blood in urine

The last two weeks i have had blood in my urine off and on. I am three years post divinci, and two years post radiation. I will have blood, then then it will be clear.


  • Beau2
    Beau2 Member Posts: 261
    Hey amccann,

    I've talked to other men who have reported blood in their urine sometime after radiation (SRT). I'd suggest you consider getting an appointment with your urologist as soon as possible and have them scope out the problem.
  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Beau2 said:

    Hey amccann,

    I've talked to other men who have reported blood in their urine sometime after radiation (SRT). I'd suggest you consider getting an appointment with your urologist as soon as possible and have them scope out the problem.

    It seems to be common to get short of stricture after radiation, and symptoms at a latter occasion. I had a mild stricture two years post RT at the urethra close to the bladder sphincter due to scar tissue. The passing urine may cause infection and traces of blood.
    I recommend you a cystoscopy to look for the cause.

  • guards
    guards Member Posts: 72

    It seems to be common to get short of stricture after radiation, and symptoms at a latter occasion. I had a mild stricture two years post RT at the urethra close to the bladder sphincter due to scar tissue. The passing urine may cause infection and traces of blood.
    I recommend you a cystoscopy to look for the cause.


    radiation and stricture
    Had similar problems the uro I had did the cystoscopy and surgey to open the stricture.
    Bad move according to my current uro radiation and surgery on the stricture are worst case.
    That was when ALL my post treatment problems started and just got worse. Get more than one opinion please.
  • 142
    142 Member Posts: 169
    blood in urine
    I was 18 months out from IGRT when I started having drops of blood in urine, especially after a BM. Had a cystoscope exam, which found large tracts of my urethra and bladder neck that had been burned by the RT (an expected, but unwanted, side effect). They were literally raw spots. Over time (10 months) that has improved.

    The cause was tissue damaged by RT which finally died off. It has healed, much like a cut.

    The best approach is to talk to your uro, and get it checked.
  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member
    Blood in Ejaculate & Urine

    My GF noticed that I was passing blood in my ejaculate this past weekend and I've noticed blood in my urine throughout the day today.  No evidence of this previuosly.  So it's new to me.

    Will ask my doc about getting a cystoscopy. 

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Blood in Urine; Worried again


    A cystoscopy may not be enough to determine the real cause of blood in semen because it does not get a picture through the whole path of semen (vas deference, seminal vesicle, prostate and the ejaculatory duct). In any case the test will help in checking for any scar tissue along the urethra which could be the cause for both; blood in urine and semen.

    With my libido back (HT off-drugs vacations’ period) I have been enjoying those lovely moments of erections and dry ejaculations, but after the last week’s action I had live blood in my urine. I am confused and cannot think of a probable cause because it cleaned up again. The IMRT of 2006 has caused scar tissue (verified in a previous cystoscopy) and sort of restriction that I treated at the occasion. I wonder if this newer occurrence is related to the commented late side effect of radiotherapy.

    Best wishes for continuing “smooth ride” in treatment outcome.


  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member

    Blood in Ejaculate & Urine

    My GF noticed that I was passing blood in my ejaculate this past weekend and I've noticed blood in my urine throughout the day today.  No evidence of this previuosly.  So it's new to me.

    Will ask my doc about getting a cystoscopy. 


    Some more blood passed today.  Mostly comes in morning, so it must build up overnight.  Mostly just "spotting" or a "spurt" which happens after most of the urine has been expelled.

    My RO referred me to a urologist to check for the source of the bleeding including a cystocopy of the urethra/bladder and an ultrasound or other test of the kidneys.  Hopefully, what ever is causing this will pass or can be delt with w/o any surgery.  We'll see . . .

  • bdhilton
    bdhilton Member Posts: 867 Member
    Get checked….I had a little

    Get checked….I had a little blood a couple of years ago and my doctor gave me a CT scan and scope…He said it could be cancer, kidney stones, etc…The CT showed “ nothing” and 2 days later I passed a kidney stone that looked like a 8 penny nail with the head and all….

    All the best

  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member

    Blood in Ejaculate & Urine

    My GF noticed that I was passing blood in my ejaculate this past weekend and I've noticed blood in my urine throughout the day today.  No evidence of this previuosly.  So it's new to me.

    Will ask my doc about getting a cystoscopy. 

    Further Update

    Scheduled for cytoscopy at UCSF on 3/27.  CT scan pending.

  • Retired 12
    Retired 12 Member Posts: 11

    Further Update

    Scheduled for cytoscopy at UCSF on 3/27.  CT scan pending.

    Blood in urine

    Swingshiftworker,  I started passing blood about 18 months after finishing 32 IMRT treatments. Uro thought it was constrictures, so a cysto was preformed. Constrictures were found and a surprise; Bladder cancer. 6 BCG treatments everything cleared up. I do cystos every 6 months next one scheduled the March 22. It's important to find out the cause of "passing blood". Please post the results after you get your cysto.

  • Retired 12
    Retired 12 Member Posts: 11

    Further Update

    Scheduled for cytoscopy at UCSF on 3/27.  CT scan pending.

    Blood in urine

    Swingshiftworker,  I started passing blood about 18 months after finishing 32 IMRT treatments. Uro thought it was constrictures, so a cysto was preformed. Constrictures were found and a surprise; Bladder cancer. 6 BCG treatments everything cleared up. I do cystos every 6 months next one scheduled the March 22. It's important to find out the cause of "passing blood". Please post the results after you get your cysto.

  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member

    Blood in urine

    Swingshiftworker,  I started passing blood about 18 months after finishing 32 IMRT treatments. Uro thought it was constrictures, so a cysto was preformed. Constrictures were found and a surprise; Bladder cancer. 6 BCG treatments everything cleared up. I do cystos every 6 months next one scheduled the March 22. It's important to find out the cause of "passing blood". Please post the results after you get your cysto.

    Possible Causes

    Yeah, bladder cancer was mentioned as a worst case possible cause of the bleeding.  Obviously, hope that's not the case but will deal w/it if it is.  Urianalysis done and everything comes up "normal."  Will hopefully find out what's up after the cytoscopy and CT scans.

    Maybe the scans will also help figure out why I have continuing urinary burning/urgency/frequency issues.  Would be nice to resolve those problems too. Think the burning problem may be related to the bleeding but urgency/frequency are probalby caused by something else.  At least I don't have incontinence issues which IMHO are much worse. 

    In any event, we'll hopefull know what's up sometime in the next week or so.

  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member

    Blood in urine

    Swingshiftworker,  I started passing blood about 18 months after finishing 32 IMRT treatments. Uro thought it was constrictures, so a cysto was preformed. Constrictures were found and a surprise; Bladder cancer. 6 BCG treatments everything cleared up. I do cystos every 6 months next one scheduled the March 22. It's important to find out the cause of "passing blood". Please post the results after you get your cysto.

    Negative CT/Cysto Results

    Well, I had my CT scan (of kidneys/bladder) and Cytoscopy (of urethra/bladder) today and nothing of any significance was found. 

    Negative for any bladder cancer or any malformations in the kidneys.  The scope found an enlarged prostate pushing on the bladder and irritated tissue in the urethra where it passes thru the prostate which is the likely site of the bleeding which I am still experiencing but, according to the attending urologist, the amount of bleeding that I am experiencing is relatively minor, which is most likely caused by the CK treatment over 2 years ago, and there's no effective treatment for it.  So, I just have to live w/it and hope that it goes away in a couple of months, which is "usually" how long this radiation side effect lasts.  So, nothing else can be done and no need to worry that there's some other medical problem that needs to be addressed.

    AlI that I have to show for this is a 4 panel print out of my bladder and prostate from inside my urethra that I can add to the picture of my larynx and one of my right rotator cuff that I received during previous assessments for different problems in the past. 

    OBTW, if anyone here ever gets a cystoscopy, while it is relatively painless, it is somewhat uncomfortable and, while useful, I found the whole idea of sitting in a chair, while a doctor is sticking a fiber camera up my penis and watching live cam video during the process, pretty bizzarre in retrospect. 

    But don't let that stop you from getting a cytoscopy if you need one; it's an amazing technology and the only one that will let the doctor "see" what's going on inside your urogenital tract. 




  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    bdhilton said:

    Get checked….I had a little

    Get checked….I had a little blood a couple of years ago and my doctor gave me a CT scan and scope…He said it could be cancer, kidney stones, etc…The CT showed “ nothing” and 2 days later I passed a kidney stone that looked like a 8 penny nail with the head and all….

    All the best

    Blood in Urine, my last experience

    I got a “clean” report from my GP regarding the live blood in my urine. The tests and image studies did not reveal anything. They examined the “track” including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra and even the testis. The conclusion by my GP is that the appearance of blood may have been due to trauma. She commented that it may have originated from the cavernous spaces in the penis after erection.

    How could such happen? I do not know but I am glad for the response.

    I hope that by enjoying these moments of libido I do not became an “invalid” in the sex department.



  • tonybuxton
    tonybuxton Member Posts: 88

    Blood in Urine, my last experience

    I got a “clean” report from my GP regarding the live blood in my urine. The tests and image studies did not reveal anything. They examined the “track” including the kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra and even the testis. The conclusion by my GP is that the appearance of blood may have been due to trauma. She commented that it may have originated from the cavernous spaces in the penis after erection.

    How could such happen? I do not know but I am glad for the response.

    I hope that by enjoying these moments of libido I do not became an “invalid” in the sex department.



    Blood in Urine

    Hi VG

    I had blood in my urine again last night but none the whole of to-day. I had another Urinalysis yesterday morning which still showed some white bood cells. (5-10) less than before(20-30).  Also had my PSA tested and it was up a lot in only two months!  From 0.82 to 2.34.  Could the slight infection casue such a large increase in my PSA?

    I had IMRT just over a year ago

    Best regards


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member

    Blood in Urine

    Hi VG

    I had blood in my urine again last night but none the whole of to-day. I had another Urinalysis yesterday morning which still showed some white bood cells. (5-10) less than before(20-30).  Also had my PSA tested and it was up a lot in only two months!  From 0.82 to 2.34.  Could the slight infection casue such a large increase in my PSA?

    I had IMRT just over a year ago

    Best regards


    Tony; Slight infection may cause "slight" increases of 2 points


    Infection at the prostate and/or urethra can cause higher PSA levels. The blood in the urine could be due to infection too. The best way to have a proper diagnosis regarding the cancer (recurrence) is to treat firstly the infection (if any) and get tested again. However, a sudden rise in guys with the gland is not usually related to cancer alone, it could be due to infection. Constant increases over a period is bad and of concern.

    In your case with the prostate in place, the increase of the PSA should be expected. Both prostatic cells (benign and cancerous) produce serum PSA. In a "clean" environment of unmasked PSA (your present situation) and free from infection or inflammation, and free from any prostatic manipulations (sex, etc), high values over 2.?? is usually related to cancer. Benign tissue produce small amounts of the "staff". You need to get things "straighten" firstly and then get tested before drawing any conclusion.

    Give time a chance to verify the cause of the increase. If recurrence is apparent I would suggest you to discuss with your doctor in trying controlling the advance with drugs that do not cause nasty effects of hypogonadism. For example, try Casodex together with Avodart but no agonists. That will keep your testosterone at normal levels and away from the nasty experiences you had before.

    Please note that I am not a doctor. I have a keen interest and enthusiasm in anything related to prostate cancer, which took me into researching and studying the matter since 2000 when I become a survivor and continuing patient.


    VGama  Wink

  • tonybuxton
    tonybuxton Member Posts: 88

    Tony; Slight infection may cause "slight" increases of 2 points


    Infection at the prostate and/or urethra can cause higher PSA levels. The blood in the urine could be due to infection too. The best way to have a proper diagnosis regarding the cancer (recurrence) is to treat firstly the infection (if any) and get tested again. However, a sudden rise in guys with the gland is not usually related to cancer alone, it could be due to infection. Constant increases over a period is bad and of concern.

    In your case with the prostate in place, the increase of the PSA should be expected. Both prostatic cells (benign and cancerous) produce serum PSA. In a "clean" environment of unmasked PSA (your present situation) and free from infection or inflammation, and free from any prostatic manipulations (sex, etc), high values over 2.?? is usually related to cancer. Benign tissue produce small amounts of the "staff". You need to get things "straighten" firstly and then get tested before drawing any conclusion.

    Give time a chance to verify the cause of the increase. If recurrence is apparent I would suggest you to discuss with your doctor in trying controlling the advance with drugs that do not cause nasty effects of hypogonadism. For example, try Casodex together with Avodart but no agonists. That will keep your testosterone at normal levels and away from the nasty experiences you had before.

    Please note that I am not a doctor. I have a keen interest and enthusiasm in anything related to prostate cancer, which took me into researching and studying the matter since 2000 when I become a survivor and continuing patient.


    VGama  Wink

    Blood in urine

    Thanks very much VG

    Unfortunately I forgot to tell my urologist that I was on Plavix and aspirin anti-platelets because I had heart surgery less than three months ago. (I had a stent put in my heart artery)

      I am a bit worried because I read on the internet that if there is any blood in the urine you must stop Plavix. But I dare not do this because I could have a heart attack. I hope the blood is from my IMRT and not caused by the Plavix. Of course if I am bleeding from the radiation perhaps the Plavix could make it worse.

    I have emailed my cardiplogist and I will see my urologist again to-morrow and also consult him about the rise in PSA.

    You seem to be doing well with your fight against cancer. I noted in a previous thread you live in the Algarve. I know it well. We had a lovely house right on the beach at Praia da Rocha, but when my father died my mother found the house too large and moved to Cavoiero.

    I miss the lovely fish especially '"espada"

    best regards





  • anot8910
    anot8910 Member Posts: 3
    Dont panic, panic make your

    Dont panic, panic make your condition worst, seek for a doctors help they are the one who is authorized to give you what do do on that condition, they can also undergo you for a series of test to check whether your condition is still in normal state. After that you should take the medicines that the doctor has prescribe you.

  • tonybuxton
    tonybuxton Member Posts: 88
    anot8910 said:

    Dont panic, panic make your

    Dont panic, panic make your condition worst, seek for a doctors help they are the one who is authorized to give you what do do on that condition, they can also undergo you for a series of test to check whether your condition is still in normal state. After that you should take the medicines that the doctor has prescribe you.

    My urologist assured me that

    My urologist assured me that blood in urine was a very common long term side effct of radiation and not to worry. He said that if it were the blood thinners causing bleeding there would be a lot more blood.

    Regarding PSA he said that 2.00 after 14 months  RADIATION  was normal. Tke regular PSA tests and if it rises to 4 than see him again.

    Any comments

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member

    My urologist assured me that

    My urologist assured me that blood in urine was a very common long term side effct of radiation and not to worry. He said that if it were the blood thinners causing bleeding there would be a lot more blood.

    Regarding PSA he said that 2.00 after 14 months  RADIATION  was normal. Tke regular PSA tests and if it rises to 4 than see him again.

    Any comments


    No Comments Tony.

    Continue the tests and act when and if recurrence is “declared”. Relax, give time a chance.
    Go and enjoy your trips in Indochina. May I recommend you a trip to Angkor Wat?

    You are most welcome to my place if you decide to cross the globe. I will treat you with the Sesimbra’s Peixe Espada of your memories. In turn you fulfil my nostalgic “taste” for the spicy Thai Red Snapper.

    Lets cross our fingers and hope for the best.


    VG  Cool