Active Surveillance
Please see my previous post under active surveillance where I updated info and ask for your feedback. I did not know how to update my previous post under need help and advice. Thanks all Builder23
when to worry
My husband was diagnosed March 2011, stage 4 pc. Psa 1913, gleason 9, you get the picture. He is 59 now, and has been on ht since late March. Psa has remained less than 1 with monthly screenings thru Dec. Last week he tested at psa 2.2. Doc says not to worry, we wait till next test March 5, to see how fast it is rising.…
My husband's prostate cancer treatment
My husband has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. In November, 2008 he had biopsies done and all specimens came back benign except for Left Medial Base which came back as high grade prostatic intraepithelial meoplasia. After this he developed severe back pain. He was told it was infection after the biopsy and was put on…
suggestions for hospitals or doctors
I am a throat cancer survivor from APril 2011 [surgery, radiation, and 2 doses of chemo]. My brother in law in Chicago had treatment [not sure what type] for prosate cancer April 2012. He has been doing fine until late Septemebr 2013. His PSA level has come back. He is not pleased with his Chicago doctor who seems to be in…
Low PSA, High Gleason, Surgery, Radiation, persistent pelvic pain
First post here - a brief recap of my case; was treated for prostatitus for almost a year after going in with minor urinary issues and pelvic pain. Prostate enlarged, but PSA was normal and never went up (so uro continually said "well you don't have cancer"). Eventually after nothing worked on enlarged prostate, biopsy was…
PSA doubled in 3 months
I have been off this forum for quite a while because Pca was the least of my worries. I Had a heart attack and almost died of pneumonia. However I have recovered and am very concerned that my PSA has gone from 3.3 to 7.7 in tthe last 3 months. I had IMRT 20 months ago after which my PSA was 0.1. During following 18 months…
can you give me the cold hard truth please? UPDATED!!!!
hi again i posted on here around 2.5 yrs ago, when my FIL was diagnosed with gleason 7, 3+4 and had his prostate removed. it appeared to be contained and didn't appear to breach any margains when they looked at it after the surgery, but he was still registering a low psa score . at the time, i asked why that would be, as…
Another PSA Question
I do not see my Urologists any more simply because the information given here seems far more accurate and trustworthy. At time of discovery my PSA was 200, and I have very extensive bone mets. Two months after castration my Psa was 9.8, then three months later dropped to 2.3, and now, three months later dropped again to…
Mets to the bone
Hi All, I am posting this on behalf of my father who is in his late 70s. He was diagnosed 2 years ago with Prostate Cancer (early stages) and went through radiation therapy which was successful, he fully recovered and his Cancer was in remission until recently.(last year follow-up scan results of his prostate did not show…
Dear All, I need support if possible! I am 55 years old I was diagnosed with agressive Gleason 9 prostate Cancer in October 2011 with a PSA of 53. My doctor put me right away on Eligard shots every six month and 35 Radiotion sessions ended in February 2012 The surgery was not an option bearing in mind that the cancer has…
Four year update
For those of you that have recently started down the prostate cancer journey, here is my update. I was diagnosed in September, 2009. My PSA was a little over 4, which by itself is not alarming. But I didn't have regular check-ups so my doctor didn't have a baseline to compare it to. He was concerned because the digital…
MRI vs. Bone Scan
Coming up now on 4 years since my Radical Prostatectomy (12/14/09) I continue with an undetectable PSA (<0.1) which is typically a good sign. What has bothered me over the past 4 years is that upon diagnosis of my Prostate Cancer my PSA was only 2.2, which is the highest that it has ever gotten. My history is: Radical…
Active Surveillance
I am 74 yrs old with PC 3+3 gleason scale 6 and 7% canc in one core. I am having the prolaris gene test done but do not have the results. My urologist wants me to do active surveillance probably because of my age, but I am healthy and on no medications. I want to live long enough to see my 4 young grand kids grow up.…
New to this forum
Hello, I am new to this forum and am using another username until I can figure out how to register. I have a few questions: i am going to a leading cancer hospital For treatment . They have put me on a strong dose of harmonies , and a new drug called Xtandi, i am concerned because I am so tired all the time and my bones…
Should we be worried Psa 2.81 up from .51
Husband had 40 radiation treatments (gleason9) completed radiation in may. Also on Lupron. Last shot has been delayed 30 days due to other complications. Diagnosed with lung and bone dance in November, treated with chemo and scan shows improvement there, thank God. The prostate has taken a back seat to this devastating…
Do "dead" cancer cells produce PSA?
This might seem like the world's daftest question but could dead PCa cells release PSA? It is a protein, and dead cells are composed of various proteins. The reason I ask is that I just had a dream that someone told me this. (My husband's PSA recently went up from 0.3 to 1.9, and this has been on my mind a lot.) I was…
My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 Metastatic prostate cancer in June 2011. He has gone thru several radiation treatments to different parts of his body, as well as different chemo treatments. Nothing has worked. He is now basically confined to his bed, in pain constantly, and as of today it will be a week since he's…
Watchful Waiting
PSA is 18, (doubling time around 2 yrs) bone scan negative, no symptoms. Diagnosed July 2011, 2 of 10 cores cancerous one 30%, one 40%, Gleason 3+4=7. I'm 57, fit and treating with active surveillance, diet exercise. Vegetarian for over a decade. Father had prostate cancer and lived until 83. Not sure if cancer was a…
New member need some input
I am a new member and this is my first post. Last week I had a radical robotic prostatectomy. Everything went well. I think. Today I had my catheter removed (what a relief). Also, today I received a copy of my surgical pathology report indicating, pretty much, what the surgeon had already told me. The cancer was contained…
Experience with surgeon in NY
Does any one had experience with Dr David Samadi in NY. I was told that my case was going to be difficult and need the most experience surgeon. Gleason 8 and 7[ 4+3 ] and perineural invasion in 2 of the cores. Thanks for your help
ObamaCare and Us
I was over in the anal cancer board seeing what was being discussed there. One of the topics being discussed is the impact of Obamacare on current coverage plans. That topic hasn't come to our boards yet, but here it is now. Have new insurance regulations mandated by ObamaCare impacted your coverage yet? Are you concerned…
Swami's Supplements
I was asked on a different thread to list my supplements, so here it is. Now, I have no idea if anything on this list will help, hinder, or do nothing. I am not recommending anything to anyone. This is just what I doing. HERBS AND SUCH Daily 3x Ampalaya Capsicum Malunggay Mangosteen Tumeric Milk Thistle 1x I get the…
Answers - well sort of
In follow-up to my earlier posts, we finally met with a radiation oncologist today. We both really liked the man and his CV is pretty impressive. He answered all of our questions. In particular, we told him how confused we were over the relatively low Gleason score (6) vs. the pretty high PSA (40) and the positive cores on…
IMRT Salvage radiation is complete!
On Friday I completed my final 38th round of IMRT delivered salvage radiation to the prostate bed. The salvage radiation was started in early Sept. 4 years after my Davinci Surgery. A positive margin was noted back than and my psa increased over the past year from 0 to .3 A total of 68 gy were delivered. Over all the…
Digital check after prostate surgery??
After radiation at Loma Linda U in CA I was told we (group finishing radiation in the next week or so- about 20 of us) still needed to have our prostate checked even if we don't have one. That was about 4 yrs ago and I have yet to have a doctor indicate I need to do a digital exam on me. Has anyone had a digital exam since…
HAD appointment with urologist today----gave me another PROLIA SHOT. ANOTHER ONE IS SCHEDULED 6 months from now. HE performed a prostrate check via up the rear & said it felt very good. MY current PSA is 0.15---he told me I'm in remission & He may stop injections after DECEMBER which will mark 3 years on the drugs. HE WILL…
Almost one year since RP
I am very happy to report that after almost a year (Tuesday after Thanksgiving) 2012 My latest Blood work came back today, my PSA remains at <0.03 the lowest number the lab can assign has stayed the same ever since being post op. needless to say but I really have special meaning to my anniversary falling at the…
Any Experiences with Focal Cryotherapy
I began my journey with PC being diagnosed in Feb/2008 with GL (4+5), psa 34, T3a with bulging of the left seminal vesicles observable. Radiation was completed in Aug/2008 (73.8 gy) and luprone shots completed in April, 2011. The psa slowly rose from a low of 0.21 with a DT finally reaching 6-7 months. After CT/MR fear…
My dads diagnosis Gleason 8, PSA 10
mt father was just diagnosed with prostate cancer. We know very little of this disease. I read the pathology report but if course don't really understand. Total involvement is 22.5 percent. There is less than five percent involvement on the right side in one section. Each of the four sections on the left side has 30-50…