On a post I made several weeks ago the reply was, to get this book, great reading! Test scores Tc1,One core with aggresive cancer rated @4+4=8 gleason score with P.S.A @8 Treatment Hormone/Rads. Question: How soon after hormone treatments do they start Rads? Dr. said around 2 Mo. I'm 79 and moving to Wa. in this timer…
Looking for information regarding MRI guided laser ablation therapy for PC?
Thank you for any guidance and/or help.
Husband's radiation starts tomorrow
Well, we're ready for hubby to begin radiation treatments tomorrow. I think we have our ducks in order. He had his first injection of Trelstar about a month ago followed by 10 days (I think) of Bicalutamide. So far so good. He says he has not noticed any side effects and here's hoping the radiation will go without any…
Saw my Doctor again and he was quite alarmed by a PSA rise of 2 in only one month. which means it has nearly doubled in 4 months. Now 9.7. He says that I have reccurence and my cancer is obviously agressive. He says that I should have HT but knows that I can not do so because of the severe side effects and the costs. He…
New to the forum
Just started to do some research on treatment for PC. Trying to decide on robitic or CK. I am leaning towards CK. My Gleason score is 3+3 for a 6 my PSA is .081. 2 of 12 tested positive. I don't have any of the other diags right now, will have to get them. After reading in here I see I did not get all the information I…
AUS Surgery Jan 27 - Anxious
Advice / feedback on AUS surgery MAIN interest. Surgery set for Jan 27.
Failed robotic prostatectomy, now looking at radiation
Hello! Yes, I am back. I joined this discussion board in late January, 2011. I had just been diagnosed with prostate cancer. At that time I wrote: "I was diagnosed with prostate cancer on 12-30-2010. I am 53 years old in otherwise good health. My psa was 4.3. My last psa was 1.2 in 2007. Gleason score was 6 (3+3) but a…
HELP,-- I am a 79 yr old with Bladder and prostate problems. Jan.3rd they are removing the bladder stones and I would like to know if I should opt for the removal of my prostate at the same time? My psa is 9.8 and a recent biopsy was done and yesterday the Dr. called and said I had a very aggresive cancer that had a…
Does anyone have any feedback on ProstRcision
I am 65 and new to CSN-----------I bloged yesterday and posted my condition ( hindsight is 20-20) trying to decide on a treatment. Here is a quick recap. 10-8-13 psa 7.6----10-30-13 psa 8.5----11-5-13 DRE found tumor----11-14-13 sonogram(prostate 33 grms)-----11-25-13 biopsy (prostate cancer---gleason…
Waiting for Surgery
I have just been diagnosed with Stage II prostate cancer, PSA 13, Gleason Score 7 (4+3). I have selected robotic surgery with the da Vinci machine, but I have to wait 6 weeks for surgery. What is the normal wait time from time of diagnosis to surgery? How aggressive is a Gleason 7 and is there any danger in waiting? RT was…
Late Term Brachytherapy side effects...
Hello All, Have not been here in awhile. New symptoms brought me back. Had BT in December 2011. Had typcial short term effects which went away after a month. My PSA's since then have averaged .40 with one 2.0 spike. In the last few months have experienced buring urination, frequency, urgency, sore testicles. My Urologist…
Brachytherapy longterm sideeffects
My friend had radiation treatment, including brachytherapy about two years ago. For the last four mos., he has been experiencing increasing burning pain at the tip of his penis when he urinates. He said it feels like someone putting a lighter on the tip. Has anyone experienced any longterm sideeffects from radiation or…
PSA doubling every six weeks
On July 3rd 2012 I had a radical prostatectomy. Found to be Gleason 9. Had escaped through back of prostate. Adjunct external radiation during October/November 2012. PSA end Feb 2013 < 0.01 but started growing as from June 2013 and is now 0.42 (at 5th December 2013), amounting to a doubling every six weeks. Bone, CT and…
Rapidly rising PSA
My last post on this subject was that my PSA had doubled from 3.3 to 7 in three months. The Doctor I saw said it could have been due to a very severe urinary tract infection and that I should teat PSA again in one months time. If the rise was due to he infection this latest test should show a decline. Unfortunately my PSA…
Earlier Christmas present
Yes, I got a Christmas present today. The PSA of today’s results come at 0.85 ng/ml. The Testosterone was 4.89 ng/ml (489 ng/dL). These values are lower than the last ones taken in September 2013, and represent a plateau after the steep increase at the beginning of my “vacations” from HT drugs. This is a surprise and…
HELLO EVERYONE & HAPPY HOLIDAYS I recently had surgery for a bleeding blood vessel in the bladder MY current PSA is 0.14 ---taking the 4 month shots of ELIGARD in the stomach. PSA IN AUGUST was 0.15 I'm home now but have to run to bathroom virtually every 1/2 hour & sometimes barely make it. DID anyone experience…
PSA Test Results
I am a 73 year old man who had a diagnosis of prostate cancer in April, 2012 (Gleason score 7, one positive of 12 biopsies). I had radical prostatectomy, and the pathology report indicated the cancer was confined to the prostate with no evidence of any spreading. The path report did say that there was "perineural"…
First post-op PsA result
Had my first post-op PSA test yesterday. Result came back today -- .01 Michael (Gleason 3+3; DaVinci surgery Oct. 10)
Metastatic Prostate Cancer
I had a radical prostatectomy in March 1996. Metastases in bones were founnd 2 years later. Last April I could not stand on my feet because of spinal cord compression. I receivrd radiation therapy to my lower spine, and I am confined to a wheel chair. My wife has become my caregiver.
HELLO EVERYONE HOPE YOU ALL ARE DOING Well with the bandit. I just got my latest PSA result IT Only dropped .1 since last result in AUgust. I believe it's a good reading although I'm not sure. Any replies appreciated---I WISH EVERYONE A MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR. CORDIALLY RADIATION HOPEFUL
New urine test for PCa
I found this on the PCF site. It looks interesting.. http://www.pcf.org/site/c.leJRIROrEpH/b.8833993/k.EC93/New_Urine_Test_for_Prostate_Cancer_Available_Unlike_PSA_Test_is_UltraSpecific_for_Prostate_Cancer.htm?msource=dec13np Jimmy/Cleveland
Treatment advice
My body rejected the degarilix . It lasted almost two years, but my side effects in last two injections were too severe. I was getting read to try another HT, but my Oncologist called me up and said he was quitting the hospital. They scheduled a new Oncologist and he is not going to work. I was scheduled for a Lupron shot…
Advice for optional therapies after Hormone Therapy & Chemo have failed
Hi everyone! I signed up back in March or April shortly after my husband was diagnosed. I haven't really posted much as I still am at a loss I think, but I always read your posts and they have all been very helpful and positive. It was originally thought my husband had a prostate infection, however after a month of…
Today's PSA Results
Hello All, Just got back from a visit with my oncologist for my PSA results. A little background: I was diagnosed in July 2010 at age 59 with a PSA of 19 and a Gleason of 4+3 with cancer in 7 of the 12 cores. There was also a detectible lump on the DRE. An MRI also showed a suspicious lymph node (it had appeared normal in…
Experience with Dr. Med. Michael K. Stehling, Anyone?
Hello! My Dad was 75 and is diagnosed to have Prostate Cancer, and we will be travelling to Germany to have it done there. It's just this Doctor was reffered to us by PlacidWay a Medical tourism company here in US and I trusted their referrals as I had experience but its in terms of cosmetic surgery. I just want to know if…
Scam Message
I just received an e-mail notifying me of a private message on CSN. When I opened the message, it was one of those "Nigerian scam" offers of money ($8.3 million!) from a "helen14" in Cape Verde. Disappointed to see the CSN infected.
IADT question for VascodeGama
Hi Vasco, My husband has been on bicalutamide and degerelix since March. (Dx Feb with extensive bone mets and PSA of 32.) His PSA dropped to a nadir of 0.24, then rose to 0.26 just before we took a trip for three weeks, i.e almost 6 weeks ago. On this trip, we stuck closely to his very strict diet/supplements and meds, but…
PSA on the rise from 1.9 to 3.2
My husband, who feels and looks as fit as can be, just got his test results back...Nadir was 0.24 in August. In November, it shot up to 1.9 and today, one month on, it is 3.2. Also the Alkaline phosphatase is rising rapidly. He is on bicalutamide and Firmagon. Onc. said last month, if the PSA continues to be up on today's…
10 Years now - T3b - and clean bone and ct scans but rising PSA now 40
After a couple years treatment break after radiation cancer came back.....did intermittent hormone blockades now continual the past few years.....with different drugs along with the lupron casodex, nilandron, des, ketoconozale........ they'd work for a while then stop...... psa now rising and only on lupron docs are…
Cialis or tadalafil
Can anyone recommend a good and safe place online to buy Cialis or tadalafil.