Dr. Strum has stablized my recurrent PSA with a DIM supplement

tetech Member Posts: 8

Dr. Steve Strum suggested I take BR-DIM to stablize my PSA that had been doubling every 5 months. I started at 1 per day of the 150mg, it stablized my PSA at 0.2 then dropped to .17. It started going up again so I increased to 4x per day and it is stable at 0.2 for 10 months now. Available as DIM Plus by Natures Life https://www.vitacostrewards.com/SNpFAz%20 ($10 discount, 3 pills needed for the strenth of one BioResponse.com 150mg) and BioResponse.

Study of BR-DIM http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2923864/

Another surprising anti-cancer compound is Ibuprofen! http://www.dddmag.com/news/2013/09/can-ibuprofen-stop-cancer-development



  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member
    Interesting information


    I tried to find more about your case but as usual CSN does not provide means for easy searching. As far as I read, you have done surgery (2007) at the age of 43, based on an increasing PSA (3.5), positive DRE and genetics for having a father with PCa (who in fact died of the disease). Your PSA started to increase later and your doctor recommended Dim supplements. What is your Gleason rate?

    The info you posted above regards a cohort of PCa patients who had radicals, did ADT, are asymptomatic but got continuing evidence of progression from increasing PSA serum. No apparent metastases or other evidence of the disease.
    I think I may belong to this group. I also have done some researches on alternative treatments that for some reason could manage to hold the cancer. Up to date I found nothing new apart from chemo (traditional or as novelties) that doesn’t do much but extend life with the PCa.

    Changes in diet have been discussed in this forum before with many comrades reporting about their success in holding the bandit, however this has been more preventive than curative. There are extraordinary survivals reports from supplements like pomegranate, mangostine, etc, and I think that your news about DIM is great to be added in our list of supplements.

    The study you posted covers interesting matters. I wonder about the side effects that this sort of purified diindolylmethane may cause. Cruciferous vegetables are well known for its potent anticancer properties but nobody knows exactly what causes it to influence the active cancer turn into indolence. The Portuguese eat a lot Collard green vegetable and this was found to “fight” PCa by researchers at Porto Research University. This is supposed to be better than Kale that is popular in USA vegan diets. Both vegetables produce 3-carbinol that when digested produce DIM (?).

    There is another study at PubMed regarding Diindolylmethane properties in estrogen metabolism which still supports the evidence of the compound against cancer. Here is the link;

    This supplement can be found on line at many places. Here is one offering 40% discount;


    Thanks for updating your condition and posting the info on DIM.


    VGama  Wink


    Note; Your previous post: http://csn.cancer.org/node/265153