Spam Emails
We have been made aware of another round of spam emails being sent to users. While we try to have security in place to handle such emails, we cannot always catch them all. If you have received an email asking for money, please do not respond to the email or the private email address that was given by the sender. Please…
Another study on Vitamin D and PCa
Seems lack of Vitamin D may be a bio marker for advanced PCa tumour progression, per Northwestern School of Medicine study. See: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health/Vitamin-D-deficiency-may-lead-to-prostate-cancer/articleshow/34482918.cms
hormone use with cyberknife
i have been told i need a hormone shot with my cyberknife radiation is this needed,my gleason score is 4+3 one asap suspicious,one hgpin,one pti, core where.Doctor said i was intermediate.is a hormone shot with cyberknive agood idea.my age is 65,my prostate size is 4.8,12 cores were taken,psa is4.29,core where cancer…
Got the news, big C two weeks ago...
Hi, I'm 58 and in good overall health. In December I went to my primary care physican for my routine yearly physical. No new complaints. Every lab value was normal except for my PSA which was 4.69. My DRE is unremarkable. My doctor referred me to a urologist, however made the comment that it is probably prostitis. The…
ALL following my radiatoion PSA results especially VGAMA---------JUST GOT LATEST RESUTS > PSA IS NOW 0.09. THE PSA dropped again from 0.11 last month-----this is a good sign. RADIATION HOPEFUL
Long term prosatate cancer
Gidday. I was diagnosed at the age of 55 (in 2000) with PC and had a TURP done and radiation tratment. PSA was about 18 at the time. PSA then settled down to about 1 - 2 level until about 3 years ago. Was having annual tests during most of this time. PSA suddently started climbing rapidly and am now on Lucrin (hormone…
Is there any advantage to early intervention with salvage radiation since my psa is so low( 0.044 ) vs. waiting on the 0.2 threshold ?
5 Years Out from DaVinci
Tomorrow marks my fifth year since DaVinci surgery for PCa. PSA remains undetectable. All is well ... I'm fortunate. Good luck and best wishes to anyone starting down the PCa path, and to those who continue their fight against the beast.
Curious !!!! What is happening with my psa ?
Last 4 psa results at 3 months apart using ultrasensitive psa test were 0.030 , 0.040 , 0.033 , 0.038 and the latest 0.044 !!!!!! Is this normal when using the ultrasensitvie psa test ? Should i be worried about this ? ( surgery aug . 2012 ) At what psa level should i consider salvage radiation ?
Update from Lewvino
I had my first check up following my radiation treatments and I am back in the 0 club! They will recheck in six months and then hopefully if 0 I get to go back to yearly testing. For anyone new on the forum I'm including my 5 year history since diagnosis. lewvino Age 59 / age at diagnosis 54, PSA 5.1 Robotic surgery…
Gleason 6: Active Surveillance or Surgery
In my opinion this discussion is well presented by "Snufy" Myers http://askdrmyers.wordpress.com/2014/04/09/gleason-6-active-surveillance-or-surgery/
In the dark
had a bout with lung and back of tounge cancer in 2011.In Jan. of this year DX with prostrate cancer 1 core @5% Gleason score 3-4 PSA TURP procedure done Jan.19 Bladder stones removed and prostrate shaved. No biopsy of bladder PEP scan and CT scans are clean with no sign of tumors or cancer.The cancer in prostrate is high…
Raising PSA after 1st Lupron Shot?
I apologize if I posted twice. Not sure how to post on this list... So I'm going to start with Here. I was diagnosed with PCa 1999, Baseline PSA 4.6, Surgery to remove prostate 7-15-99, Gleason 3+4=7. one year later salvage radiation. When my PSA started to slowly again eight years ago my oncologist that specializes in PCa…
Anyone been involved with the Block Center for Integrative Cancer Treatment??
Hi All, Hope you're all doing well. Has anyone tried the program at the Block Center? Or do you know of anyone that has? We are in Canada and considering coming down for a consultation. Any information would be much appreciated. Thanks so much. Kyla
Small cell prostatic cancer
After experiencing perineal pain in August 2012 and being treated eight months chiefly with antibiotics for prostatitis, I was finally biopsied March 2013 with both adeno (Gleason 9) and much rarer (<200 cases/year in the US) small cell prostatic cancers. I have subsequently undergone traditional cisplatin/etoposide…
Another newbie joins the ranks
Hello in there. I feel as though I'm walking into a meeting hall where people shuffle in one door, mingle for some time, and eventually leave at the other end. I'm 69 years old, otherwise healthy, recently diagnosed with Gleason 8, stage 1c and a recommendation for prompt surgical prostatectomy to 'nip it in the bud'. My…
New Here.... Hello....
Fathers Son here, My dad was just told his PSA was 30. In 2008 his PSA was 11 and did a biopsy with negative results. He never new he was suppose to follow up on anything. He does see his Doctor 3 times a year for blood work for his sugar. I don't know if the Doctor was watching this all along, or just caught it because of…
Treatment options for Gleason score 4+3
My friend had Gleason score 4+3 on 2 cores with 20% & 85% involvement and Perineural invasion. I would appreciate if you can advise whether it can be treated with robotics surgery or open surgery/radiation would be better as it showed Perineural invasion on his path report? His PSA was 6 - 8 within the last year. Thanks a…
planned maintenance for CSN this morning
Planned maintenance will be done on CSN this morning between 5:00 and 8:00 Eastern Time. There may be one or more outages during this time. We apologize for the inconvenience. Greta
Is there any help out there for ED and the single guy. Everything that i have read so far is the married guy with his wife or the gay guy with his partner. How about the single guy how does he get into a meaning relationship. Do you say buy the way when it comes to sex we may have a problem. Very hard to get an erection or…
Dietary patterns and prostate cancer risk study
Nutrient-based dietary patterns and prostate cancer risk: A case-control study from Italy - Abstract Published on 11 March 2014 PURPOSE: The role of various foods and nutrients, and their combinations, on prostate cancer risk remains largely undefined. We addressed therefore the issue of complex dietary patterns.…
Lupron Effectivity?
I was diagnosed with Prostate cancer in Dec. '09. I had 40 external beam radiation treatments and Lupron Depot shots for 2 years and then I stopped them. Two years later, PSA is back up and I restarted the Lupron shots last January. Urologist told me that they are normally only effective for 1-1/2 to 2 years and then the…
IMRT+ Brachytherapy vs. Proton Beam Therapy
It is decision time, and the only two choices to make the cut so far are the combination of IMRT (IGRT)+ Brachytherapy or Proton Beam Therapy (PBT). PBT looks so good and clean, and my insurance will cover it, but it is impossible to find more than one long-term cure rate study (which isn't that great) and long-term side…
Custom-Fit Treatments for Prostate Cancer
Need help with biopsy
Urolgist gave me some bad news, said removal of bladder and prostate needed to be done. REPORT of condition: INFILTRATIVE HIGH GRADE UROTHELIAL CARCINOMA.I have read this is a very common bladder cancer. At the age of 79 I question the outcome of this type of surgery.No C-T scans done as yet to determine the grade or…
casodex side effects
As previously posted my Doctor put me on casodex 50mg daily because I have a "recurrence" after IMRT. I was to try this medicine for one month and see if my PSA went down. After about a week of taking casodex I started terrible stomach pains, diahrea and nausea. So I have to stop taking it. It seems not only HT but now…
Best treatment for sparing nerves
Is robotic surgery the best hope for sparing nerves? Does radiation nuke the nerves along with the prostate?
new diagnosis
We are in the midst of deciding what direction to go. My husband (57) had a PSA of 4.6 with DRE showing non-smooth borders. With his biopsy 1/12 biopsies showed positive with a Gleason score of 7(3+4), 12% and 1/12 had HGPIN. The other 10 areas were B9. The urologist encourages DaVinci surgery and discourages any CT or MRI…
Xofigo vs Xtandi
My husband is one of the blessed ones with prostrate cancer. He is a retired Medical Doctor, 73 years old now, diagnosed with prostrate cancer in 1999. He opted for the removal of his prostrate, then had radiation. He was doing fine, he was doing everday things like mowing, fixing things around the house and etc. I am 63…
Cheaper, more aggressive prostate cancer treatment may also be riskier
Guys trying to chose between SBRT and IMRT may find the following study helpful: http://news.yale.edu/2014/03/10/cheaper-more-aggressive-prostate-cancer-treatment-may-also-be-riskier