therapy
Hi all - I posted the other day about my friend who has been diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer. After inserting the naphrostomy tubes into his kidneys, the kidney function has stablized. We have officially been given his gleason score of 8 and he has bone mets on his foot, leg, hip, pelvis, rib and skull. His bladder…
Please help me to get Xtandi (MDV3100)
This new hormonal medicine had been approved by the FDA on the 31 of August 2012. The Medivation (company that developed it) offers financial assistance for Xtandi to American residents. I am not an American and don't have the right to this assistance. May be some American patient would help me buy it? Name: Felix Shmidel…
incontiance - Artificial urinary Spincture
Had prostatectomy Mar. 1, 2000 and still experience incontinance. It has been recommended that I wait until March 2001 and the consider an arificial urinary spincture. Anyone have similar experience experience and any info on AUS would be appreciated.
Stand Up To Cancer and Prostate Cancer Foundation Announce New Dream Team
For more info and the full press release, follow this link: http://www.aacr.org/home/public--media/aacr-press-releases.aspx?d=2772 ****** STAND UP TO CANCER AND PROSTATE CANCER FOUNDATION ANNOUNCE NEW DREAM TEAM April 1, 2012 $10 Million, Three-year Grant will Fund Cutting-edge Collaborative Research to Develop…
Metastatic prostate cancer to the bone - Gleason score 5+5 (10)
I am a 74 year old male who was enjoying great health until a routine exam in mid July of 2012 showed an elevated alkaline phosphatase. Further testing showed bone involvement. I lit up like a Christmas tree on the bone scan, and the ct scan showed prostate problems. A needle biopsy showed a high Gleason on 14 of the 16…
Intermittent Hormone Therapy Fails the Test
Intermittent Hormone Therapy Fails the Test Posted: 03 Jun 2012 03:58 PM PDT A very important randomized study is being presented at the ASCO meeting and appears to show that intermittent hormone therapy results in a worse survival in men with metastatic prostate cancer compared to men on continuous therapy. This is…
Are we sick or what
My Dad lived to 97 and died of a heart attack with prostate cancer and never had a PSA or biopsy and his cancer tumor was found at age 88 during turp surgery for urinary flow. Now my Doc has put me on Active surveillance and wants to do repeated biopsies every year. This worries me because of scaring of the prostate that…
End stage prostate cancer?
Help! My friend (who is more like my father)has been diagnosed as Stage 4 prostate cancer. We are still waiting for the "official" staging from the biopsy and should get that on Tuesday. I guess pathologists don't work on the holiday weekend. Doyle is 81 years old and he called me Tuesday saying he thought he needed to go…
How often are PSA scores 'wrong'
My husband had some bloodwork done to get an insurance policy. His PSA came back as 73.76. He is 57 years old and in bascially good health. He had Rocky Mt. Spotted Feaver about 10 years ago and lost about 70% of his hearing and has trouble maintaining his body temp sometimes (he feels cold alot). He has not been to a…
Has anyone thought about putting a list together of what everyone needs to ask their Dr.? It seems like a lot of you have great knowledge, but it is after the fact. Maybe if everyone put their knowledge together you could do alot of good. I womder if they would let you knowledgeable people together if you could save alot…
PCa and Coronary Artery Disease
"In a large analysis of men participating in a prostate drug trial, researchers at the Duke Cancer Institute found a significant correlation between coronary artery disease and prostate cancer, suggesting the two conditions may have shared causes." http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/02/120208132717.htm In my case…
furious with urologist
Hubby went for his biopsy this morning. Wouldn't let me go. Said it wouldn't be bad, nothing I could do, etc. OK. No problem. He came home and said the urologist told him (and showed him on the ultrasound) that he had cancer. Urologist did 6 cores. He had told us Tuedsay that he would do 12+! I AM FURIOUS that he only did…
Male Sling
I am new to this forum. I am a 68 year old PC survivor. I had Radical Prostatectomy 6 years ago, just a few months after marriage to my second wife. Post surgery, I had been incontinent, 2 - 3 pads a day, until implant surgery for the Argus Male Sling 2 months ago. I have been completely dry with normal continence since.…
Site to calculate PSA nomograms (slope, doubling time, velocity)
This site is hosed by Sloan-Kittering Hospital (I think). It will calculate PSA changes over time and give you a slope, Doubling time and velocity in months or years. I used it to check hubby's info. Even though his tests were only 10 days apart, it gives me a bit more info. nomograms.mskcc.org/Prostate/PsaDoublingTime.aspx
Update after meeting urologist and a question
Husband's biopsy now scheduled for this Thursday. Doctor said possibility of cancer is high (better than 70%). Prostate felt 'hard' or 'firm'. Not enlarged as far as he could tell. Doing some urine tests. Will order bone scan and CT scan after getting biosyp results (insurance requires the wait). I found a site than…
Is "active surveillance for delayed treatment" a better choice of treatment for a young man with a G
Dr. "Snuffy Myers" says yes in his current video http://askdrmyers.wordpress.com/?mkt_tok=3RkMMJWWfF9wsRonuKrMZKXonjHpfsX67eQpWLHr08Yy0EZ5VunJEUWy2YIHSNQhcOuuEwcWGog80B5XCfSUaIVG9edIBg==