How to Choose Best Cancer Center for 2nd Opinion
I've posted on this site previously. My question now is how do you choose where to go for a second opinion? Currently we have a urologist in Rochester, NY. We have been happy with his services so far but would like to seek a second opinion from a center specializing in advanced prostate cancer. Obviously, geographically…
Calypso - IMRT Feedback Desired
I am consulting Dr.s about my treatment options and learned of two radiation options. Calypso external beam alone was one of the suggestions from CTCA. The other was LDR BT with 35 days of IMRT from RCOG. Naturally both Dr.s were confident of their approach and claimed each had it's benefits in regards to lower risks of…
total incontinence 12 weeks after surgery
57 y.o. Had Da Vinci radical prostatectomy 12 weeks ago. Because of anatomical problems, prostate removed in pieces. Nerves on left side were totally destroyed. ~40% of nerves on right side spared. Must change pads throughout day and night. Practice kegels, but so far no signs of improvement. Surgeon says that maybe after…
cialis black
Is anyone familar with cialis black it is new and is 800 mg I want to know of any dangers and any results with this medication I saw it on the internet and have used cialis 50mg before lupron and radiation 44 treatments. Of course the 50 mg no longer works. Oncologist said that I am ready to use ed medicine. Should be no…
Looking for Advice/Thoughts
I have used this forum as a great resource for information and to answer many of my questions in the past. Now I'm asking this forum for some advice/thoughts about the current situation with my dad's prostate cancer. Information about my dad: - Currently 74 years old - 2000-present watched closely for elevated PSA; also…
Back from the Oncologist
Another 4 months have gone by. Psa dropped to .4 now. I noticed it's dropping much slower now. Going back in another 4.
Does Prostate Cancer turn agressive at some point in time
I have been reading as much as I can about prostate cancer including Dr. Walsh’s book and haven’t run across the answer to a question I have so I thought I would see if anyone else has seen the answer. The question is “does aggressive cancer start out that way or can it start out not aggressive and turn aggressive at some…
Scar tissue in the urethra after robotic surgery
I had robotic surgery in May. I had problems with flow about three months after the surgery. The Doc. did a scope and could not get the scope into my bladder because of scar tissue. I ended up having surgery to remove the scar tissue. I just got back from the Docs. today and he did another scope and the same thing is…
Biopsy back- positive. Scans scheduled- urgent question about dye
Hubby's biopsy came back today. 8 cores- all positive. Gleason 4+5=9. Bone scan and CT to be scheduled for either tomorrow or Thurday. Meet with urologist again Friday. Hubby's main concern--- he is deathly afraid of needles (had one broken off in arm as a child) and his blood vessels are very small and roll and colapse…
Veterans Day
To all the veterans here thank you for yor service and sacrifice. Wish you all the best in this journey and in your life. Thank you!!
after AMS 800 AUS pad use
To those of you with an AUS, do you still have to wear a pad? I had DaVinci RP in February 2010. A year later I was down to one pad per day, and it wasn't very used. So I decided to have the Advance sling implanted, figuring that would solve the incontinence. Well, that surgery actually backfired. Although I still only use…
Looking for advise/help please
Hey ya'll, Well it's been a while since I posted, but I need some advise. The brief history is; 1 - Last fall my prostate went from 4.3 (and I had a biopsy maby a year before) to 11.something in about 3 months. 2 - 2nd biopsy last fall was positive. 3 - Radical prostatectomy on 1/9/12 4 - First PSA one month after surgery…
I finished my last infusion of Provenge last week.There are 3 two weeks apart I wonder if anyone has taken this in the last 6-9 months and how you are doing Its a very new treatment
Veteran's Day with Prostate cancer!
To think I was one of the Veteran's to come from War and as for all war's none are good. There is a group of Veteran's with this terrible monster that came from Vietnam and maybe some not, but we have the same battle. The Prostate Cancer for Veteran's and Non veteran is the SAME. I love listing to the comment's of all and…
High Gleason Prostate Cancer after Androgel Application for Low Testosterone
At age 67, and after a long history of low PSA levels (0.8 to 1.2), at age 66, I was diagnosed with low testosterone levels (150 ng/ml vs a normal range of 250-1000). I was prescribed a testosterone cream (Androgel) to increase my T-level. My PSA rose fairly quickly from 1.2 to 3.5 and 10.1 over an 8 month period. After…
Bill Remembered
Bill Minear died last week at 81 in Battle Creek, MI. He was 81. Treated for PC in his early 70s at Cleveland Clinic, the cancer started coming back 3- 4 yrs ago. He did not want to go on hormone shots or try to fight it with radiation. He was a good kind man. A very spiritual Christian. And he was a good friend. Good…
Keep an open mind......
Friend with Stage 4 with bone mets recently started on this new drug. He seems to be doing well and some of the mets are disappearing. Wanted to bring a little light and hope to anyone battling this disease. Be well.
Movember prostate awareness month
I just saw a special on some Denver Broncos growing whiskers for Movember! I wonder if Peyton will be sporting a 'stach for the Carolina game? Go Broncos .... Go PCa awareness!
Financial Conflicts of Interest
Here's an interesting article that I found about the financial conflicts of interest that may cause doctors to over "prescribe" IMRT and HT for PCa patients: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-11-06/prostate-patients-suffer-as-money-overwhelms-optimal-therapy.html It is commonly reported (here and elsewhere) that…
Choosing the right Center/Dr. ?
I noticed that there is little to no mention of treatment centers such as CTC, Anderson, Emory etc and womdered if discussion of either centers, hospitals or Dr's is refrained from on this forum. Following my dianosis last week I am making appointments with several who based on what I read and gather from other sources are…
Scared!!! Just found out I have Prostate cancer
Hi, My name is Mark. My wife and I were told Tuesday 10-30-2012 I have prostate cancer. I am 48 years old, and have 4 beautiful girls. This Is what I know. My gleason score is 3+3=6. My PSA was a 0.37,( that's right not 3.7 ). My doctor said he felt a hard spot on my prostate during the physical exam and ordered a biopsy.…
Newly detected prostate cancer - course of treatment - comments
Hello everyone, I am from Pune (India), aged 66. Have been facing urine retention related problems for the past 2 - 3 years, and had been following "wait and watch" approach as per my doctor's suggestion. A couple of months ago, problems increased beyond my tolerance level. I went to a much better doctor, who told that my…
Prostate cancer EVER spread to lungs?
My Uncle has had prostate cancer for about 10 years. He's had every treatment (other than the new one I heard mentioned just a few weeks ago) and it would seem to be gone, then return. Maxed out radiation options. They knew it was active again and this past week ran a bunch of tests before he left for his winter home. The…
Scared to death. Got the news 2 days ago. Meeting Dr. face to face tomorrow
Got my biopsy results 2 days ago and 3 of the 14 samples showed positive. I know nothing else at this point and am meeting for consultation tomorrow. I am 52, single and very active. I have been pouring over web sites for hours and think I know the " right " questions to ask. I assume the stage, PSA and Gleason scores play…
Seed Implantation + External Radiation: Do Patients Really Benefit?
What to do next?
Hi, Very new here. I would really appreciate any direction,or information. I had a Biopsy April of this year, told cancer 5 out of 12 cores positive, gleason=8 PSA 11.6 Nov 2011, 10.6 in July 2012. RP nerve sparing Surgery at Barnes in July. PSA at 4 weeks .26, at 8 wks .12, at 14 wks .2 All at Different labs. ECE, SVI,…
Original Notes from Three years ago
Pre surgery notes:PSA 5.1, no modules felt digital rectal exam. Carcinoma in 5 of 12 cores from the right side in 70% of the tissue. Gleason 4 + 3 = 7 From Post surgery specimen - Gleason score 3+4 = 7. With Focal pattern 5. Involving approximately 20% of bilateral prostate. Carcinoma focally involves the right apical…
Good News But . . .
Good news! The E-MRI/MRSI scans that I took on 10/2 at UCSF were negative for cancer anywhere in or near my prostate. There's a small chance of a "false negative" but (according to my RO) there are no better scans and IMO no point doing a biopsy w/o a specific reason to suspect the recurrence of the cancer. So, there's…
New here
So I'm 53 and have been told i have prostate cancer. Trying to decide on the best way to go for treatment. External beam Therapy Radiation treatment or Surgery? Gleason score of 6 PSA is 10.5 my biopsy shows 7 of 12 samples to test positive. Any thoughts or suggestions on which treatment is better? Surgery would be nerve…