Long term prosatate cancer

Georgews Member Posts: 5

Gidday.  I was diagnosed at the age of 55 (in 2000) with PC and had a TURP done and radiation tratment.  PSA was about 18 at the time.  PSA then settled down to about 1 - 2 level until about 3 years ago.  Was having annual tests during most of this time.  PSA suddently started climbing rapidly and am now on Lucrin (hormone treatment).  PSA has dropped to virtually unreadable now.  I have 3 monthly tests and hormone injection.

Has anybody else out there been on or has any comments about the hormone treatment?  Apart from the side effects of impotency I have not had any to speak of.  Get tired and ratty for a couple of days after the injection is all.

How long do you stay on this?  I was told it would loast 4 - 5 years and loose its efficacy and they would need to try something else.  Has anybody had this experience?

Cheers all


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    HT effectiveness

    I do not agree with the period of HT effectiveness you comment above. There are PCa cases with guys controlling the cancer progress only using a series of hormonal manipulations. I know of a patient (Gleason 7) that is doing that since 1999. He is on intermittent androgen deprivation therapy, 2.5 years on/off drugs, using the PSA as his threshold to stop or restart the treatment.

    In this forum you can read about the many experiences of guys under ADT (HT), in similar situation as that of yours. Just scroll previous threads.

    Best wishes
