erectial dysfunction
Has anyone had any experience with the Boston Medical Group. I saw an add which states they can help anyone. I am 6 years post op and 1 year after reoccurance and radiation treatment. I had a little erection after surgery, but the radiation has taken that away. This group claims to have a 98% success rate. They use penial…
mood swings
Has anybody experienced mood swings after their surgery? I had a radical prostatectomy 8 weeks ago and my wife says that I have been very moody since the surgery. Sometimes I act like I'm in another world and other times I want to bite off the head of anyone in my way. This is not the way I am normally. If anyone has…
Cancer and meaning in life
Hello, I am a graduate student in psychology at Ohio State University and I would very much appreciate your help. I am studying how a cancer diagnosis leads people to re-evaluate meaning in their lives. Ive developed a brief, web-based survey of cancer and meaning in life. If you have had cancer, please take a few minutes…
I had RP on March 24. Its now 12 weeks and there is no sign of bladder control. When standing it drips. If I sit and then stand up, it gushes. I do Kegels three times a day - no help there. Any thoughts on how long this will go on? Any tips for getting it better? thanks
Seed Implant side-effects
A close friend of mine opted to have Radiation Seed Implants approximately a year and a half ago. Last year he began passing blood in his urine. The Doctor at that time indicated that it was not all that unusual and that it should diminish with time. However, it has steadily gotten worse. He now has to go to the ER weekly…
PSA after 40 radiation treatments
My husband just finished his 40th radiation treatment 2 weeks ago and just got the results of his PSA test after going thru the radiation. Before the radiation his PSA was 0.19 and now it is 0.17. Not much difference, however, his primary Doctor"s nurse said that the number was good and within the tolerance Zone. He has an…
VA Benefits for Prostate Cancer
Those of you who were in the Vietnam War, and have since come down with Prostate Cancer, should check into the VA for possible benefits. I am 61, was in Vietnam in my early 20's and was diagnosed with an early stage of Prostate Cancer at age 60 in May 2002. I had a radical prostatectomy in August and applied for VA…
RP Surgery 2 weeks ago......
I am 41 yrs. old (I know I'm too young!) and I'm recouperating from a successful surgery on May 1st. My psa prior to sugery was 8.6 and my biopsy revealed a Gleason of 3+3. My cancer was palpable, so my staging was T2a. My biopsy shows the cancer throughout the gland and a Gleason still at 3+3. My Dr. is concerned about…
Incontinence - Continued - Biofeedback
Thanks to all for their comments and advice. I have been back to the doctor and he has recommended biofeedback as a means to help regain bladder control. Has anyone had experience with this? Was it helpful?
Hi everyone! As a public service announcement I want to let you all know about the promising cancer treatment called Controlled Amino Acid Therapy (CAAT). I have been volunteering there for 3 years and have seen and heard of many patients responding. I have even answered the phone and spoken to oncologists requesting our…
I have been diagnosed with prostate cancer two years ago. Until a few months ago, I did not take any action outside of seeing the oncologist avery six months. However, a couple of months ago my psa was up to 16.2 and my oncologist thought that I should start radiation. In preperation for radiation in 30 days, I had hormone…
dad needs to make choice
My dad was recently diagnosed with Prostate cancer. His PSA is 6.8 and his Gleason is 6. He has been leaning toward doing the radiation treatments. Although not completly ruled out the "seeds" treatment. Would like to hear from others who could share their experience on these procedures. Thanks in advance for any…
Good News Today
The news has been full of all types of prostate cancer information the last couple of days. Funny how you never heard much about it until you have it! My husband is 3 months post op and doing extremely well. We had our first Doctors appt. on June 3 and being told that his Gleason was 7, not 6, he's stage was T3b, 40%…
Post RP
During the last 2 months this message room has not only been a learning experience it has been a comfort. My husband had surgery 3 weeks ago, with the pathologist report informing us that cancer had been detected in the margin. Today we received our first PSA test and prayers have been answered. The result was <0.1!! The…
Second opinion for follow-up post-surgery
How do we get a second opinion for follow-up treatment after radical prostetectemy? Have not received the post surgery lab report yet but doctor said it looks as though it was not contained. Would like a doctor at Hopkins to look at his case. Receptionist says they only take cases they performed the surgery on. But, they…
Unknown email
Some one emailed me, and I wasn;t aware I would receive emails. I'm new to this site. I hope the person who emailed me about sending me a book will see this message and contact me again. Thanks ever so much
Despite representations to the contrary, the effects of Lupron (4 months)are permanent -- impotence, weakness, shrinkage of testicles and penis, etc. Expect partial recovery at best from these side effects. Avoid Lupron if at all possible. More info to anyone interested.
Pelvic Bone/Bladder Involvement
Hello, My Dad is dealing with advanced prostate ca, which has invaded his pelvic bone and bladder. He has had one procedure to remove growth in bladder, and surgeon says he needs another ( last one was 2 months ago!). Also, his pelvic bone, is causing such pain. Dr has suggested time-released opiate medication. My Dad is…
Is anyone else being bombarded with spam advertising Viagra, other virility supplements and penis enlargement drugs? Perhaps it's just a coincidence but ever since I had my RP and joined this Discussion Group I have been receiving tons of the afore mentioned advertisements. Anyone else see a similar coincidence? Thanks,…
which treatment?
I'm 62, just diagnosed, but very low-level so far. Gleason 6, T2a, otherwise healthy and active. I'm torn between watching and waiting, or seed implants. I'd appreciate any word of experience, anybody who's had the seeds for some years, what you've undergone, level of satisfaction? also, has anybody my age decided on…
Prostate Cancer
I have been diagnosed with stage T1C prostate cancer with a Gleason score of 3+3. The cancer was in less the 5% of the biopsy. The Bone scan was negative. I am getting conflicting information as to what treatment to undergo. The surgeon recommends surgery, the radiation oncologist says radiation. The Bracheyherapy doctors…
surel nerve graft
I am 46 and I was diagnosed in Aug. 9, 2002 with a 15.9 my gleason was a 7 at pre op and an 8 post op it was just breaking through the gland when i had the RP. so far my p.s.a. has remained 0.01 yea!. I went to the University of MIchigan hospital at the time of my surgery they harvested a nerve from from my ankle and…
Erection difficulties post surgery
It has been 14 months since I had my prostate removed, my last 4 PSA tests have all come back 0.00 and of course that is excellent news. My problem, however, is since my surgery my sex drive has gone into overdrive but I can do absolutely nothing about it as I find it impossible to get even the slightest erection even…
2 weeks and waiting
My husband is 51 and diagnosed on 2-17-03. Surgery is scheduled for rad pros on 4-9. All his pre testing (bone scan, ct, pelvic, chest) have all been excellent. No evidence of any spreading. After reading several pages I wanted to thank you for enlightening me in several areas! But I would also like for some to explain the…
Squeamous cell tumor betw.anus and prostate radiated 2 yrs ago/living with side effects
Although my cancer was not specifically prostate, I'm told by docs that the radiation and chemo I received was same as for prostate cancer. I now live with the side effects which can sometimes be debilitating: 1) Wear partial guard pad in case of fecal accidents 2)off and on sexual performance 3) no more pubic hair, no…
My husband has just finished his 6th week of radiation treatments and has 2 more weeks to go -He goes every morning before going to work. He has to have a total of 40 treatments. (8 weeks).He comes home at noon and has lunch and falls asleep in the chair and at night he is so fatigued and tired out he goes right to sleep.…
How long to recover from radiation treatment
My husband underwent prostectomy last May, lupron shots started in June and every 4 months thereafter. Radiation Started Dec 2 and finished January 21. Has made excellent recovery from initial problems -diaharra (sp) incontentince etc. However, he is continung with problems sleeping,(restless legs). Was given Ambien but it…
Lupron Info, Please
Hello, My Dad is facing decions about further treatment. He has had a protectomy (7 mos. ago), radiation (8 weeks ago) and his PSA has been rising.It is 4.1 now, and said to be quite agressive cancer. Lupron or castration are options that are being recommended at this time. He is seeking information about these options,…
Lupron Injection Pain
Yesterday I received my first 4-month injection of Lupron while awaiting my May 14th scheduled brachytherapy, but I immediately experienced a lot of pain at the injection site. The urologist said this is due to the volume of fluid he injected. Has anyone else experienced this and how long did it last?
Do not crurise on Celebrity Cruise
I was finished with Radiaion beam therapy for Prostate cancer and planed a cruise to celebrate. After the ship set sail, I was declined service at Celebrity and rudely left to leave the Ships spa. I did not receive an apology for this poor service. I had letters from my US doctor and even the ship's docotor which provided…